Stop nerfing survivors

Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

Survivors role is already less appealing for customers.

30 mins long queues for killers.

Red ranks are empty...


  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I would love to see some more variety for survivors like a second objective. Survivor gets boring quick imo.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I personally like playing both roles but some people do hate survivor since it is pretty much the same thing over and over again.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    I've been playing survivor for 3 years and it has never lost the magic for me.Everything in this game is perfect besides the bugs, the fresh new killers who almost can't make it trough the first week and get nerfed because of low rank players complains, hitboxes and the balance which has gotten better overtime.But i do enjoy a great killer game as well!

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2019

    I don't think those are nerfs. I'm pretty sure it's just the game being the game. Though survivor does get boring for me after like 10 matches of it. It's be cool if they got other objectives for survivors to do that help towards their escape besides doing generators. Maybe having to find an exit gate lever and the 3 bulbs on it to open a exit gate instead of having it be automatically powered.

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  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    Survivors are empirically not being nerfed. They're still the actual power role, despite the influx of noobs.

    The biggest issue right now is that there's been a killer released, a killer rereleased, and.. nothing of importance on the survivor end, including Bill's release on console because his perks were already out. Average hype for new content is about a month - we've had nearly 4 months since the last survivor release. There's been nothing to draw people toward that side, and 2 PTBs and 2 releases to draw people towards killer.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    ohhh, do you play on ps4 by chance? cuz i once got 4kd by a non-blinking nurse, i wasnt a noob either and im very ashamed of both me and my team to this day

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    Yes. I got the game a few days after it became free on PS Plus. If the game you described was around that time, that was probably me.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I see this as well - each release is more improved ways to kill survivors or survivors having to deal with new wonky mechanics. Survivors get nothing really new besides...more nerfs to whatever means they have to defend themselves, and maybe perks, two of which are usually useless with the 3rd getting nerfed sometime in the next update.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Yes, in 2 or 3 new releases killers could kill us only with slaps.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    No way. Totems are usually quite easy to find because there are only a few spots where they could spawn. It rarely happens that there's a totem that stays hidden all game.

    And what do you expect? Killers should have more power, cause after all it's a 4v1, and with the right perk build you might still dominate the killer.

    Did you ever bother playing killer for a bit so that you'd actually understand their frustrations and see that they are definetly not as strong as you think they are right now?

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    Hmm., playing both sides at red ranks, and there are definitely instant lobbys, for survivors. Killer may take a while, but actually Freddy's rework is out, so I guess there are more people playing killer as usually.

    Useless perks from 'old days' are problem, at both sides. Just regarding monstrous shrine, the most stupid perk at the killer side.

    There are a few perks needing tweaks or changes.

    Endgame fixes the stupid hatch - standoffs, also has the killer the possibility to end the(lost) game, instead of having to wait for survivors to leave.

    Totems aren't that hard to find. If u have problems with finding them, I would recommend to watch a tutorial from "OhTofu", he made a really good one. Short, there's just one totem per tile, everytime at the same position. If there is none, proceed to the next tile.

    If the devs would just listen to killer base, Plague would still have her ptb speed while charging, nurse would not be looked at, and Enduring would still counter all stuns. I'm sure they are trying to balance the game for both sides, but regarding the mass of perks, Addon's, powers of the killers, maps and so on, this is quite difficult to balance.

    Also, for whom are u gonna balance the game? For the casual player, than the red ranks, or those who play quite efficiently, have an unbalanced game. Or u'r gonna balance for red ranks, but than everyone below will suffer.

    Camping & tunneling: agree, but sometimes its a tactical move, for example when one survivor is hooked and the exit gates are open. Leaving the proximity of the hook is just a stupid gameplay of the killer.

    If course are killers faster, it's a 1vs4. Just to think about it: one gen needs 80 seconds. Let's say, 100 seconds including running from one gem to the other. If only 2 survivors are doing gens, cause the other two were chased, hooked and unhook them, your game ends after 300 seconds, including opening the gates. Within this time, the killer has to chase you, hit u once, catch up after the sprintburst from the hit, hit u a second time, grap you and hook you, than searching the next survivors. Repeating this 12 times to kill everyone. Not much time for the killer... Especially, when u get bs maps like all farm maps, mount Ormond, or any huge map. Or blood lodge, with an insane amount of pallets, most of them unmindgameable.

    I would suggest, everyone should play both sides, so killers understand the annoying bs of being facecamped aso, and survivors would get a feeling of the stressy gameplay of a killer.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    This stinks of typical survivor entitlement, post title 'stop nerfing survivors", list things that aren't nerfs and does it around the time the devs announce they're making changes to the nurse

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    He didn’t list anything though. He was complaining about que times.

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