New Freddy is boring as hell.

This whole concept of constantly falling asleep and having to wake up again, yeah. Played once, it was so monotonous and boring I dropped survivor again lol. Reminds me of the Legion thing, this persistent, repetitive concept of "mend/wake up" once, and again, and again and again...

The cool thing about the update is they reworked the Freddy map nicely, I like the new textures, but the rework itself while it had a good potential turned out agonishingly boring. As if survivor didn't feel dull enough at this point, Legion 2.0 is the ice on the cake I needed to actually, and for the first time in 3 years, wonder if I should uninstall this game. I do have 3.000 hours into it so I guess at this point I'm just bored of the general concept of this game, but still. I don't think the Freddy rework turned out to be so fun.
