Why not add Jason Voorhees

I mean Freddy, michael, and ghostface are a thing.so why not Jason?
Because of the on going court battle for the rights.
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- Jason currently has his own game
- Due to an ongoing legal battle, the rights to the Friday The 13th series in products outside of it are VERY difficult to obtain at this time
- While Hillbilly and Leatherface are exactly the same (due to Hillbilly being inspired by LF), it would be very odd to have Jason come in when he would just be a reskin of the Trapper. His ability might be different, but Trapper was HEAVILY inspired by Jason from what most of us can tell, so it wouldn’t really make sense, but...If Leatherface could be added then anything is possible, but with #1 and #2, it still seems unlikely at this time.
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Your #2 reason is the only real/good reason.
Jason having his own game doesn't change anything or his chance of being in dbd
And your Billy and Leatherface reason goes against him being to similar to Trapper. I mean Ghostface has Myers ability just slightly changed in areas.
They look similar okay can give you that, but that's about it. Especially if that got all the Jason from all his movies as a skins. Vastly different then
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The legal battle is no longer a thing, y'all.
Anyways, it would be a fortune for the license. Not happening.
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The court battle has been over for at least 6 months regarding Jason.
Dbd didn’t want to pay for Ghostface, but rather only the mask he used.
Imagine the cost of getting rights to the most notorious serial killer in movie history. Not gonna happen, behaviour won’t pay for him ever if I had to guess.
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6 months ago Victor Miller won then Horror Inc filed an appeal. Which Horror Inc won. As of June 9th, the battle between the two is still going.
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Wrong. Him having his own game means that the studio has the rights to him.
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Yes, there borrowing the F13/Jason rights but they don't own him.
Their a game studio not a film studio, that wouldn't even make sense for them to fully own the rights/license to him. Please do research first
Similarly to how mortal kombat, borrowed Jason in their last game.
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Jason is stuck in copyright hell, and he's gonna burn their for at least the next year, minimal. That's why there's no new Friday the 13th movies coming out, hence that's also the reason f13 game is stuck in development hell. There's some interesting fan made movies, but no actual big Hollywood version even planned. S. Cunningham is a true douchebag.
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Why add Jason Voorhees?
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I'd rather they have Jason's mom. Those survivors should've been watching Jason instead of butt dancing at the exit gates.