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Is BBQ and Chili too OP?

To start off, I play killer and survivor, but I probably play killer more, so I’m not biased. I just feel like bbq and chili is too essential of a perk, and I see about almost every good killer will use it in their build. Even without the bloodpoint stacks, i think it would still be a really op perk that every killer would use. I main billy and every time I hook someone I usually always see someone with my bbq and am able to immediately start another chase. I think this perk has too much snowball potential after you get your first hook and gives you amazing information of where the survivors are consistently through the trial. I feel that nerfing it may change the meta a little bit. One nerf I had in mind was so that the survivor auras are only shown every time you hook someone for the first time. Similar to how you get 25% more bp every time you hook a survivor for the first time. thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Considering how many ways there are for survivors to deny the aura reading by BBQ, its hardly "OP". Hillbilly, the one you prefer, and other mobile killers like Nurse and Spirit (and sometimes Huntress) can make use of the aura reading but the rest?

  • Member Posts: 7

    Lol no offense taken. I have 4 p3 killers and p3 Claudette with max perks. Idk how many hours I have since I play console but it’s definitely somewhere around 1000. I definitely wouldn’t call myself a noobie since I’ve played since it came out on PS4. I’m a rank 1 billy main so idk if it’s different for other killers but bbq and chili is definitely essential for me and makes my games a lot easier and quicker. Plus the only things that can counter aura reading is just lockers and that 1 perk I can’t remember the name of?

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    edited July 2019

    @RyGuy0310 oh sorry then. And yeah if you play Billy, that's a little different story, you'll be on their ass in a heartbeat (although lockers and Distortion are still options). But then again, if a survivor is experienced, they'll know a Billy is exactly the killer who probably does have BBQ, and fast enough to be a threat from a distance, so they should hide. And then there are those truly skilled survivors who know even better: DON'T hide from BBQ, otherwise you encourage killer to camp.

    But anyway, like others said, Nurse and Billy can utilize BBQ to its maximum, and yet even then, I'd say there are much better perks. I'd love to see some other perks with similar farming potential, but different effect.

  • Member Posts: 626

    If you read the forums killers don't use B&C for the aura reading. And also they will tell you that you have thousands of counters. But if devs remove the aura reading you'll see rivers of tiers for months.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I play on console so I don’t know my hours played, but I’ve been playing ever since it came out on PS4. I have every character at least lvl 40 and have a p3 Claudette with all perks and 4 p3 killers. So I wouldn’t rly call myself a noobie. I still think it’s a rly good perk even if not on mobile killers cuz it gives great map information of survivors. And the only way to counter is by hiding in lockers or with the Jeff perk.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    You can hide behind gens or come closer to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I mean idk abt you but when a survivor hides behind a generator I’m still able to see the aura 80% of the time. And if a survivor is close to you then that means you have survivor location knowledge, thus helping you tell whether you should stay at hook or not.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    How do you tell if survivor is in the locker or hiding behind gen or close? That is right you can't. And you can hide behind a gen properly.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I use it for the points. As a hag main, the auras don't help me. What am I supposed to do, hope someone triggers my trap or 110% speed limp over there?

    But as many people already stated, there are tons of counters to this perk. I would be ok with them changing the aura reading to something else, just don't touch my points.

  • Member Posts: 7

    you know they changed it so that the survivor auras are slightly different from the generators now? And also survivors rarely go in lockers. And if they do they’re wasting time which helps you out. Anyway that’s besides the point, considering I always see at least 1 survivor aura from bbq 99% of the time

  • Member Posts: 5,923
  • Member Posts: 7

    I mean you can just watch other ppls streams and see for yourself

  • Member Posts: 858

    Killers: lol we only want BP, we don't even care about the auras

    Also killers: If I don't see any auras, I'm not leaving the hook

  • Member Posts: 5,923
  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I would argue Pig can as well. BBQ is more difficult to play around when you are trying to get an active Trap off.

  • Member Posts: 359

    Do you want killers to camp? Because bbq gives the incentive to find a new target instead of standing around the hook

  • Member Posts: 626

    Killers: If you don't want campers do gens

    Also killers: survivors gen rush

  • Member Posts: 5,923
  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Huntress is mostly good because of hatchets. I use BBQ&C, Discordance, Ruin, and Nurses

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Don't be silly. Survivor perks couldn't possibly be OP.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Barbeque and Chili used to be the top killer to me, but since I started using Premonition and Spine Chill, I get ready to run or hide :)

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    BBQ is balanced. It has a nice effect, but this effect has several counters. If it weren't for the bonus bloodpoints, I would use another tracking perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    For everyone saying you can hide your aura.

    This is true.

    Time and time again I’ve seen, “I didn’t see anyone on BBQ. They must be nearby, I need to stay close to the hook.”

    Then you have a killer staying too close for a save, if they’re saved then the Killer will *USUALLY* chase the injured one.

    The BP is fine, I guess. But the auras are a terrible design.

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    I don't think it is OP at all - is it good to use with Iron Maiden?

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: Not on it's own, and even then the effects are negligible. It's a good perk to have, but it isn't amazing. I will admit I use it on most of my killers, but the main reason is because the BP bonus is too much of a incentive.

    I already dislike camping, so a perk that promotes leaving the hook is nice to have when I know where to look. The perk has enough counterplay as it is, and only people who don't know how to counter it or who are absolute potatoes will be affected by it. So it's not op, but it certainly helps.

  • Member Posts: 862

    yeah, but they wont admit it

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    BBQ n Chili makes it VERY easy for a killer to find a survivor.

    I never used to use it because I liked to be able to find survivors without a tracking perk, but after using it for the first time I can see why people opt to use it. It saves you the time to go find a survivor, which is a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 313

    If you patrol the map you get a good idea of where things are going on anyway so I haven't used it for a while. Well until using the new fred yesterday and it was mostly because I didn't have other perks for him that'd I'd rather use and I needed BPs to get them. The gens I planned on teleporting to before bbq popped were usually good calls but it saved me from wasting time here and there. I feel like whispers serves the same purpose considering people aren't in the same spot by the time you get there most of the time anyway and Whispers works all game.

  • Member Posts: 626

    "BBQ promotes leaving the hook to find new survivors ". That's not true. If the kiler don't see you sometimes he wait near the hook. Also, if I want to be seen I can do a rush action, a fast vault or I can run towards the killer, but I do it when I want.

    "It has a clear requirement to use". Not true. Hook someone is not a requirement. If it were true, MoM has requirements too.

    "BBQ isn't even the best tracking perk". BBQ is by far the best perk in the game. No killer or survivor perk is half good than B&C.

  • Member Posts: 469

    Oh look another nerf BBQ/NOED post. :)

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    If there were no BP incentive, I would probably run Bitter Murmur or Rancor in place of it, or just rely more heavily on Discordance.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    BBQ is a pretty strong tracking perk, but it has multiple counters. You can hide in a locker, run Distortion, hide behind a gen aura, get within 40 meters of the Killer, or try to mindgame the Killer with the aura. It also discourages camping. If you're playing Survivor, would you rather have the Killer stay near the hook because they don't know where everyone else is at or have them leave and let you get saved because they saw where another Survivor is at?

  • Member Posts: 835

    BBQ was asked by survivors to stop camping. It can still create awkward situation if all survivors decide to hide their auras so killer has no incentive to leave hooked area or auras are shown at the other side of the map in rotten fields or red forest.

  • Member Posts: 381

    My wording clearly stated "promotes", not "guarantees", if you want to hide your aura so the killer stays by the hook then that's the price you pay rather than having someone actively distracting the killer. Another important thing to note is that if the killer camps then you can just hammer out generators with little to no risk involved at all.

    Secondly, hooking a survivor is a requirement for the perk to work because the only way to activate BBQ is to hook a survivor, there is absolutely no other way to get the perk to work. One other clear difference is that BBQ's requirement rewarded a killer for doing their job which is to hook and kill survivor, similarly to how adrenaline massively rewards survivors for completing their main objective. Old MoM had a requirement but it was unhealthy because it rewarded survivors for failing to escape the killer and had absolutely no counterplay for most killers.

    My last point is that you probably aren't that experienced with killer if you think BBQ is the best perk killers have by a long shot. It's a really good perk, but whispers, infectious fright and the enduring/spirit fury combo are way better in general in my personal opinion and in my own experience. Although, some perks that have good synergy with a killer's power can also be better than BBQ as well (think MYC or Corrupt Intervention on Hag, nurses calling on Huntress or PGTW & Thrilling Tremors combo on Freddy).

  • Member Posts: 78

    I think we have too many counters to it for it to be considered OP. Lockers hide auras, being within the range prevents it from revealing you, distortion (tho I don’t think you should have to run one perk to counter another specifically), not to mention the mind games if the killer does see your aura, such as backtracking, walking then running, predicting cutoffs, there’s just too much for you to do for it to be OP. Yes, I and many others run it mainly because of the bp, but it’s not useless either. Auras matter when survivors don’t take advantage of the counterplay, but even in the cases where the survivor is in an open field with a billy streaking down towards them, that’s not an unwinnable scenario and won’t happen every game. I get the concern and am glad it’s a discussion, but it’s not OP, at least not that I’ve seen.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Not OP at all. I play as if every killer has BBQ until I can justifiably say otherwise and I just go the opposite way of where I'm moving after 4 seconds

    I just wish survivors had more USEFUL perks that boosted bloodpoints. For example, I think We'll Make It and We're Gonna Live Forever should be combined into one perk. Double healing off the hook AND a bloodpoint boost for saving someone.

    That's just as fair (and that's being generous) as the benefits of BBQ that gives you a crap ton of info on top of the bloodpoint boost. (Who is far away, whether someone is close to justify camping, if someone is near your totem or digging in a chest making them an easy pre-occupied target).

  • Member Posts: 392

    well i actually don't think so, but it is good to farm points

  • Member Posts: 537

    Don't know if is too op or not, but as a main survivor player, i like the fact that bbq and chilli encourage killers to not camp, and that's good enough for me

  • Member Posts: 968

    In what way is this a post about someone complaining that BBQ is broken and needs to be nerfed. Cause I really can't tell if your joking or not.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Asap12200 The OP specifically asked for a nerf, even saying the word "Nerf".

  • Member Posts: 571

    Might as well say the perk monstrous shrine is op

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