

Fan-Made Chapter: Murky Depths

Member Posts: 164
edited August 2019 in Creations

Chapter Name: Murky Depths 

Killer IdeaThe Shadow

A dark killer, able to strike survivors stealthily and quickly using his power, Mist Stalker. 

His personal perks are Night Terror, Shift and Soul Crusher which make it more difficult for survivors to complete objectives whilst putting pressure on them.

PowerMist Stalker

The Entity has given The Shadow the ability to become one with the darkness. 

Pressing the Active Ability button will activate Mist Stalker. 

While Mist Stalkeris active:

•You will be completely invisible. 

•Survivors can’t be revealed to you and you can’t be revealed to survivors. (By Aura) 

•You will have no red stain.

•Your terror radius will be replaced with a beeping noise which will gradually get more intense the closer survivors are to you

During Mist Stalker, you can warp to any location on the map. Once you warp, your ability will be on cool-down for 120 seconds. 

*NOTE, once you warp, Mist Stalker will be on cool-down, not the warping ability. 

You can also hit survivors while Mist Stalker is active, but doing so will put you out of your ability and put Mist Stalker on a cool-down of 120 seconds. 


(Very Rare)

Soul Crusher: Your overwhelming power causes panic to survivors. For each survivor sacrificed, all remaining survivors gain a 5/10/15% decrease to all action speed.

(Very Rare) 

Shift: You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time someone who is not your obsession is hooked, gain a token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Each token will increase your movement speed by 2/3/4%. However, you will lose a token every time you hook your obsession. You will be unable to gain tokens after your obsession is killed or sacrificed. Only one obsession per match. 


Night Terror: When you hook a survivor, your terror radius will be reduced to 0m for 14/18/22 seconds and the any survivor(s) within 28m of you will have their aura revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds. 

I’m still working on it and I will continue to add more to it. Any criticism or comments are appreciated.

Post edited by BillyBoiMain on

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  • Member Posts: 96

    Mist Walker gives free first hit, unlimited teleportation, definitely overpowered. Would lower/remove speed bonus, increase beeping to normal terror radius, unlimited teleportation is to strong especially for that free first hit. Maybe once every minute?

    Soul Crusher is overpowered, comparing it to dying light, which has a 25% slower at most after you kill just the obsession, not easy to get but permanent. With this you can lose 25% for killing anyone and it keeps stacking. Thanatophobia has a similar effect but ends once they are dead or heals. This is a harder to get permanent option. Would recommend decreasing to 5% 10% 15%.

    Shift is also overpowered. Starting 25% faster is crazy. The obsession has little to encourage them to get the saves as they will be slowed down and not make any difference for themselves. Would recommend dropping amount of tokens to 3, NOT slow down the obsession, and punish the player for killing the obsession by taking away tokens. Really like the idea of this perk though.

    Night Terror is cool, only recommendation would be to have and area where you can't see the closest similar to barbecue and chili. Maybe just 20 meters? Still see the next closest though.

  • Member Posts: 164
  • Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2019

    Looks better already! Still would recommend a distance on Night Terror, maybe 20 metres?

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