New Freddy is boring as hell.

This whole concept of constantly falling asleep and having to wake up again, yeah. Played once, it was so monotonous and boring I dropped survivor again lol. Reminds me of the Legion thing, this persistent, repetitive concept of "mend/wake up" once, and again, and again and again...
The cool thing about the update is they reworked the Freddy map nicely, I like the new textures, but the rework itself while it had a good potential turned out agonishingly boring. As if survivor didn't feel dull enough at this point, Legion 2.0 is the ice on the cake I needed to actually, and for the first time in 3 years, wonder if I should uninstall this game. I do have 3.000 hours into it so I guess at this point I'm just bored of the general concept of this game, but still. I don't think the Freddy rework turned out to be so fun.
For me new Freddy is awesome, dont be rude xD
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I have never liked freddy, he always was annoying and boring for me the most his asleep world and this lalalalalalallalalalala terror radius this is the worst thing in this killer, after 1 min of listening this i want to suicide on hook.
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I read that as 3 hours since it has a period not a comma rofl
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??? Freddy is awesome right now?
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And facing old Freddy was fun?
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R.I.P this man's whole career.
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Well you aren't forced to wake up you just have a consequence of being more vulnerable to his power.
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Its way better than old Freddy.
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I liked the map, played two games in it and kind of enjoyed how it was reworked. Freddy not so much. I could easily 4k.
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"Having to wake up again".
Not on his base kit. Not really. Being awake makes it harder to see him... lol
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They've made Freedy too ridiculously O.P..
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You can't compare old Legion and reworked Freddy in the slightest. With Legion you could abuse his mechanics which was pretty pathetic, you couldn't and can't do that with Freddy.
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Even with numbers America likes to play different? Just why
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OP? How? O.o
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Maybe that is the idea ;-)
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Same thing happened with Legion =,=
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@Ember_Hunter a lot are now running small game lol
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The devs just can't win can they? Everyone constantly asks them to buff him and rework him, but when they do:
"He's boring!"
"I miss the old Freddy!"
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I loved the legion before is nerf -.- people forget, 4 surs to 1 killer
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Small game does work against Freddy?! :D
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@Ember_Hunter yes hence more people running it lol
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Why did you even quote me? I mentioned that I read that as 3 hours not 3000 simply because he put it as 3.000 not 3,000.
Never said I was from America either.
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Rofl, I can't believe how ignorant those countries using a period for thousands are. It's as if they had their own way of writing numbers, lolz.
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Does that imply that any kind of rework they released must be blindly accepted and taken without saying a word, just because they finally decided to rework a killer two years after it was released?
I do not think so.
Whenever they release a good rework, and not this, I'll be happy.
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Its almost as if your sarcasm is lost in you being a dick....oh wait that's real. Guess life is tough if one random internet post hurt your feelings lolz.
Either way I made a observation and mentioned it.
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Very differently. Against old Freddy you could hide from him and I've spent many games falling asleep only once or twice by simply crouching at the right moment due to the impaired vision fo the Dream World, or going around corners.
This is unavoidable and thus repetitive and boring. Kinda like the Legion mending thing.
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Yes, you.
I heard each country has their different separators for numbers.
It's also rumored there are countries that don't set English as their default language. But this I'm less inclined to believe.
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Wish they gave more incentive to wake up like a 10% base action speed debuff, would make it more threatening.
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@Remi1993 Not sure why I found your comment so cute LOL.
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So far, I haven't seen a good Freddy sadly... Today I'll see the hype, hopefully. They just don't use their snares or place them in places I'm probably not at? Even if they put their snares, I don't feel debilitated like I am from Clown (btw does anyone know if both snares and Clown's tonic are the same slow down amount?). I am begging for some sort of Freddy juiciness. Plus, I only saw like 4-5 Freddy's yesterday wth.
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You can disagree and speculate all you want. I’ve played plenty of Freddy at rank 1, hundreds of Freddies as survivor, and I’m devotion 6 with over 3.000 hours. So in terms of experience and been there done that you can hardly get better than that.
Spotting survivors in the dream world could be a ######### nightmare.
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@CustomerService stop wasting time trying to wake up. Power through the generators like you would against Legion or Plague.
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@Liruliniel You understand the only place in the world where officially commas are used for thousands is in the US right?
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Except the community seems pretty torn on this. Some are crying about it and some are fine with it. If you don't think it's a good rework, how about saying why you think think that way and how to fix it instead of crying to have him reverted to his worse state or whine about how you personally don't find him fun? Maybe then the devs will take this seriously.
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Dude learn to counter him. He's not op I won some games with 3 kills or lost sone games with only 1 killl
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Disagree. All time wasting killers like Legion and Freddy are annoying because it usually boils down too "Hold M1" and wait. New Freddy is incredibly exciting IMO because of his variety in kit and builds. There's a lot more too do with him now then before.
And I agree that the Springwood map rework is the best thing. Can't wait for all maps too be like it someday.
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he's been out for a day, chill with the "he's so op" thing till people learn how too counter him.
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Ok everyone that says he's boring is clearly new to this game or just likes to complain about every single thing that gets added. I'm starting to think you guys don't know what you really want to get added to the game. He's better now and he's more fun to play as and go against. Also
Learn to counter him. And git gud.
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Cry more novice, your tears are delicious.
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1000% agree dude
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Please don't necro two year old threads.
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The devs did the right thing by letting new Freddy play out see how he does. And know they know he needs to be changed. His power is easy to learn easiest in the game. And he has to do nothing to get his power. He has Clown's good anti-loop just drop a snare easy with no slowdown. A teleport that can make reaching a gen not possible for most except maybe Hillbilly, Oni, or Blight. Except Billy will be close to overheating, Oni could waste his power, and Blight will be out of tokens. He'll teleport Pop or Ruin and then shut down a loop with his snares.