I can't stand Freddys lullaby anymore.

Can we make it less annoying? It's already boring af to go against Freddy all the time, but the lullaby is probably more annoying. Normal terrorradius heartbeat please, I can't stand this anymore.
Just wake you up and you will hear the heartbeat.
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What is wrong with the lullaby? I like it.
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If you DC when you hear a Lullaby, then maybe you are the problem.
Post edited by ceridwen309 on12 -
His Lullaby is one of the reasons for why you should wake up. So wake up constantly if it mind you so much, you have plenty of ways.
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Here we go again, survivors always cry about Freddy.
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The lullaby is supposed to be one of the incentives to wake up.
The lullaby is supposed to be unnerving and give you less information. It's part of his power. You can always wake up if you dislike it, there are plenty of ways to wake up vs Freddy.
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I like the Lullaby, it fits into the sleeping theme and adds to the unpredictability of where freddy is coming (if he's coming for you at all).
If i can ask, which part of it do you dislike? The volume? Or the fact that it loops endlessly? Or just the lullaby itself?
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I think the volume is a tad bit quiet and it's sometimes hard to tell if Freddy is nearby as I can't hear the lullaby clearly.
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I can understand this... When I first started playing, Id have huntress's humming stuck in my head for hours after Id finish a match with her.
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That's almost the exact point of it, it's gives you another reason why you should wake up.
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The endless looping. I got chased by a Freddy for 4 gens, I could have done the 5 gen run but I just had to stop and let him down and hook me to stop the lullaby. I really couldn't take it. The volume isn't the issue, and the lullaby itself it's not the issue (Huntress lullaby for example is fine for me, I like it). It's probably the very short loop making me crazy.
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It'd be nice if the lulluby was louder outside of chase and lowered while in a chase (the singing with chase music play at the same time as odd as that is). It's hard to hear it at times when working on gens
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Apparently missing a skill check or interacting with a clock is too hard for this guy.
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Give it time buddy. In a few months people won't be choosing Freddy so much.
It would be a much better lullaby if little girls where singing "one, two Freddys coming for you. three, four better lock the door. five, six grab your crucifix. Seven, eight gonna stay up late. nine, ten never sleep again."
I don't even think the devs would need permission for that. Just hire some Children to sing, and alter the treble to tone down the high pitched singing voices children usually have. Throw in some low key auto-tune and You've got a new lullaby. Maybe the sound of a playground in the background. The devs could even just let their family sing it.
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Imagine u get chased for 4 gens. But reading all of my post is to hard for you.
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You committed to the chase, deal with the consequences.
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I thought the point was that you couldn't tell how close Freddy was, not if he is within 32m from you. The lullaby is constant and that constant is low, only reason I've even realized Freddy was coming for me is because of Spine Chill.
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@Chickenchaser Im pretty sure theyd have to get permission to use the lyrics. The words themselves could be under copyright.
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I'm glad that people find the lullaby unbearable. More power to Freddy
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Thanks for explaining. I can see where you're coming from... It's a short lullaby so it loops a lot and i can see it could get annoying after a while.
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I have the same problem with the Huntress as well, I find it stays in my head and carries into the next match where I think I can still hear it - then I end up getting slapped by a Wraith or something!
Right now, there's naturally a lot of Freddy's playing after the rework, so it's to be expected that we see them a lot. I'm hoping that once that settles down I won't find the lullaby to be quite so distracting in a chase etc.
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I propose replacing the lullaby with authentic Austrian Yodel.
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Maybe "I Want It That Way" by The Backstreet Boys
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As survivor I committed to the chase? Geeg, I'm speechless here. I thought I heard everything in this Community but okay
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That would be beyond cruel.
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One, two, Freddy's coming for you
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, grab your crucifix
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late
Nine, ten, never sleep again.
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Except you hear the chase music over it during chases. Lol.
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the point of the lullaby is, that you do not know weather the killer is. the heartbeat gets more intense and adds some intense music, the closer you are to the killer, the lullaby doesnt.
its ment for freddy to be able to sneak up on you with you being unaware of how close he actually is, so he can get an early first hit on sleeping survivors outside chases.
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By the way, I had really low expectations for how confusing the lullaby would be, but the devs did an amazing job.
Many survivors got confused while playing against me as Freddy and it made it a lot easier to hit them while they're asleep.
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Yep. You could’ve attempted to lose him or get him on another survivor if you really really have an issue with the lullaby. It’s 4V1. Use that.