Nerf Freddy

Please nerf a little Freddy
Nope. BHVR, please ignore anyone who says this for at least two months.
Any and all data and complaints will be skewed before that time, due to inexperience and a preponderance of players with little intention of adapting to him.
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No way, 98% agree Freddy is almost perfect. Learn how to play against him and don't be one of the rank 20 losers.
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Git gud
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I agree, I think theres way too many dream pallets you can place, high key I feel thats a little too strong because I feel like im running the map most of the time trying to wake up or double check safe pallets.
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Then use bond or small game. Or windows of Opportunity, memorize where chases occur. If we have fun against him and not you, there must be something wrong.
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2017 called. It wants its survivor-meme back.
Post edited by Acromio on7 -
I swear if this thread causes the down fall of a good killer, I will jump out of the windows of Opportunity.
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Stealth play recommended against Freddy, Spine chill is a life saver.
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Hard to be stealthy when asleep though, due to you having a grey outline.
But yes, stealth is recommended.
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Yep, original Freddy, made a mistake hiding in a locker, never again XD
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That's why I mentioned the outline. You have to be extremely careful if you're going to try stealth, but being in a chase is also the last thing you want.
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Freddy is stupid easy for killers to play with ALL of his abilities. Why not just give him "Summon Survivor" too. He can just summon survivors to himself instead of having to be bothered with chasing anyone.
He has too many abilities. Nerf him.
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??? He is not overpowered at all?? People, he is fine, you can play against him fairly.
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He's fine, Freddy is beautiful and has the respect he deserves. Git gud and his Block addons need a buff.
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Nerf him? Why? He has good counter play, and is completely beatable. I don't see the problem with having a strong but balanced killer.
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At least you waited a day before complaining :/
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Record, but I prefer a month or so. People did for Legion, but Legion has been demolished.:/
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Yeah, they went a bit overboard with Legion. But, in my opinion this Legion is 10x better for the games health.
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For game health, I agree, but I hate no blood, useless power, and missing attacks for a stun :(
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I don't see the reasoning behind removing the blood and making his vault speed way slower, but I do see why they did the missed attacks fatigue. I am in favour of that, because it punishes the player for missing a swing like any other killer. But, it is much more harsh because of the fatigue time. I would like to see the swing penalty stay, but make his fatigue time shorter.
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What I propose to make Legion good:
-revert his freak frenzy speed and vault speed
-keep the 115 movement speed
-his power gauge is filled faster and no longer decreased by normal attacks
-his power should last long enough to be able to run most of the map
-missed attack consequences not sure of
-stun is 3 seconds again
-can see blood again in feral frenzy
-break action and locker check is faster in feral frenzy
-hitting all remaining survivors with power awards ability to down the mend time like before (still suffer misses attack consequences, so this is a skill based effort, gives pressure and multi stabbing I want)
-mending has skill checks
(Please don't nerf Freddy like Legion or at all, thank you :D)
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Don't worry they can't nerf Freddy that hard because then they would have to give him 120% m/s as an excuse for the nerf doesn't mean they won't nerf him a little bit though :P
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As long as no more than 1% people complain, we should be safe. Worried about Ghostface and Piggy though.
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Freddy is the perfect example of what weaker killers need to be now. He doesn't need a nerf. If anything, I'd buff the teleport to all gens even at endgame, so his teleport isn't completely useless there, and re-worked his crappy block add-ons. Those are POINTLESS!
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All c tier killers need buffs badly or red tiers will keep on seeing the trinity three and sometimes Myers, Huntress, Hag, and Ghostface.
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In few months if no "rank 20 losers" play this game now the game will be dead.
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Freddy is ok, the only thing I would change is:
- The Distance of Alarmclock, it's most of time toooo far away. Or a perk for the distance or Number of Clocks. Or a slower Counter for getting in Sleepmode
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Think of Metroid as a great example. At the beginning of most games in the series you start out with all your abilities which makes you feel powerful but is taken away through various means. Then, over the course of the game you get your abilities back and find new ones along the way.
You are not meant to start out any game at full power with full awareness of every aspect of its mechanics. Nor, how to work with or around each of them. That knowledge is gradually learned too.
@prayer_survivor Rank 20's have a job to do. Which is to learn how to play the game. Don't expect to win every or any game until then.
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@Kabu. The problem is that rank 20's survivors are the future players. If a new player die in 99% of games in 2 min. probably he won't play this game again. This game is dead is this happens.
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I was talking about the whiners that thinks the game is impossible after a few games and immediately goes for the "nerf the killers" button.
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@prayer_survivor Rank 20's have a job to do. Which is to learn how to play the game. Don't expect to win every or any game until then.
If it isn't that survivors thing then that's fine. They can move on.
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Tbh I'm still astounded. I've never thought people would want devs to nerf Freddy.
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Same :(
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He doesn't need a nerf just learn how to play against them maybe his dream pallets are not bad but they aren't that strong you just have too remember "was there a pallet?" or "did i used this pallet already?" he is stronger yes but not op.
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+1 learn from smart people like this guy
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I haven't gotten to play vs him as a result of being stuck at super low rank thanks to the pip update error bug that affects me as a survivor (mostly pigs, trappers and wraiths to bully in the white ranks) but I don't think hes OP overall; his ability to put down snares with no slow at all so he can super quickly shjut down whole areas when hes in a chase, from the perspective of playing him. Honestly, just half a second of being slowed a little bit would balance that out and probably not affect him too much overall.
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it's sad that already people are crying "he is too strong pls nerf" why can't they wait two months too know how to play against him ???
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Exactly :( People already apammed this against Ghostface and look what happened.
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Pallets get annoying after a while, and I can understand the frustration since you don't really have time to run around the map to see where every pallet is located, but saying they should nerf him already is a bit too far. Give people some time and then we will decide if he needs tweaks. But when people cry out for a nerf immediately, we get exactly what happened with original Freddy.
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It is funny to see a nerf post so early.. should wait a few more weeks and play more against Freddy before calling for a nerf.
Funny to see the Killer Main types dog piling you right away on the thread though. What a joke.
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You guys fell for the dumbest bait, lmao.
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^ Just wanted to write the same. Funny fact is that it seams to work almost every time XD
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Freddy is fun to go against now. I personally think that his huge ass lunge shut be nerfed so that he cant easily get a hit while being 10 feet away, but other than that, he is literally fineeee. his lunge isnt even that big of a deal.
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Devs kept it in for lore accuracy. :)
0 - I didnt see a lunge in that video? also, balancing should be prioritized over lore anytime. Especially if that "lore" can make a killer stronger than they should be (not saying freddy is really that strong, just saying that balancing should be put over lore, in any situation).
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Does anyone in this community understand when someone is joking?
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He's pretty fun to play against.
Learn how to play before complaining please.
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You're the vocal minority. And its obnoxious.
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How about noooooooo!!!!!!!!!. He's fine. Anyone that complains about him and says he needs a nerf just
Is bad at playing against him so no.
Learn to play against him and git gud:)
Good luck in your future games
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git gud