Possible way of "detoxifying" the community

We are all too familiar with the tactics of toxic players... For many of us, having thick skin and a sense of humor is enough of a defense but still does absolutely nothing but leave the person enduring the toxic behavior to either just take the abuse or retaliate. Either way it does absolutely nothing to deter, prevent or hold the toxic individual accountable whatsoever. And personal feelings amongst the community are only half of the issue in regards to what toxic behavior can result in if nothing is done about it. From a business standpoint, its costing the game developers real money! A toxic rep for the community deters possible new players, causes loyal players to lose interest and takes up time and resources from having staff look into reports made by players who've endured it via a flawed reporting system, and can ultimately be the demise of a game entirely! So, how can one come to a responsible and logical solution to not only properly address and reprimand those guilty of such behavior, but deter from the toxic mindset becoming too pronounced? First is identifying:
The core of the issue
There are several things that motivate a toxic player, but the security blanket for these individuals is stitched together by anonymity, depersonalization, and a sense of power over someone or something. Anonymity in hiding behind a screen name or player ID, and finding safety in knowing a face to face will never occur, and making them feel as if they are void of any real consequence. Depersonalization refers to how they can become a completely different person than they are in reality when they go online... (Most toxic players struggle with underlying behavioral issues that cause them to feel a need to be "noticed"... negativity brings more attention, attention to the negativity gives the negative aspect power). So after a day of going "unnoticed" they can go online and become someone that in one way or another will be noticed. It doesn't help when they find other toxic players that will feed one another's need for attention and validity by "stroking each others egos" when they share stories of their toxic endeavors amongst one another.
Ok so what can we actually do about it? this one ultimately lies in the hands of the game developers and their community leaders and forces us to ask the devs (and the devs to ask themselves): "do you support having your brand associated with a toxic reputation?" and more so, "do you support having a toxic environment be the one dedicated to your player base?" If the answer is "no", it needs to be proven by finding a real solution. Implementing this (or something like it) will help give the community proper means of handling the issue and provide them with knowing the devs care about the people who invest in their product. And before you apply the "that's public shaming" logic to this, ask yourself if it is publicly shaming people like sex offenders when their names and offenses are publicly displayed, or is it a useful way to make the public aware of those individuals so they can avoid any possible risk said offenders may pose?
With the 3 core factors making toxic players feel void of consequence being anonymity, depersonalization, and a sense of power, the course of action needs to bring attention to the "falseness" of the toxic individuals perception of these factors and holding them accountable for their actions... Proving there are consequences, this will also help deter others considering taking part in toxic behaviors.
Fist step is adding to the terms of service one must agree to use online features etc etc, they are aware that in cases of excessive toxicity (messages sent post game to other players, friend requesting as means to bypass the message system as means to send a "toxic" message, "trolling" on forums or other social platforms directly connected to the game etc.) Can be displayed amongst the community and publicly mentioned or referenced and their player ID used in doing so. This shifts the power from the toxic player to the "neutral gamer" and informs the community of the players who play with intent to distract from or disrupt the game being played. Players who see said person in a lobby can thereby exercise avoidance rather than be forced to endure the toxic behavior. Ofcorse the display will only be for a certain period of time, after which the persons player id and such will be taken down and will only reappear if said conduct continues to be a problem... If it is ongoing beyond that then it can constitute a permanent ban from the game and the community. Neutral players can submit screenshots or video clips of these encounters via a specified are of a forum that will not post until reviewed (as a fail safe measure to ensure the accounts of said conduct fall under what constitutes as misconduct) if it is a mild account of misconduct, an appropriate member of the dev team can use the player id referenced to contact that person individually and give a warning (without having to approve the reference thereof to be shared on the forum). After repeat offenses or in cases of severe incidents only then will they be posted publicly. Important to note that commenting in said specified area for such incidences will not be permitted for obvious reasons. This kind of system encourages a closer knit community and not only helps alert the community of players they may want to avoid but also shows people can and will be held accountable. This game is rated M for mature... With maturity comes self accountability and recognition of the fact that there are consequences for ones behavior. If the fact their poor behavior can be result in consequence and lead to having no one to play with bothers them, they need to move onto another game and let the "big kids" enjoy this one. My idea isn't perfect nor a set concept, more of a guideline or food for thought if you will. i don't think there's ever a way to completely eliminate toxicity but there are definitely ways to not only reduce how pronounced it is but also deter the behavior before it becomes a serious issue that costs everyone time, money and overall good experiences all around. Respectful behavior should be the encouraged and expected mindset amongst mature audiences (something I feel should be a no brainer but i wont go there). Criticism is always welcome, however keep in mind this isn't a set in stone idea and any attention pointing out possible oversights or criticisms made need to be done so in regards to that fact. Keep it respectful please 😁


  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2018
    1. What is toxic? There are players here that consider not saying GG to be toxic. Or waiting at the exit gate to be toxic. Or camping to be toxic.
    2. Who is the judge of this system?
    3. Only killers can dodge using a reputation system. Why should behavioral standards only be placed on survivor players?
    4. How will you address misuse of a reputation system?
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    A few things could be done to improve community behavior but i don't think a system like you propose is the best solution. A simpler approach would be ideal.

    In my opinion a few things that could be done to reduce the toxicity is
    1. Remove the post game chat and the ability to view steam names and profiles for both sides. Make the interactions between killers and survivors 100% anonymous and provide no avenue for the killer to communicate with the survivors and vice versa. Toxic survivors/killers cant target people if they cant see who they are and they cant be verbally abusive if there is no post game chat.
    2. Balance the game. Its no secret DBD is an unbalanced game. Broken perks, Terrible map balance, Unfair addons, etc Losing to bullshit crutches and horrifically unbalanced map design does not breed a healthy community. Alot of the maps need to be sorely reworked. Eliminate the potential for survivors to 1v1 good killers and remove overpowered tools at the killers disposal so that the killer cannot be bullied by poor map design and so that survivors also have a chance at survival. 5 blink nurse should not be a thing, etc.

    Just a few ideas but doing these would help alot.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    I actually talk via the postgame chat

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    This is not the place for your thesis of Wikipedia and google recycled sentances.
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650





    THere's not much we can do. The game brings a lot of intense moments and competitiveness feeling.

    1 side wants to get the hell out...

    1 side doesn't want anyone to get out...

    So it makes it interesting.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    I see your points, thanks for bringing them up! These are possible things that can be applied to the idea to make it more detailed etc.

    1. When I say "toxic" behavior, I'm referring to communication between two players, with the sole intent of the "toxic" individual being in attempts to harass (referring to individuals implementing a friend request to bypass the other person having messages blocked), repeated unwanted messages, or to threaten or verbally abuse (being things such as sexually explicit, racial slurs, and other well pronounced examples that justifiably constitute as being "verbally abusive") or other behavior that delves outside of what is commonly referred to as "salty" behavior. Hurt feelings are one thing, what I am referencing is a different matter. Same would apply to other official means through which the community interacts/ communicates with one another.

    2. A clear and specific checklist could possibly serve as what one is required to use as means of determining whether something constitutes as such behavior or not. It will not be open to possible personal interpretation of the individual put in charge of overseeing each claim and a copy of said checklist should accompany every confirmed account of such as means to clearly state the issue therein.

    3. Not sure what you mean by the statement made prior to the question you asked, but I'm hoping my assumption thereof is correct. The developers would need to implement proper means for players to be able to see the player id of everyone prior to the match (people with the online status set to "offline" don't show up in the "currently playing with" tab via quick menu and ofcorse the killer doesn't show up on the screen for those playing as survivor) a simple text box placed on screen displaying the names of everyone in the lobby would suffice so this could be possible.

    4. Misuse would typically only result from an overnight or bias intent from the individuals in charge of accurately applying the "checklist" i mentioned to each submission of supposed misconduct. If such an issue arises, it should result in immediate dismissal of the employee in cases of blatant bias and if found to be an oversight it will be corrected in a mannar appropriately relating to said oversight. A simple 3 check process could eliminate errors resulting from an oversight (checklist reviewed by 3 separate individuals). *also every player will be able to access and reference the same checklist so they can understand in advance what is and is not a justifiable report of said misconduct. If a person negligently or repeatedly attempts to submit unjustifiable claims (which can pose issues in promptly handling justified cases of) will then be contacted and be warned to also apply said checklist before submitting a claim.

    Like I said it's not a finished or concrete concept, its an idea to ponder. We as a community... Whether we are killer main, survivor main, or play both sides have the right to a just and affective solution to problems within our own community... The behavior of people within said community create the rep of the ENTIRE community, and for the people who truly enjoy this game its concerning to know that the toxic ones can effectively destroy the game by slowly dissolving the # of players needed to keep this game thriving ya know? Is my idea perfect, no lol but its something to consider when searching for some kind solution that can make a difference ya know?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    People who are toxic do not listen to reason. They don't care about anything except their own egos. The one thing they do listen to is a zero-tolerance policy that physically prevents them from being toxic.

    You want to get rid of toxicity? Take away chat rights of toxic players. Queue them up with their own kind. Ban them (permanently, if need be). In short, take away their toys until they behave.
    What you absolutely shouldn't do is justify it and excuse it, like so many people here do and probably will do in response to this comment.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @SadonicShadow said:
    A few things could be done to improve community behavior but i don't think a system like you propose is the best solution. A simpler approach would be ideal.

    In my opinion a few things that could be done to reduce the toxicity is
    1. Remove the post game chat and the ability to view steam names and profiles for both sides. Make the interactions between killers and survivors 100% anonymous and provide no avenue for the killer to communicate with the survivors and vice versa. Toxic survivors/killers cant target people if they cant see who they are and they cant be verbally abusive if there is no post game chat.
    2. Balance the game. Its no secret DBD is an unbalanced game. Broken perks, Terrible map balance, Unfair addons, etc Losing to bullshit crutches and horrifically unbalanced map design does not breed a healthy community. Alot of the maps need to be sorely reworked. Eliminate the potential for survivors to 1v1 good killers and remove overpowered tools at the killers disposal so that the killer cannot be bullied by poor map design and so that survivors also have a chance at survival. 5 blink nurse should not be a thing, etc.

    Just a few ideas but doing these would help alot.

    I get what your saying... My only issue with eliminating ways to see someone takes the benefit for those who don't partake in the conduct I mentioned from making new friends. I play killer and survivor and have made friends after a game whether I've won or lost that I still play with to this day. You should have to take away the good in a game from the players who conduct themselves in appropriation to the rating the game was given- M for mature. Taking away from the game experience for the neutral player base on behalf of those who are the source of the problem isn't an effective means imo. The rest of what you mentioned I agree with.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @mcNuggets said:
    I actually talk via the postgame chat

    • I considered the other platforms and came to the "screenshots of or video of" solution to have a way to 1) show the situation as it was instead of how it was perceived and 2) so all platforms had means of reporting in the same fashion.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Orion said:
    People who are toxic do not listen to reason. They don't care about anything except their own egos. The one thing they do listen to is a zero-tolerance policy that physically prevents them from being toxic.

    You want to get rid of toxicity? Take away chat rights of toxic players. Queue them up with their own kind. Ban them (permanently, if need be). What you absolutely shouldn't do is justify it and excuse it, like so many people here do and probably will do in response to this comment.

  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    best way to deal with toxicity is to monitor games and ban players

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Paddy4583 said:
    This is not the place for your thesis of Wikipedia and google recycled sentances.

    I agree... Which is precisely why I did not post a thesis based on material relating to what Google or Wikipedia contain in relation to the subject at hand.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    I would rather have anonymity between the Kille and survivors, a.k.a no usernames and only the name of the survivor they are playing as. I've been harassed so much as Killer so having it be both ways would be lovely.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @JammyJewels said:
    I would rather have anonymity between the Kille and survivors, a.k.a no usernames and only the name of the survivor they are playing as. I've been harassed so much as Killer so having it be both ways would be lovely.

    I can understand that... I get harassed playing as killer at least one out of every 3 games i play... As survivor I've only had it happen when I was learning to play survivor and is have someone that would harass me after the match. I personally have thick skin and not bothered when people harass me or attempt to sh1t talk... Its seeing what it does to the game and the mindset of the community that bothers me.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    It's Trump! D:

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    @JammyJewels said:
    I would rather have anonymity between the Kille and survivors, a.k.a no usernames and only the name of the survivor they are playing as. I've been harassed so much as Killer so having it be both ways would be lovely.

    I can understand that... I get harassed playing as killer at least one out of every 3 games i play... As survivor I've only had it happen when I was learning to play survivor and is have someone that would harass me after the match. I personally have thick skin and not bothered when people harass me or attempt to sh1t talk... Its seeing what it does to the game and the mindset of the community that bothers me.

    I've had a lot of problems caused by it, seeing as it's such a constant barrage. I've often found myself tearing up, having mood swings, twitches in my eye (which were related to stress). It's hard for those that take everything to heart. Like me. But I do try and take it with a grin. Currently trying to prestige Kate, Meg, Nea, Jake, Ace and Feng. I've only done P3 Claudette so far (with almost all perks, only need two more to go until they're all max rank) with Kate nearly at P2. Just trying to have fun... But with some people they suck fun up like it's Killer mains' tears.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Grey87 said:
    It's Trump! D:

    Damn, lmao... I know that was a jab but after the "wall of text" thing, your comment had me rolling. Well done 😸

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    People will always be toxic in games like this. And there's always the question of what is toxic? Should teabagging or whacking someone on the hook get you banned? I don't think there's a way to completely get rid of toxicity in this game without going overkill by policing it. There's some things you just have to put up with. Now, there is toxicity that is bannable, like hacking, but this isn't punished enough and could be fixed by implementing a better report system. In my opinion, the lack of action taken against this is what causes so much toxicity. People know they can get away with it.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Grey87 said:
    It's Trump! D:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    People will always be toxic in games like this. And there's always the question of what is toxic? Should teabagging or whacking someone on the hook get you banned? I don't think there's a way to completely get rid of toxicity in this game without going overkill by policing it. There's some things you just have to put up with. Now, there is toxicity that is bannable, like hacking, but this isn't punished enough and could be fixed by implementing a better report system. In my opinion, the lack of action taken against this is what causes so much toxicity. People know they can get away with it.

    I agree... The term "toxic" has become an umbrella term people toss around too often. No one should ever expect to go through life expecting to never get annoyed or offended in one way or another. That's life. I was just referring to what is truly abusive, not just irritating from the community aspect. As for hacking etc, that is something within the actual game itself that more attention and effort needs to be brought to and agreeably only adds to the already present "toxicity" overall.

  • Cypraz
    Cypraz Member Posts: 136

    Bottom line is this, there are no consequences for abuse and harassment hence why it's out of control. End of discussion.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:
    This is not the place for your thesis of Wikipedia and google recycled sentances.

    I agree... Which is precisely why I did not post a thesis based on material relating to what Google or Wikipedia contain in relation to the subject at hand.

    Theisis based material? Wouldn’t that be defined by the subject matter? 
    pretty much reads like an anna sarkeesian thesis to me.

    a wall of text telling people why other people are toxic, while not actually defining what your referring too, while throwing in some added recycled buzz words about internet anonymity and the bully’s are often bullied themselves blah blah.

    the simple way to remove what you later defined is remove chat from in game. Steam Xbox and PS4 have clear guidelines for communication that can be reported and costs the developers of this game nothing at all

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Theisis based material? Wouldn’t that be defined by the subject matter? 
    pretty much reads like an anna sarkeesian thesis to me.

    a wall of text telling people why other people are toxic, while not actually defining what your referring too, while throwing in some added recycled buzz words about internet anonymity and the bully’s are often bullied themselves blah blah.

    the simple way to remove what you later defined is remove chat from in game. Steam Xbox and PS4 have clear guidelines for communication that can be reported and costs the developers of this game nothing at all

    I clearly stated what the subject matter was and also specific in what I meant in regards to "what is considered toxic" Your inability to comprehend anything other than what was familiar to you from what you may have seen on Google and how any similar material correlated to my post was already suspected in your "thesis" comment... And has been proven in your last comment. I clearly stated that this was just an idea... One that I also stated was not to be taken as anything more. You also seemed to have missed the "respectful" memo as well.

    My response in regard to what you stated as a "simple solution" is that in doing that, it only removes features that add to the game experience... That punishes the innocent party rather than the guilty one. Which is why I proposed something different. But anyway, I appreciate your input regardless... Still not sure why my post triggered a negative response from you to begin with but i thank you for the part of your last comment that was indeed relevant to the subject. 😊

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Theisis based material? Wouldn’t that be defined by the subject matter? 
    pretty much reads like an anna sarkeesian thesis to me.

    a wall of text telling people why other people are toxic, while not actually defining what your referring too, while throwing in some added recycled buzz words about internet anonymity and the bully’s are often bullied themselves blah blah.

    the simple way to remove what you later defined is remove chat from in game. Steam Xbox and PS4 have clear guidelines for communication that can be reported and costs the developers of this game nothing at all

    I clearly stated what the subject matter was and also specific in what I meant in regards to "what is considered toxic" Your inability to comprehend anything other than what was familiar to you from what you may have seen on Google and how any similar material correlated to my post was already suspected in your "thesis" comment... And has been proven in your last comment. I clearly stated that this was just an idea... One that I also stated was not to be taken as anything more. You also seemed to have missed the "respectful" memo as well.

    My response in regard to what you stated as a "simple solution" is that in doing that, it only removes features that add to the game experience... That punishes the innocent party rather than the guilty one. Which is why I proposed something different. But anyway, I appreciate your input regardless... Still not sure why my post triggered a negative response from you to begin with but i thank you for the part of your last comment that was indeed relevant to the subject. 😊

    If it added to the game experience it should be accessible to all players of the game and it isn’t it purely a PC thing. It’s not needed at all nor does it add to the game.

    I found your post to be as toxic as the Behavior you want to stop, you have a condescending and superiority complex in the way you write, passive aggressive is the lowest from of toxicity as it’s pretending not to be, unlike the people who are just asses venting 
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:

    I found your post to be as toxic as the Behavior you want to stop, you have a condescending and superiority complex in the way you write, passive aggressive is the lowest from of toxicity as it’s pretending not to be, unlike the people who are just asses venting 

    So you perceive intellect & being well spoken as something toxic... Good to know. There's no point in continuing this with you, I said what I had to say and any further communication at this point is poinless seeing as your focus is more So directed at arguing rather than having a respectful and intellectual conversation.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018
    ShesArebel88 said:
    This text is a very boring text and I bet you will not manage to read the whole text since the only period in the text is the one that ends the whole text that is by the way so long and pointless that writing it is just as fun as the text becomes boring since it is so long and pointless and also quite boring since it does not happen a single thing the whole time it is going on which is very long so you will probably not even manage reading to this point which is somewhere halfway and yet you do incredibly as it is since you are reading these words in this long and boring text where nothing happens at all but you will probably stop reading soon as it is just too boring and long and pointless and I notice you are still reading my boring text and wonder how you can withstand it since it is so long and boring plus there is more fun things to do that I would prefer to do rather than reading this soulless text that is really damn boring and now even I am starting to get tired of it so now I am cutting it out.
    I rest my case.
    please believe me say no intellect was perceived in the reading of your unstructured sentances, or
    thw ideas contained within.

    You play PS4, there is no game chat any abuse has to be sent in a message to you. Sony has a strict policy when it comes to abusive messages and they have a way of reporting these people, they are flagged and have a series of soft and permanent bans. As does Xbox and so does steam.

    You are ignoring the fact that your freedom of consequence is purely In game chat for one platform,there is no reason DBD should invest money in more employees to monitor pre and post game chats, especially when you use cost as one of your negative outcomes of the fore mentioned toxic behaviour. 

    The thing to do is end in game chat all together and let the service provider of the chat handle the reports, which would be the only cause of communication if in game chat wasn’t a thing,

    (and yes I’m aware your using the argument of why take it away from those who don’t abuse it, but it’s controlled by the killer, so it’s not even a given that you will get a post game chat  opportunity anyway.)

    You know like your not set in stone idea that is actually a set in stone agreement and policy you adhere to using any of these providers. So your idea was merly saying you want DBD to have the same policies for one platform (as they can’t make policies for services that aren’t theirs) which is unnecessary.

    Id rather they spent money fixing the actual game play issues rather than writing policies to spank a few ######### for mouthing off in an end game
    chat because some people get offended.

    If anyone really took these threats and hate speach seriously they would go through the correct channels, not crying to DBD developers to ban them.

    More players will leave this game because of in game issues and bugs, not because of after game chats as ultimately the chat can be avoided in game and reported out of game, but game bugs and issues can not. 

    edit: I can remove the sentence spacing if it helps  anyone who likes a nice solid wall of text to read.
    also please note I made a comment you made the argument to it so don’t try and take any high road there, is rather deal with someone who knows and admits to being a troll, then a troll who try’s to deny and take the moral high ground.

    i often find well spoken intellectual poeole are
    often narssasistic and score higher on the psychopathy scale then their internet troll counterparts who just crave some
    attention they apparently are
    lacking in their real lives.

    Post edited by Paddy4583 on
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @ShesArebel88 said:
    We are all too familiar with the tactics of toxic players... For many of us, having thick skin and a sense of humor is enough of a defense but still does absolutely nothing but leave the person enduring the toxic behavior to either just take the abuse or retaliate. Either way it does absolutely nothing to deter, prevent or hold the toxic individual accountable whatsoever. And personal feelings amongst the community are only half of the issue in regards to what toxic behavior can result in if nothing is done about it. From a business standpoint, its costing the game developers real money! A toxic rep for the community deters possible new players, causes loyal players to lose interest and takes up time and resources from having staff look into reports made by players who've endured it via a flawed reporting system, and can ultimately be the demise of a game entirely! So, how can one come to a responsible and logical solution to not only properly address and reprimand those guilty of such behavior, but deter from the toxic mindset becoming too pronounced? First is identifying:
    The core of the issue
    There are several things that motivate a toxic player, but the security blanket for these individuals is stitched together by anonymity, depersonalization, and a sense of power over someone or something. Anonymity in hiding behind a screen name or player ID, and finding safety in knowing a face to face will never occur, and making them feel as if they are void of any real consequence. Depersonalization refers to how they can become a completely different person than they are in reality when they go online... (Most toxic players struggle with underlying behavioral issues that cause them to feel a need to be "noticed"... negativity brings more attention, attention to the negativity gives the negative aspect power). So after a day of going "unnoticed" they can go online and become someone that in one way or another will be noticed. It doesn't help when they find other toxic players that will feed one another's need for attention and validity by "stroking each others egos" when they share stories of their toxic endeavors amongst one another.
    Ok so what can we actually do about it? this one ultimately lies in the hands of the game developers and their community leaders and forces us to ask the devs (and the devs to ask themselves): "do you support having your brand associated with a toxic reputation?" and more so, "do you support having a toxic environment be the one dedicated to your player base?" If the answer is "no", it needs to be proven by finding a real solution. Implementing this (or something like it) will help give the community proper means of handling the issue and provide them with knowing the devs care about the people who invest in their product. And before you apply the "that's public shaming" logic to this, ask yourself if it is publicly shaming people like sex offenders when their names and offenses are publicly displayed, or is it a useful way to make the public aware of those individuals so they can avoid any possible risk said offenders may pose?
    With the 3 core factors making toxic players feel void of consequence being anonymity, depersonalization, and a sense of power, the course of action needs to bring attention to the "falseness" of the toxic individuals perception of these factors and holding them accountable for their actions... Proving there are consequences, this will also help deter others considering taking part in toxic behaviors.
    Fist step is adding to the terms of service one must agree to use online features etc etc, they are aware that in cases of excessive toxicity (messages sent post game to other players, friend requesting as means to bypass the message system as means to send a "toxic" message, "trolling" on forums or other social platforms directly connected to the game etc.) Can be displayed amongst the community and publicly mentioned or referenced and their player ID used in doing so. This shifts the power from the toxic player to the "neutral gamer" and informs the community of the players who play with intent to distract from or disrupt the game being played. Players who see said person in a lobby can thereby exercise avoidance rather than be forced to endure the toxic behavior. Ofcorse the display will only be for a certain period of time, after which the persons player id and such will be taken down and will only reappear if said conduct continues to be a problem... If it is ongoing beyond that then it can constitute a permanent ban from the game and the community. Neutral players can submit screenshots or video clips of these encounters via a specified are of a forum that will not post until reviewed (as a fail safe measure to ensure the accounts of said conduct fall under what constitutes as misconduct) if it is a mild account of misconduct, an appropriate member of the dev team can use the player id referenced to contact that person individually and give a warning (without having to approve the reference thereof to be shared on the forum). After repeat offenses or in cases of severe incidents only then will they be posted publicly. Important to note that commenting in said specified area for such incidences will not be permitted for obvious reasons. This kind of system encourages a closer knit community and not only helps alert the community of players they may want to avoid but also shows people can and will be held accountable. This game is rated M for mature... With maturity comes self accountability and recognition of the fact that there are consequences for ones behavior. If the fact their poor behavior can be result in consequence and lead to having no one to play with bothers them, they need to move onto another game and let the "big kids" enjoy this one. My idea isn't perfect nor a set concept, more of a guideline or food for thought if you will. i don't think there's ever a way to completely eliminate toxicity but there are definitely ways to not only reduce how pronounced it is but also deter the behavior before it becomes a serious issue that costs everyone time, money and overall good experiences all around. Respectful behavior should be the encouraged and expected mindset amongst mature audiences (something I feel should be a no brainer but i wont go there). Criticism is always welcome, however keep in mind this isn't a set in stone idea and any attention pointing out possible oversights or criticisms made need to be done so in regards to that fact. Keep it respectful please 😁

    tl:dr survivors should stop being toxic

  • Slaytanicus_1987
    Slaytanicus_1987 Member Posts: 11
    Paddy4583 said:
    ShesArebel88 said:
    This text is a very boring text and I bet you will not manage to read the whole text since the only period in the text is the one that ends the whole text that is by the way so long and pointless that writing it is just as fun as the text becomes boring since it is so long and pointless and also quite boring since it does not happen a single thing the whole time it is going on which is very long so you will probably not even manage reading to this point which is somewhere halfway and yet you do incredibly as it is since you are reading these words in this long and boring text where nothing happens at all but you will probably stop reading soon as it is just too boring and long and pointless and I notice you are still reading my boring text and wonder how you can withstand it since it is so long and boring plus there is more fun things to do that I would prefer to do rather than reading this soulless text that is really damn boring and now even I am starting to get tired of it so now I am cutting it out.
    I rest my case.
    please believe me say no intellect was perceived in the reading of your unstructured sentances, or
    thw ideas contained within.

    You play PS4, there is no game chat any abuse has to be sent in a message to you. Sony has a strict policy when it comes to abusive messages and they have a way of reporting these people, they are flagged and have a series of soft and permanent bans. As does Xbox and so does steam.

    You are ignoring the fact that your freedom of consequence is purely In game chat for one platform,there is no reason DBD should invest money in more employees to monitor pre and post game chats, especially when you use cost as one of your negative outcomes of the fore mentioned toxic behaviour. 

    The thing to do is end in game chat all together and let the service provider of the chat handle the reports, which would be the only cause of communication if in game chat wasn’t a thing,

    (and yes I’m aware your using the argument of why take it away from those who don’t abuse it, but it’s controlled by the killer, so it’s not even a given that you will get a post game chat  opportunity anyway.)

    You know like your not set in stone idea that is actually a set in stone agreement and policy you adhere to using any of these providers. So your idea was merly saying you want DBD to have the same policies for one platform (as they can’t make policies for services that aren’t theirs) which is unnecessary.

    Id rather they spent money fixing the actual game play issues rather than writing policies to spank a few ######### for mouthing off in an end game
    chat because some people get offended.

    If anyone really took these threats and hate speach seriously they would go through the correct channels, not crying to DBD developers to ban them.

    More players will leave this game because of in game issues and bugs, not because of after game chats as ultimately the chat can be avoided in game and reported out of game, but game bugs and issues can not. 

    edit: I can remove the sentence spacing if it helps  anyone who likes a nice solid wall of text to read.
    also please note I made a comment you made the argument to it so don’t try and take any high road there, is rather deal with someone who knows and admits to being a troll, then a troll who try’s to deny and take the moral high ground.

    i often find well spoken intellectual poeole are
    often narssasistic and score higher on the psychopathy scale then their internet troll counterparts who just crave some
    attention they apparently are
    lacking in their real lives.

    Here is a novel idea, agree to disagree and move on. Attacking someone you disagree with is #########. Move along and leave them alone. This is why I believe that publicly shaming the toxic players should be allowed. Gives more of a consequence to those that no one wants to play with anyway. Would go a long way to separating the toxic players from the rest. And would do more good than harm for the game.
     Unfortunately, since shaming seems to be a no no, which is beyond me, the next best thing would be for what @ShesArebel88 is calling for. Toxic players should have to deal with consequences for their actions.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    what toxicity?
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Lowbei said:
    what toxicity?

    Why do you keep following me around on here?

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    what toxicity?

    Why do you keep following me around on here?

    what? i posted my opinion on this thread. just because you are watching me like a fan, doesnt mean i notice you, no offense.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Lowbei said:

    @Lowbei said:
    what toxicity?

    Why do you keep following me around on here?

    what? i posted my opinion on this thread. just because you are watching me like a fan, doesnt mean i notice you, no offense.
    You're well aware of what you're doing... Just stop communicating with me. Simple as that.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Lowbei said:

    @Lowbei said:
    what toxicity?

    Why do you keep following me around on here?

    what? i posted my opinion on this thread. just because you are watching me like a fan, doesnt mean i notice you, no offense.
    You're well aware of what you're doing... Just stop communicating with me. Simple as that.
    LOL i posted my opinion in a thread and you quoted me. the irony here is hilarious.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Are you?
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    Paddy4583 said:
    ShesArebel88 said:
    This text is a very boring text and I bet you will not manage to read the whole text since the only period in the text is the one that ends the whole text that is by the way so long and pointless that writing it is just as fun as the text becomes boring since it is so long and pointless and also quite boring since it does not happen a single thing the whole time it is going on which is very long so you will probably not even manage reading to this point which is somewhere halfway and yet you do incredibly as it is since you are reading these words in this long and boring text where nothing happens at all but you will probably stop reading soon as it is just too boring and long and pointless and I notice you are still reading my boring text and wonder how you can withstand it since it is so long and boring plus there is more fun things to do that I would prefer to do rather than reading this soulless text that is really damn boring and now even I am starting to get tired of it so now I am cutting it out.
    I rest my case.
    please believe me say no intellect was perceived in the reading of your unstructured sentances, or
    thw ideas contained within.

    You play PS4, there is no game chat any abuse has to be sent in a message to you. Sony has a strict policy when it comes to abusive messages and they have a way of reporting these people, they are flagged and have a series of soft and permanent bans. As does Xbox and so does steam.

    You are ignoring the fact that your freedom of consequence is purely In game chat for one platform,there is no reason DBD should invest money in more employees to monitor pre and post game chats, especially when you use cost as one of your negative outcomes of the fore mentioned toxic behaviour. 

    The thing to do is end in game chat all together and let the service provider of the chat handle the reports, which would be the only cause of communication if in game chat wasn’t a thing,

    (and yes I’m aware your using the argument of why take it away from those who don’t abuse it, but it’s controlled by the killer, so it’s not even a given that you will get a post game chat  opportunity anyway.)

    You know like your not set in stone idea that is actually a set in stone agreement and policy you adhere to using any of these providers. So your idea was merly saying you want DBD to have the same policies for one platform (as they can’t make policies for services that aren’t theirs) which is unnecessary.

    Id rather they spent money fixing the actual game play issues rather than writing policies to spank a few ######### for mouthing off in an end game
    chat because some people get offended.

    If anyone really took these threats and hate speach seriously they would go through the correct channels, not crying to DBD developers to ban them.

    More players will leave this game because of in game issues and bugs, not because of after game chats as ultimately the chat can be avoided in game and reported out of game, but game bugs and issues can not. 

    edit: I can remove the sentence spacing if it helps  anyone who likes a nice solid wall of text to read.
    also please note I made a comment you made the argument to it so don’t try and take any high road there, is rather deal with someone who knows and admits to being a troll, then a troll who try’s to deny and take the moral high ground.

    i often find well spoken intellectual poeole are
    often narssasistic and score higher on the psychopathy scale then their internet troll counterparts who just crave some
    attention they apparently are
    lacking in their real lives.

    Here is a novel idea, agree to disagree and move on. Attacking someone you disagree with is #########. Move along and leave them alone. This is why I believe that publicly shaming the toxic players should be allowed. Gives more of a consequence to those that no one wants to play with anyway. Would go a long way to separating the toxic players from the rest. And would do more good than harm for the game.
     Unfortunately, since shaming seems to be a no no, which is beyond me, the next best thing would be for what @ShesArebel88 is calling for. Toxic players should have to deal with consequences for their actions.
    Most of what people call toxic just isn’t, and the majority of end game chat is just pointless venting that no one really cares about, the threats and isms are different but as I’ve said these already have consequences, there is nothing to resolve.
  • olibob06
    olibob06 Member Posts: 26
    Remove all perks, the end game chat, the hooks, the gens, the hatch, the exits, and make every map an open field. 😂
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @olibob06 said:
    Remove all perks, the end game chat, the hooks, the gens, the hatch, the exits, and make every map an open field. 😂

    😹😹😹 level the playing field

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Grey87 said:

    It's Trump! D:

    Small loan of a million Bloodpoints for respectful players. See he's not as bad as people say. Gg trump good idea rewarding good people. Toxic players are losers and always claim to be right #FakeNews your salt is made up toxic player.
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    If your going to quote or respond to someone's wall of text can you chop down the wall of text in your own message so we don't end up with walls of text of walls of text responded to walls of text pls :)

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    Let us block toxic players that is the solution.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JammyJewels said:
    I would rather have anonymity between the Kille and survivors, a.k.a no usernames and only the name of the survivor they are playing as. I've been harassed so much as Killer so having it be both ways would be lovely.

    Since you can change your name at any time, you can play completely anonymous if you want. If you are advertisting your own stream or sth like this, then dont blame the system for that

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Thumbs down and too many DC's causing them to go into a low prio bracket with other toxic players and they have to earn their way out (like in Dota2) - I just posted a thread on this btw I welcome your thoughts