Holy Crap are killers more annoying than ever.

Meme Member Posts: 275

*Goes on first hook, gets camped until second hook, then until death. Are killer mains even trying at this point? Yeah I understand the mentality of there being certain situations where you must camp if gens are done or if your far behind. But what's with the mentality that you need to camp when not a single gen is done? Not surprised killer que times are long, who wants to play survivor at this point. Satisfied with the freddy rework, disappointed with baby killers.


  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    That's just how some killers play. Nothing you can do except hope that you get matched with a competent team.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    I wish we could play DbD in 2016, loop you to oblivion with old DS in the pocket and BNPs of my mates just to say at the end "Just down me."

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    edited July 2019

    Too bad it was nerfed, huh? Then again, so was Legion, so I can’t speak, lmao.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    No, I'm fine with that. I was just trying to show you how stupid your post was

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Survivors urgently need a new toy or their playerbase will start dropping

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    @DaS_only Understandable. :P

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    For the 50 billionth time:

    If you give me a reason to camp, I will take it to its fullest extent. Maybe don't sit 5 meters away from the hook and maybe I won't camp.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    I remember survivors defending pallet loops and infinites in 2016. "Just break the pallet", "just vault the window."

    I think it's about time you guys learn to just not get downed.

  • Justwantacreampie
    Justwantacreampie Member Posts: 19

    It's even worse when you solo q because the game is balanced around full SWF teams. But yeah like that 1 guy said, it's not fun or rewarding to play as survivor anymore when camping and noed are still a thing

  • Justwantacreampie
    Justwantacreampie Member Posts: 19

    Oh and lets not forget how stale the Same old objectives are after years of doing them over and over again.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    @Theluckyboi actually survivors need to get their act together. Survivors don't gen rush anymore on camping or care if they get unsafe unhooks, it's more important to try deny the killer a single kill then to work to actual survival. That doesn't even include how many will dc on hook rather then by time. Why bother hunting survivors when they make camping work so much.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    Yeah I just tried to play a session, not one escape due to what senzu mentioned:

    It’s either bad teammates who all go down together because the killer is camping the basement or a hook and suddenly it’s over even after ruin is gone, boosted killers who miss near every swing but tunnel you to death immediately off the hook regardless of other survivors trying to help and have NOED/blood warden etc. It’s just so demotivating. Especially after using such tactics (mostly tunneling) they tend to be toxic on top of it, holding you hostage and refusing to kill you if they want to farm bc other teammates were tunneled (won’t let you do gens but won’t hook you or let you bleed out), closing the hatch in your face after slugging for the 4K and waiting for the bleed out/EGC sacrifice, hit you on the hook repeatedly etc. I wouldn’t care as much if they didn’t gloat about It, is it really that hard for them to accept a win modestly? I kinda just wish matches that had a DC at any point just forfeit sometimes, especially when it’s 2 right at the start.

    Just makes this game so unappealing lately, I don’t mind losing to a good killer, I’ll often give them a gg even on console, but the general BM/boosted killers is really just getting to me sometimes. I honestly can’t wait to get back to red ranks, killers tend to play hard there but at least they can take a win with grace most times unlike this season with green/purple ranks.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Exacly, for all survivor complains against Nurse or something, "just mindgame","just juke". "just stealth", feelsgoodman, double standards

  • Vampy
    Vampy Member Posts: 67

    I only play killer.. and the endless teabagging and flashlight clicking has caused me to play as toxic as humanly possible every single game

    Face camping, Ruin/NOED, Tunneling immediately if someone manages to get off a hook, and spamming toxic doc builds so i can still get 60k+ bps per trial.. and since doc's shock power prevents unhooking pretty consistently .. holding steady between rank 8 to 4 depending on the day.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    So toxicity justifies toxicity? makes sense...and you wonder why those survivors are running instas etc every match after being tunneled/camped etc... what’s the point in just spreading it?

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Sure we can just keep saying stuff like this then and ignoring the problem. I knew I’d let get a reply like this, more sad than anything....Accept it as it is, and spread the toxicity because we can’t be mature and see it as a game that others are trying to enjoy too and need to stoop to their levels, sure.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I'm on your side mate, don't get me wrong. It's just how it is, people playing only one side keep having their own vision of justice/playstyle, but hey what do you want to do about that.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    I know and I agree/understand but there’s a difference, there’s playing dirty because others are playing dirty in the match, that I can at least understand, it’s an immediate retaliation or punishment for a behaviour I.e. getting rid of the toxic tbagger etc, however if people have a bad match and go in to the next one with the intention of trying to ruin the game for everyone that’s not okay especially if they have just fallen so deep into this mindset that they take it out on everyone, in every match.

    It doesn’t punish the person who first insulted, it punishes every other person who may just be trying to have fun after them and spreads the hate/toxicity. I just don’t get why it’s the immediate response. If I have a bad match on either side I just play the next match maybe change up my addons/perks to see if they work better etc, because it’s different people they don’t deserve to be camped or tbagged because the person is titled into toxicity, I also take a break if it’s getting too much, one can only handle so much salt😂. It shouldn’t just be okay to say this is just how it is, I hope I never become so disgruntled with this game I turn into the very thing I despise, it’s sad more than anything, I refuse to accept this as “normal” and I’ve been playing for over 2 years now.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Yesterday I had whole team running into basement for unhooks before I even had a chance to leave it. I know it is different situation but I bet they screamed "Camper". Yeah I should just leave so they can unhook and heal right?

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Toxicity breeds toxicity which is why a tend to take big breaks so i don't end up becoming like those i face. Punish all survivors or let them all get a free escape and you'll be rewarded with hate mail. I seen a few survivors posts that are "i got so fed up of being tunneled and camp i decided to play LF and just tunnel and camp every game."

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2019

    I dont play for rank or kills just BP. I chase people around as wraith hook everyone once and make a point of busting gens and pallets. I try to be nice and let them save each other because when im with my friends ik I wanna save them. As a killer main I run into loopers and butt dancers alot, but I usually just got the opposite way and grab their mates. I usually dont get a whole group being toxic. However people are sore losers on this game and will gladly get toxic even if you only get 1k. They cant take a win without Ez or cant lose without an essay about how I should be playing. On the note of tunneling tho if yall all wear the same stuff im not gunna take the time to pick between you on who gets hooked. If you play good im willing to let you go because I assume your rank means more than mine does to me. However if I just wreck you and your team im gunna kill you all. You probs need a lower ranked killer at that point so ima make you lose a rank but at least you will get a better match. I dont think anyone should play a certain way just make sure your connection is good and try not to be malicous with your wins.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    Honestly survivors really only make me upset when im the survivor. From teammates snitching me out, body blocking, unhooking me with the killer a step behind them, teasing the killer at the end when I just wanna see what loadout the killer ran, waiting at the hatch while I run and do gens alone until the killer finds me, messing up skill check after skill check, and holding me with a heal and then letting the killer knock me. As a killer I leave loops, can follow you on sound alone, and think you can shake that tushy like a champ. Its just easier to accept my enemy being a dork over my teammate lol.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited July 2019

    Camping at the beggining has its uses. It lets you determine if the group is an overly altruistic one or not, if they are smart and continue to do gens, or they swarm the hook, or they just stay there signaling you to leave (this last type of group is the funniest). Anyway it tends to hurt their morale when a survivor dies so quickly

    Post edited by RoKrueger on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I have only 2 times camp in hundrets of matches, but...

    Would I still playing today, I would camp in nearly every match.


    With every nerf that comes in for the killer I like to play, I would feel me more and more pressed into "despaired tactics".

    And I am not ashamed of having this mindset... Afterall, the survivors coming mainly with the nerf threads to killers up, not the killers shrugs his shoulders.


  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    here's the issue..

    90% of games as a killer is vs SWF and they finish the game in 3-4 min max.

    As a killer you have you go into each game assuming it's SWF and the ONLY counter you have is to hard camp any survivor you hook and mentain a 3 gen stack.

    SWF is killing the game, not only for killer players but also for solo survivor players.