A genuine desire - Reducing Toxicity

fly_172 Member Posts: 78

We all know what the title is about. Everybody, and I mean everybody, either believes in how toxic the dbd community is or knows of others who believe in how toxic the community is. It permeates every aspect of the game, from forums to gameplay to direct chats with players. I want to know how to make steps in the right direction, cause I’m not gonna lay down and accept that this is all we can be. I think the first step is admitting in everyone’s toxicity, survivor and killer. You can be mad at tunneling or mad at gen rushing, but sending threats over it? C’mon, that won’t fix the problem, only make it worse. Disagreements are good, they build things that are better than before, but rage quitting and bm-ing won’t help, and they don’t even make you feel better, even when you tell yourself it does. I wanted to ask everyone and anyone what their thoughts are on toxicity and how to make steps towards reducing it. I have no doubt there will be plenty of heat, instigating, and dismissal. But that’s the nature of the beast, and I hope we can change it.



  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I’ve heard that a lot, and think it should be considered as an option to remove it. I know that option already exists, but you have to manually do it each game I believe. That being said, I feel like it doesn’t get to the heart of the issue. I play on Xbox, where we have no post game chat. Instead, people directly message others via their profiles, and can argue for days. Even if you block them, there is still the issue of them reacting that way. I get there will always be some people like that, who play victim and want to pick fights, but the amount seems recklessly high and I feel as though there must be other things at play.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Well since there is gonna be voice coms toxicity will rise

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693
  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I get that, that’s the nature of being human, we deal with conflict. But we shouldn’t just sit back and say “well s**t happens”. There’s voice comms in almost every multiplayer game, and plenty of toxicity to go around, but a day playing dbd vs. a day playing most other online games, even popular ones with higher player bases, still has more hatemail and lack of respect for opponents in dbd. Why is that? There has to be some factor that’s different.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I think that’s a huge component that I couldn’t agree more with. I play both sides, and I have friends who only play one of either side, and talking to them feels like they’re both playing completely different games. I had a game where I 3k’d with no gens completed, and the dude that escaped with a key said I got carried by bbq (get this - he had 40+ days of playtime and no kills). I hear more ridiculous ideas from the survivor side but I think that’s just due to increased exposure. I’ve had killers who tell me (on console) that billy is the only viable killer at purple ranks and above just because they couldn’t play the other killers well enough. So he wanted all of them to be buffed to the heavens. I guess that’s the main component, in most other games everyone is using the same basic mechanics, and has that common ground. Here that isn’t there unless you play both sides (which you should) and no one seems to be able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Which then leaves the question how do you fix that, or better, can you even fix that? You can’t force people to play both sides, but you shouldn’t have to be worried about “does this person have basic empathy/investigative skills”. Too many people revolve into shouting at each other (boy is that a trend), even tho I have a friend who is kind to everyone and has like 500 Xbox friends because they treat people with respect and patience. Maybe the best we can do is to encourage each other to be reasonable through our actions and words. It won’t prevent the problems from occurring, but it will help stop them from devolving. This game is dope af, even with its flaws, and I’ve met too many good people/players to think that hatemail should be seen as part of the experience.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Honestly tho that sentiment is too true lol. I’ve had plenty of interactions where I felt more so bad for a person than mad. You can tell just by how they talk.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223



    Were you around during 360? 🤣🤣🤣

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Ohhh yeah, MW2 and halo were my childhood and I’ve been playing forever, even had time logged in on the OG Xbox 😎 that’s what I mean by I don’t expect it to stop by any means, I just don’t recollect getting personalized hatemail multiple times a day 😅 but maybe I was young and naive 😂

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2019

    Well personally I hunger over ruining someone else's game if I can't seem to get a kill whether that's face camping or dcing so.... until they put a 5 minute time out for dcing on both sides, I'm gonna keeping doing it. They also need to activate an automatic filter in endgame and pregame chat so you cant say bad words. This can still be bypassed but putting a space between each letter of your insult or by using an asterisk. But hey there's only so much you can do, and it's at least a step in the right direction.

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    A way to stop toxicity on console is to just implement a pregame and endgame chat with filters. If theres an easy option that has filter I think more people will use it than go and private message. But I'm not sure, if you're toxic you'll quickly find out about every filter and stop using the in game chat within the first week and will just continue your toxicity through private messaging like you did before.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794
    edited July 2019

    I think this is a very important subject to discuss. I have made some suggestions in the past that may help reduce the toxicity:

    • Filters in the post-game chat. Why this isn't implemented yet is beyond me.
    • Readily available rules about in-game communication. Why not use bots as Twitch does?
    • Temporary/permanent communication bans (i.e. you can play the game but not use the chat.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    If everybody would disable the chat or consequently report abusive messages so that these kind of people would get punished, then we wouldn't have such a problem with the chat/messages for a couple of years. So what is going wrong?

    Also, a related issue: Assuming in-game voice chat would come to the game, how could threats be reported? I hope voice chat won't come to DbD. It would make toxicity so much worse.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    You want to stop toxicity? Learn mind control.

    Once you realise you can't control others you can take steps to reduce it.

    1. Don't be toxic.

    2. If someone is nasty to you in chat a simple "you too GG" is enough (further satisfying if they're abusive in Russian because I've no idea what it says)

    3. If they really cross the line you can report it.

    4. If you must have a pop back be funny about it. Instead of "Fu camper noobz" try "woah, dude's more camp than a gay bar on Pride month"

    5. Let it go, it's some child. Be the grown up and just go to the next game

  • space_tits
    space_tits Member Posts: 3

    Why not just have presets for the end game chat? Like 5 options of what to say, either "good game" or "no fair", something along those lines. And no option to spam it either, maybe like you can choose 3 or whatever.

    What's all this about voice comms? That's cray.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Report, ignore, move on. That's how you deal with toxicity. Let the toxic ######### get themselves banned.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Survivors literally invented treating the other side as non-persons and inventing opinions that killers supposedly have and say is part of that. The fact you spout those survivor-memes about what killers supposedly say undermines any claim to fair-mindedness.

    Killers responding with the same low-standards are usually critical of those standards, but they're the standards survivors set and maintain. The penny still won't drop no matter how many times it gets explained though.

    Killers will stop telling the truth about survivors when survivors stop telling lies about us.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    Pretty simple solution to them using voice chat to be toxic to you

    The moment you hear someone start being toxic, just Play these they literally cannot overpower the audio with their whimpy vocal chords

    And if you want to be really, really brutal just play Episode One Naboo celebration at 0.25 speed at max volume. They'll dc immediately

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Regulating that chat doesnt change anything, cause the toxicity comes from the game. As long as killers are supposed to tunnel, camp and slug all they want, nothing will change. As well as tbaggs and flashlight clicking on the other side.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Hide the chat if you want, but don't get rid of it! I get half of my fun from the sore loser kids in that chat. Their rants and stupidity amuses me.

    Reduce toxicity? Never! I enjoy it!

    "Some men just want to watch the world burn". In Dead by Daylight I am one of those men :-)

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019

    If this game is staying on Steam.... or even if it doesn't.

    They could integrate the Steam blocked users into it, by preventing you from seeing chats from that person.

    I'm pretty sure though once you disable the chat it stays disabled until you re-enable it. That is what it was like in the past, unless it has been bugged out.

    I'm not sure where this idea about voip being put into the game is coming from. That whole "pushtotalk" mapping could have come from the engine or just from some test internally. Has any Dev come out stating they are looking into adding it? Everything I've heard them say so far has been them being against adding it in. Integrate VOIP would definitely put this in the bargain bin if they do. IMO

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    And this is literally what I mean. I make a post expressing things that have been said by both sides of the issue (and yes, the things I listed have been said if you read through the forums) and somehow my post has survivor bias and is all lies that survivor mains made up????

    Case in point why we can't agree on anything here

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Press the >> arrows. The chatbox will close and you'll never have to endure other people again. Remember to set your Steam Profile so that no one except friends can leave comments and NEVER accept friend requests following games in DbD.

    Since VOIP is coming.. toxicity is going to get even worse. I hope we can permanently shut that ######### off.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I get the frustration, I really do. I’ve had to block people before because they would continually message me for days spouting their arrogance. But we see more of the survivor toxicity because we have more exposure. Nothing that @RakimSockem said was false when it came to “survivor memes”, as evidenced by the fact that almost every statement he made is from a discussion posted on this very forum. They may not represent everyone, in fact I highly doubt it, but they are still seen. I understand why survivors can tick you off but fighting fire with fire here only burns the whole place down. You want survivors to be less toxic? You have to do the same, and be willing to recognize when you do so. Jerks will be jerks and none of us are gonna become these beacons of morality but the other side won’t stop til we stop too. It’s a cycle, and if we want to break it we have to be the change. Otherwise, we’ll all feel annoyed at every other match we play, which just isn’t healthy.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited July 2019

    Mute buttons exist

    Anyone that gains a victim complex from voice chats when a mute option is present is wanting to be a victim.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    People will always find a way to be toxic. Most humans are toxic imo. You can't fight it and win.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    You’re got a point lmao but I’m not trying to extinguish it, I’m just hoping we can reduce it. I’m not gonna lay down and say there’s no point in trying here, just like how I won’t condemn the human race because of their real toxicity either. We may not be able to stop all toxicity, that seems impossible and immoral tbh, but making steps to reduce the negativity can help out new and old players alike.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    I respect your devotion.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I agree that that should be the solution currently, but that fails to address the heart of the issue. We shouldn’t need to mute multiple people a day, or block people every week. While it is the best solution we can recommend to people rn, there should be some effort to reduce these problems before it reaches that point. Otherwise everyone just plays in their bubbles of safety, which isn’t good for the game or the players.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    As grand as it would be to see.

    The change you are asking for is like draining a sewer that has been overflowing and blocked for the past 3 years and new crap keeps getting tossed in.

    It's just not feasible and will take a long time if it ever happens.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Thank you, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows lol. But I know the potential is there. I know someone with over 500 friends added, and most of them are from the other side of whatever they were playing. It’s a mix of every rank, killer and survivor mains alike, but it shows what things could be. Should everyone be like that? God no but a little bit can go a long way.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    “The best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best time is right now”. I appreciate your analogy, it’s honestly pretty fitting. I’m not hoping for us to revolutionize the way the community interacts with itself, there will always be jerks and victim-criers. But there are so many more people than just those who get caught up and go along with that mentality without ever attempting to change it. Taking steps to improve these things will help the game live longer, not just because of longevity, but because of new and old players enjoying themselves more without ending so many matches in frustration. It will take time. And it will take some patience. But progress is progress and every bit counts.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited July 2019

    TBH though

    I think we just need like a, community/forum wide con(vent)ion

    Survivors and Killers alike, just say what grinds your gears.

    Those who already understand and generally don't act upon those feelings won't make much of a change, however the idea is always appreciated. But we are looking for those who do act upon how they feel and want to change or want to understand the other side.

    However, there will always be those that just try to incite toxicity and instigate it by trying to rile up others, because reasons I guess? And the best thing we can do is just not even give them the time of day. Hard as it might be.

    It could be as simple as a voting poll. With numerous annoyances.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I have been hearing 'killers think they deserve to 4k' for almost three years now and there has only ever been one case where someone who was a killer saying anything like that. That was a troll who was banned on the Steam forum.

    Every single other case of it is a survivor-main claiming killers say they deserve 4k, 'all the time'. They never produce an actual example though.

    The fact they keep that meme alive is what instantly dispels any notion that they are capable of being honest or fair.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    @Swiftblade131 Ayyyy now there’s an idea, I like it. We do have to try and expose each side to the other I totally agree. I play both sides, and recommend everyone do, but I know that forcing others to do that isn’t the right solution. I like that conference idea, you could get representatives (or a poll) and have moderators to try and help address all the issues. We all have common ground by playing this game, it’s just that we treat it like two separate games. It would obviously need to go through some tweaks, but in the meantime we can try it ourselves. I know I’ve played swf games where I’m trying to respectfully talk to the others about the other side of things. It’s important to recognize we’re on two sides of the same coin, and that tarnishing one side damages the wholeness thing.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The same goes for you. If you assert that 'killers think they deserve 4k' is an accurate representation of anything a killer has expressed, point to some examples.

    If you don't give the slightest care for basic truth, then any pretense to being anti-toxic is just that: a pretense, with no substance.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    There are plenty of trolls on here I agree, but I also run into people like that irl, not through a random game chat but through individuals I’m friends with and have discussions about these things with. However, allowing those flame-raisers we talk about here to represent the whole group leads to the same mentality of “camper/tunneler” that I know we both have grown tired of over the years. There are people that play survivor who genuinely care about killer balance, not to mention the people who play both sides like me. If someone reaches out a hand, we can’t smack it down because someone else slapped us with theirs.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    But I can tho. I know someone who mains billy at rank 10 and up because “no other killer is viable above that level”, and wants all killers to be at least as strong as billy or more (I play on console btw, that’s why nurse wasn’t involved in the argument). I’ve been told that nurse should have her add-ons buffed and that we should go to mori’s being used instantaneously without hooking people. Do they represent all killers? No way, they sure don’t represent me. But they exist. That doesn’t mean we should focus on them, but it does mean we need to dismiss a holier than thou opinion of ourselves when it comes to talking with other people, especially when they want to better everyone’s lives legitimately, not through unfair balance “fixes”. I’ve gotten into arguments defending killers before, I know what you mean about these false narratives, but devoting all our time to destroying those without building up better models won’t help us.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Do you have any examples of killers saying they 'deserve to 4k' or not? Not a week goes by without killers being beaten with this stick and it's an absolute lie.

    You said everything in RakimSockem's post was 'not false when it came to survivor-memes' and that 'almost every statement he made is from a discussion post on this forum'. I note the shifty qualifier; 'almost'. This was though your response to me and I had specifically singled-out the zombie-trope of 'killers measure everything by 4k' and it's variations which duplicate the meaning.

    To me, that whole thing read as not only perpetuating a lie, but lying about the lie.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Oh god, stop it. This doesn't even attempt to address the point.

    You can stop pretending now. This isn't a thread about reducing toxicity; it's about pushing a dishonest narrative.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I have no problem saying that I’ve never ran into a killer that directly stated “I should 4K every game”. Just like I’ve never ran into a survivor that stated “I should escape every game”. The almost was used for the two pallets and one window example that Rakim brought up, since he stated that he used it as an exaggeration. If you want to use the 4K example then you can go back to how I agree that no one has ever said that. I play more killer than survivor. I’ve played since it first came out on console and get to red rank almost every season. Killers have been beaten to a pulp by this game but its made improvements. Holding a grudge, as tempting as it is for us, can only hold us back. Feel free to go in on those who blatantly tell you killers have no reason to complain tho.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I actually don’t like talking about killer toxicity, it happens less than survivor toxicity and is more understandable. That being said, recognizing that it exists is important, but aside from the pure fact that it happens sometimes I don’t like speaking about it because it’s not as big an issue.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I'm not talking about someone directly stating or using the literal same words: I'm talking about 'killers deserve to 4k' being projected onto killers in different guises, as if it were a view that has ever been expressed by more than a handful of non-notable people over 3 years.

    If we compare, then survivors haven't literally said by the same standard 'I should escape every game', but they have in fact argued it to that effect and do so almost every single day. When ever the issue of hook-camping is brought up, their response to being reminded that the counter is do the gens the let the hooked person die is: but what about the guy on the hook?

    This counter has a 75% win-rate on-paper, the chance of not being the guy who dies on the hook. That isn't good enough, so what is? They literally do want every single survivor to escape every game; a non-perfect win is never a win. This is where I think the meme about 'killers think they deserve 4k' comes from: it's survivors projecting their own basic AF mindset.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636
  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I hear that. Killers get a bad rap, especially since a lot of what we do is predicated on what the survivors in a match do. Can’t call me a camper when you’re trying to loop me AT the hook. Not to mention even if the same percentage of killers were toxic as percentage of survivors (which it’s not) it would still mean more survivors cause more problems. I just know that if we label every survivor as one of the ones that want a free escape, then all we do is hurt ourselves by reinforcing that opinion of us being unreasonable that we have tried so long to get rid of since it’s untrue.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Only 60%? I appreciate the skepticism lol. The problem with narrowing down discussion topics on forums like this is that it removes the flexibility of a persons opinions and views. For example, do I think NOED should be nerfed? No. The fact that is has such clear cut counters and can be destroyed before even being used should tell you it’s not OP. Therefore, I main killer because bla bla bla. Conversely, I don’t run NOED, I think it gives me too much of an advantage if I played poorly that match. Therefore I’m a survivor main bla bla bla. When you force narratives on to people, like the 4K killer has been forced on to us, it removes the possibility of them holding other beliefs and changing opinions. So, you admitted that there were a few outliers of killers that are unreasonable, that’s all I’m saying. We’re almost on the same page. The reason why it has to be brought up, even though it’s not as big an issue, is because demanding things of others without at least acknowledging something wrong on your end doesn’t help us improve a situation. Only worsen it.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    We are not even remotely close to being on the same page. I think people who say 'killers think they deserve to 4k' are telling a lie, knowingly or not. Despite reading and re-reading, I have no idea what you think on this.

    But if you can't adopt a clear position on an unambigious question of truth, you aren't interested in the truth.