Swf groups are unfair as #########

Kikki Member Posts: 536

Seriously I got together with a rank 3,8 and 10 there was a rank 14 too but as a rank 13th killer it is freaking unfair and frustrating! What I am supposed to do about that?! I am first time rank 13...


  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Seeing survivor ranks would be enough information to dodge some lobbys and avoid swf's with high ranks in there.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Then they should do swf groups as a seperate game mode.Like 8 survivors(swf),10 Gens and 2 killers(kwf) or nerf gen rush if you play on swf.

  • shmoul
    shmoul Member Posts: 97

    You really seem to want to bring nurse discussions everywhere for no reason whatsoever. Anyway, I'll use your logic: "BP for playing against a nurse doesn't mean jack when the whole experience is utterly unenjoyable. That is what a single killer can do"

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    SWF is a way to play with friends. And most people wouldn't even play this game for a long period of time. If it was a game of complete against a killer. Who is suppose to be better in all aspects. I think the best to best help with the rank system. Is to have survivors and killers that make a rank no able to go below a certain rank maybe by color sections. So red stayed red and so on. But getting rid of SWF is not the answer.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    They have a solution. It's called KYF but they all wanna play SWF and bully random, new killers... I know I'm gonna get cooked for this, but KYF should be the only option. That way, if you wanna just play with your friends, knock yourself out. I'm sure most of you have 5 or more friends on-line at a time, and you can be as toxic as you want in your OWN little groups, instead of ruining the game for newbies. The ranking system needs to be fixed too. Once you accumulate so many hours and experience, you shouldn't be able to de-rank beyond a certain point, and go back to playing with noobs. That's complete BS and is truly KILLING this game for any new player base.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @FredKrueger So if I want to play duo with my mate I have to play KYF? What happens if I want to take my GF in to play ? Am I allowed then? Or do I have to play 1v1 on KYF?

    Simple answer is it's there, it aint gonna change - if you can't stand the heat get out the kitchen and play somet else.

    Sick of people whining over stuff that won't change - if you don't like it ...QUIT

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Um, I'm not whining, I was simply commenting on OP's post. And really? I can see your post was obviously bait. How about giving a damn about the % of new players? I have sooo many friends that won't play this because of the BS rankings, the grind is absolutely terrible, and they don't enjoy the game because it's damn near impossible for them to win. I see I struck a SWF nerve already. Your honestly gonna tell me there's nothing wrong with that?

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @FredKrueger Sorry Fred, it was more aimed at the OP not yourself buddy

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    You cannot safe proof every game just for newer players coming in, every game has a skill ceiling, some are lower than others and I think to get moderately good at this game takes a bit of effort. I have many friends who won't play DBD either, in fact I have about 3-4 who do and sometimes we like to play together, me and my friend are actually pretty good and the others are incredibly bad - we play SWF and I agree it does have its benefits but I cant talk my mate into safety after being chased? We can communicate a lot of things but ultimately if you are up against good players its irrelevant as they will do these things without needing to communicate. Ultimately my point is - it' isn't gonna change so I think the whole debate is pointless.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Learn to play Nurse, kill every last one of them, every time.

    Nurse is justice. Nurse is righteous punishment. The only way is the Nurse way.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @George_Soros pretty much what you are saying is Git Gud?

    People do need time to bed into the game, especially newer players and I think the game does a good job of this personally. I do not feel SWF is as overpowered as some people complain about.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    @TeambossFloze although, I do agree that Solo survivors can do some of the similar things that a SWF can. The comparison between a 4-man swf and a 4-man solo team is quite different especially since the swf generally have coms. There is 1000x more coordination in a swf team than a solo team off that alone. You have to find the person injured as solo when in a swf it is a direct line.

    SWF essentially gets built in Kindred, Empathy, Bond, Alert, Dark Sense, OBO (Since when one sees the killer the others do too), Knowledge of pallets being used instead of being like 'Oh #########... I thought there was one here.' Almost instant knowledge of the location of the basement, Totem Counter and hex location tracker "Oh I got 2 totems and the hex is at the killer shack", "He is in a chase with me stay on gens... Oh he just left me." Generally speak as well when you swf you are not dealing with randos. These people you can rely on to do something during the match where as a rando might be a homegrown potato. You can coordinate adrenaline plays, saves, etc.

    I have suggested that if you are in a swf you simply should be allowed 3 perks max. If you bring in 4 perks one of them is randomly disabled per survivor. This does change the balance as maybe it removes an exhaustion perk from 2 of the survivors. It would end chases easier.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    This is why I think killers should be given an option to toggle what level of SWF they're willing to play with. They know what they're getting into, and they should be able to earn a blood point bonus as a reward for accepting greater difficulty. Because let's face it, the larger the SWF team, in general, the greater the difficulty.

    Here's an idea I posted on a different thread a while back in regards to the options killers should be able to choose from:

    • Solos: Normal Bloodpoints
    • SWF 2: +50% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen. (Possible to have 2 SWF teams of 2)
    • SWF 3: +75% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen.
    • SWF 4: +100% Bloodpoints to all categories, awarded post-game on match results screen.

    Your match will include your selected option OR LOWER. If you choose SWF 4, you may end up with SWF 2 and 2 solos, but you still earn the 100% bonus because you were willing to take an SWF 4. 

    If you lobby dodge, you will be limited to only playing Solos for 15 minutes. This makes sure people don’t choose SWF 4 and then shop around for easier groups. The 15 minute punishment does NOT apply if you leave a lobby after waiting 4 minutes without a complete roster.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Leave them to me brother

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Jdsgames I challenge you to play SWF with my team mates and see if you have the same opinion. I think your perk removal idea isn't a good one and don't like the sound of that one so much, it sounds generic and lazy but I think that this is just a common complaint from people who aren't very good at playing killer. Same as scrub survivors who complain about NOED - skill ceiling is higher than people realise - I just don't like how everyone is wanting to punish people who play together which is ultimately what you are all saying.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    I am down: I live in the EST timezone can do it anytime after 8:00pm. I will let you pick the map and killer: Huntress/Wraith/Nurse. However, my 'nerf' suggestion is to balance out coms and the free perks you do get. If you didn't have that communication it is just a better reliable solo group and I am fine with it. However, it doesn't work like that for most games. @TeambossFloze I kinda look at coms similar to a wallhack for a killer. Although, the killer would see your aura. A swf team knows the location of the killer as if they are seeing his aura. Which since this only affects swf groups I don't find it that big of a deal. You get to play with non-randos you can rely on and you can utilize coms. I don't think a bloodpoint incentive makes the gameplay as a killer any better.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259


    I agree that bloodpoint incentives won’t change the gameplay directly. However, with the toggle option I suggested, SWFs would only go against killers that are open to the challenge. In this sense, the killer will likely be more skilled to balance out the advantages of SWF. This should make the game more exciting for the survivors as well, as it likely gets boring to stomp so many killers who aren’t prepared or skilled enough to handle them. 

    On the same token, killers who decide to go for normal blood points and play only against solos will see a dramatic improvement in their gameplay experience. A yellow-rank killer doesn’t have to worry about 1 or more red-tank survivors being dragged into his match as part of an SWF group.

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  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    Although, I would never ######### about getting double my bloodpoints. My problem with this is it still doesn't resolve the power balance between 4 solo randoms and a group of friends. Think of this in a realistic situation. You are stranded on the island with 3 random people. Yes, you would help them for your own survival. However, what if it was you and 3 friends with walkie talkies it would make surviving on the island 100x easier. My suggestion considers the fact that they have built in perks and freebies with coms and simply gives them a slight handicap. It would not be game changing like 'Their progress speed is slowed by 25%' it is just one less additional perk they have considering the bounty of other ones. Which if they ran 3 perks or fewer consistently this would not affect them. I run perkless huntress at R1 so I don't feel what I am suggesting is pushing swf groups away. @yobuddd you also have to consider doing what you are asking would cause broken lobby times. Since you are cutting the killers and survivors into groups.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @TeambossFloze "I do not feel SWF is as overpowered as some people complain about."

    I happen to completely agree with this. A lot of players are not on comms, which means they may have the small advantage of discussing builds, but no more. IF they even bother with it. And even the ones on Discord or something have to be experienced and focused. Four potatoes on comms are still four potatoes. They'll do gens a little faster, since they know when someone else is being chased, but there's not much more they can do if they go down fast.

    So the prob may be more like "SWF team of good survivors". Which is kinda silly, no one will campaign against good players.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    People like to use the Depip Squad as an example for things and they also did games with 0 comms and still ruined the killers, which just proves that if survivors are good they'll beat you, I see no issue.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @SenzuDuck yup exactly. There are a lot more pressing issues than SWF. I hate survivors as much as the next killer, but this holy crusade against SWF, and especially lobby dodging is ridiculous and childish. Killer's a bit more frustrating still, but often more rewarding too. I hope devs know better and concentrate on bugs, specific killers, map issues and so on.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Yea, as soon as maps get a major overhaul a lot of it will be better.

    honestly survival is already below 50% across all ranks, what more do they want?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    We know. Dev's just don't care, because survivors are the playerbase they suck up too. Best you can do is check profiles before match and see if you can spot the swf, or go by names. If you do, dodge.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Take that information into account. If they are all in a group, they will probably be overly altruistic (they want all their friends to have fun). So punish them for that. Eliminate one of them ASAP. Camp and/or tunnel the less skilled one of them (most likely the one that equiped a toolbox). It should be easy since they are most likely to swarm the hook.

    Once one of them is gone at the beggining, you will notice that they will get less darying. Just keep on hunting and have fun.

    Equip a mori if you have one, that speeds things up.

    If you get 3 or 4 kills, leave the post game chat open and have a laugh. Bonus points if they start blaming themselves. I usually add "guys, guys! Please don't be like that, you all played poorly in my opinion"

  • cuppaccino_
    cuppaccino_ Member Posts: 3

    swf is okay, and yes, i do a four man swf or just three whenever i can. i generally stay near a rank 5-2, more oftenly found at rank 3 or 4 and my friends are usually rank 8 or 10, yet have a skillset like mine, very good but still really (oof) bad at the game. i think rank ones should play with up to rank 5, and rank 5 to rank 10, anything above like rank 11 to rank 15, and then rank 16 with 20. that would be better, even for newer people. if you've reached rank 1, you should only be able to depip to rank 5 or so to be honest, i hate seeing people derank so far and scree the game up for newer people.