New Chapter/Killer/Survivor/Map (WIP)

HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

Hello my name is hashtagyeetguy but you can just call me yeet. I have been working on a whole killer chapter Alcatraz. The killer in the Alcatraz is obviously called the prisoner I have no backstory yet but I will work on it. My friend HashtagWhiteGuy or bryan (which will get full credit on the visual design and artistic talent) will be making some concept art for this killer. I really love this because I think dbd needed or should have I my biased opinion a prisoner character. Now his perks are a work in progress but I have one down and potentially is a hex perk or a normal one call "Thrill of the chase" this will activate when within a chase of a survivor the killer becomes hungry for blood and fills him with energy he can break pallets AND vault windows faster by 10%-30% depending on tier. The main weapon is a metal cutting file. the killers power is called "Riot" once the killer is in a chase for long enough his riot meter fills. Once it gets to tier 3 the prisoner will go in a fit of rage and cut himself and his speed becomes faster and he can endure things better (riot depletes overtime) that is all I have for the killer like I said it is still a WIP but I thought of two offerings number one is "Broken Bars" rare offering that moderately increases the chances of being sent to the Alcatraz prison and a very rare offering called "Wardens key" very rare offering that tremendously increases the chance of being sent to Alcatraz Prison. This is all I have for now and I will keep you updated I really hope this can work it has a solid foundation right now we just have to flesh things out. Thanks for reading and remember stay calm and yeet on.


  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    please comment what you think I can take constructive criticism and please show love and support if you like this idea

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28
    edited June 2019

    Update: new perk idea called "solitary" or "confinement" the amount of time you spent in solitary fills you with fatigue speed decreases by 4-8% the survivors hit with this equipped suffer considerably-tremendously and 50-100% bloodpoints earned in the hunting category.

    with the text "You withered away there, now its their turn"- The Entity

    also text for the perk "riot" is "Prisoner gets a feeling of power from pain its weird to understand but that monster, he loves it like he misses it.- Wardens Log.

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Update: the more pallets dropped on the prisoner the faster and more "riot" will deplete.

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Sorry for the wait I am still waiting on the concept art for the killer and I will try to work on the survivor perks

  • Tosh_Raka
    Tosh_Raka Member Posts: 2

    I need a funny outfit for ghost face he needs the stoner mask

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    that would be awesome

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is a great idea! I like the perk Hex: Thrill of Chase because in my opinion it can combo with Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, Enduring or Brutal Strength.

    I like the Killer's power, but how long does it take to power it up to get it to tier 3? Like every 30 seconds is 1 tier.

    I like the map offering Warden's Key. Also the map location. How's the map going to be? A only inside map,a 2 story, a combination of a prison yard and inside?

    The second perk needs a cooldown or the status speed reduction might need a timer on the survivor affected so its not strong on new players or casuals.

    I am looking forward to the lore of The Prisoner and the Survivor. 😀

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Elk this is great I did not even think of some of these things you are really helping out and the map will be decided

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    an idea for the survivor counter part yeet

    this survivor is a prison guard who served in many prisons giving absolute knowledge on how the killers think and move

    survivor name: George Sampson.

    age: ??

    occupation: prison guard

    journal entry: as i wonder in this desolate place constantly seeing new terror i come by a man who looks like he has seen anything and everything at least twice, he has the face of a man who knows that true terror can't be stopped, only endured-Benedict baker

    backstory: as a man who worked hard as a prison to keep the crazies off the street and locked up far away from society, George Sampson has seen it all at least once, maybe even twice. From the normal robbers and small time criminals to murderers and pedophiles and anything in between. George developed a sorta sixth sense when dealing with the many insane individuals the were locked away during his years of service.

    last sightings: during a prison break where many tried to escape to freedom, George had stopped a few before he was over run by the sheer numbers and was tied up and locked in the guard barracks with the other guards the managed to overpower. one prisoner who was convicted of arson had a serious fascination with fire and unfortunately he was one of the people putting the guards in the barracks as the next guard was tied thrown in George noticed that the prisoner had gasoline and a zippo, as the prisoners we dunking the guards in gas and lighting them on fire, George closed his eyes. after he close them he noticed that the sounds had changed...the screams and the sound chaos were gone only the sound of a clicking of a camp fire and the sounds of the woods around him. he dusted himself off and went into the night.

    perks: the mind of madness, unwavering conviction, and do your time

    mind of madness: when the killer is in 10, 12, 14 meters of you, your aura is reviled to the killer, when your aura is reviled to the killer you gain the exposed debuff for 15 seconds and you gain 10% speed boost every 2 seconds for as long as you are the killer's terror radius (max 50%). if you get hit your speed is returned to normal

    "i know how their minds work...i spent many years working with the blood lust around me"- George Sampson

    unwavering conviction: when being chased by the killer every 10 seconds the auras of pallets, windows, and lockers are reviled to you for 2 seconds.

    "the will to survive of this man is something else entirely" -unknown

    do your time: when you stun a killer with a pallet your aura is reveled to the killer and you gain the exposed status effect for 2 minutes and your speed increases by 50% (max 100%). the killer becomes enraged breaking pallets, vaulting threw windows, breaking generators 100% faster (max 100%). killers speed is also increased by 100% (max 100%)

    "the killers will become enraged at the site of this man who would lock them up and throw away the key"- unknown

    this was a lot of fun to write...tell me what you guys think

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    a105 I completely love this I was gonna have the survivor be a warden because of the whole detective tap thing but I like yours too and I think when George gets locked up in the room it should be dark and cold and as hes sitting in there fog starts surrounding him and sounds of the souls trapped there guide him then he notices his binds are gone and fallows the fog to a light only to reveal a single small campfire lighting up a forest around him

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    i figured a guard would have more knowledge of how the killers think because i thought up the perks first because with the perks being made to make you get right in the face of the killer

    and what you said also works with him being in the room. it's your chapter man offer your own opinion on it and change it as you see fit

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    my idea for the trailer would start out with the guard doing his rounds with a little swinging his keys around his finger while whistling then it also cuts to the prisoner cutting the bars very fast almost with a panic type way with the file aka his weapon then it cuts back to the guard and his whistling starts to slow and then it shows the bars cut hen cuts to his face with a terrified expression showing the killer behind him and the killer smiles then it cuts to black with a scream although its a little similar to the spirits release trailer I still like it and hope it will be what it is

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is a cool idea for the killer's trailer, very cool.😄 However, this is a very important question. What tune or song is the guard whistling to?

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Good question I was thinking about it and im still not sure but I think the song "I've been working on the railroads" might be a fit.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    it would have to be some twisted version of railroads

    also an idea for a part of the killers backstory could be that he was convicted wrongly making it so he craved the freedom he deserved so bad that he did end up doing wrong

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    welp after hard work and time I finally came up with a name and backstory for the prisoner.

    Jack Hudson aka the prisoner

    Story line: Although for hs height Jack was always a normal person and the nicest to his colleagues. But he was never known outside of his work so he was always suspicious. One day Jack met a girl that he loved named Kacie Bronen as they were having a date in kacie’s apartment Jack had asked to use the restroom. Jack heard a scream so he got up and ran, but he was too late blood was on the walls and kacie on the floor. The next day reports of kacie’s where abouts started coming in, but Jack didn’t want to say anything about it hurt him so bad just to think about it. Jacks coworkers told the police that they saw Jack with Kacie so they decided to investigate. The police tracked fingerprints around the house that belonged to Jack but when he tried to explain what happened the police didn’t believe him. Falsely accused and sent to prison with a life sentence of 30 years Jack was hungry for freedom and would do anything to get it. Jack started a riot on the prison as the guards were distracted he made his escape with a handcrafted file. Jack killed two guards during his escape and felt joy with slicing through them and he was still blood thirsty. Jack decided to go to his coworkers who he thought once to be his friends he killed them one by one with one even putting up a fight but Jack didn’t get hurt by it actually it was the opposite realizing that he became the same thing people accused him to be, a murderer, terrified to what might happen he ran away and came across a forest. Jack stopped to rest until a foggy mist came around. The entity made a deal with him and he agreed as he sits there looking at the ones who will be victim next he can always find himself thinking of one thing… the real murderer was never found. The End hope you guys liked it!!!

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I really like this backstory of the Prisoner being falsely accused. I personally really like stories with betrayals, falsely accused and conspiracies. Good job with the lore.

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    thanks but also thank a105 for the wrongly accused part

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Great ideaa too a105!

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    the false accusations make the killer a little bit more sympathetic like the huntress or the hag

    and thanks for using my idea. if you want me to i could write the back story a little bit better because you have some grammar and factual errors but nothing to major

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    a105 if you want to you can and also your welcome

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    Name: Jack Hudson

    Gender: male

    Age: ??

    Code name: Prisoner

    backstory: as a quiet and shy person jack hudson did not speak much to his co-workers and family but he was a kind soul at heart and was the nicest he could be. one day during his job he met a girl, Kacie Bronen who was a regular at the store he worked in ,sensed the good in him and asked him out on a date shocked but excited he said yes. as he went to her place for preparation of the date he asked if he could use the bathroom in her apartment. as he was in the bathroom a scream was heard and he came rushing out to see that Kacie was stabbed to death and the door was open and there was no one to be seen. with his mind racing he fled from the crime scene scared not knowing what to do. the next day reports of the crime at kacie's apartment had made headlines in there quiet little town. during the investigation one of his co-workers sold him out as "the suspicious quiet person" who was seen going into her apartment as the co-worker lived in the same building. when the police came knocking, they took jack in for questioning and when he tried to explain the cops did not believe him and he was arrested. his trial was even set up with false evidence of the weapon with his finger prints on it.convicted of murder in the first degree he was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole he was shipped off a maximum security prison. hated by everyone and craving the freedom he deserved, he started a major riot and made his escape with a hand made file while the guards were distracted. during his dash to freedom he killed 2 guards and a fellow prisoner without even batting an eye. instead of regret he oddly felt joy at the prospect of killing taking the life of others gave him a rush not like anything he had felt before. after jack escaped he began to hunt his co-workers and there families for revenge as they sold him out after he had done nothing to them, he killed them mercilessly and when he had killed all his co-workers a thought came to him...he had become the one thing he feared and what the people had accused him of, he was now a killer.

    last sightings: as jack made this stunning revaluation he ran... he ran untill he could not run anymore as he was sitting on a log in the woods at night resting, a strange mist rolled in and offered him a place where he would be both accepted and can be safe but in exchange for this sanctuary he would have to kill again. he debated this within himself but accepted the offer. as he now stares into the scared eyes of those he hunts, he looks to the back of his mind wondering "who killed kacie? who set him up? what did he do to deserve his punishment?" but as far as he knows the real killer was never found.

    what do you think of that yeet

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    I think I would have left a bit of friendship with that so he felt betrayed and maybe one of the co-workers was the murderer and planted the knife with prints maybe from Jack's Kitchen hinting at jealousy to the mix.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    like i said man...your chapter you say what goes i was just offering my input

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    I made a few minor changes but here

    Name: Jack Hudson

    Gender: male

    Age: ??

    Code name: Prisoner

    backstory: as a quiet and shy person jack hudson did not speak much to anyone but a select few of his co-workers but he was a kind soul at heart and was the nicest he could be. one day during his job he met a girl, Kacie Bronen who was a regular at the store he worked in that he liked, she sensed the good in him and asked him out on a date shocked but excited he said yes. as he went to her place for preparation of the date he asked if he could use the bathroom in her apartment. as he was in the bathroom a scream was heard and he came rushing out to see that Kacie was stabbed to death and the door was open and there was no one to be seen. with his mind racing he fled from the crime scene scared not knowing what to do. the next day reports of the crime at kacie's apartment had made headlines in there quiet little town. during the investigation one of his co-workers sold him out as "the suspicious quiet person" who was seen going into her apartment as the co-worker lived in the same building. when the police came knocking, they took jack in for questioning and when he tried to explain the cops did not believe him and he was arrested. his trial was even set up with false evidence of the weapon with his finger prints on it. convicted of murder in the first degree he was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole he was shipped off a maximum security prison. hated by everyone and craving the freedom he deserved, he started a major riot and made his escape with a hand made file while the guards were distracted. during his dash to freedom he killed 2 guards and a fellow prisoner without even batting an eye. instead of regret he oddly felt joy at the prospect of killing taking the life of others gave him a rush not like anything he had felt before. after jack escaped he began to hunt his co-workers and there families who he wants thought of as friends for revenge as they sold him out without a second thought, he killed them mercilessly and when he had killed all his co-workers a thought came to him...he had become the one thing he feared and what the people had accused him of, he was now a killer.

    last sightings: as jack made this stunning revaluation he ran... he ran untill he could not run anymore as he was sitting on a log in the woods at night resting, a strange mist rolled in and offered him a place where he would be both accepted and can be safe but in exchange for this sanctuary he would have to kill again. he debated this within himself but accepted the offer. as he now stares into the scared eyes of those he hunts, he looks to the back of his mind wondering "who killed kacie? who set him up? what did he do to deserve his punishment?Why did they do it anger, joy or...Jealousy!?” But one thing was clear to Jack the killer knew he was there and may have got what came to him.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    i think this is perfect

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28


  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    i just realized that the riot that was caused by jack could be the same riot that George got caught up in that turned him to the entity as well

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Well jack wasn't in the riot he was using the distraction to his advantage also George was overpowered by multiple people, so it wouldn't really add up would it?

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2019

    im just saying it could be a parallel...they may not have seen each other but it might have happened in the same prison

    also in the back story it says that he started the riot to escape

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Yes I know he started it so then he used it to his advantage in it was the point that it happened in the same prison

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Sorry for my absence on this project I have just been away and waiting on some concept art. Although I am not an artist this is my interpretation on Jack Hudson it was done quickly so not a lot of detail.

    I can't really draw shirts so that's why he is shirtless although it did help me find it as a new cosmetic. I did want to make a few changes in the trailer. Jack is being brought into prison with three guards escorting him to his cell and the prisoners are yelling and reaching at him. Like in the picture above Jack has shackles on his feet, hands, and neck although this time he has a shirt. But it is to make it a little longer. Also final changes for riot is that his start up animation shall be doing a long slice on his four arm, then he clenches his fists end animation and riot starts. This update is now concluded and thanks for your time.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    hey man i can't draw anything except stick figures so this is pretty good

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    lol thanks I guess it helps if you know about the human body I was just imagining what a muscular dude would look like

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39


  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28


  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    anime memes are the best

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    anime is the best

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    "ahhh i see you're man of culture as well you ######### weeb" 😋

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2019

    lmao profanity filters

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    it just says bad words that funny

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    tbh making it say bad word makes it 10 times funnier

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    like "Which one of you said #########"

  • firepinguin123
    firepinguin123 Member Posts: 1

    There's some really good ideas here. I really like the idea of him being falsely accused of murder some sympathy but then he slowly be comes deranged. The idea of the survivor being a officer is really nice and the perks sound pretty neat. I was just wondering about the map. You talked about Alcatraz but I was just wounding about more detail.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    I can help you with some perks if you like. Here is a list of perks I made specifically for this killer. Some perks might give off backstory, but I’ll try to not make it too specific.

    Nervous Presence (Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare) - Being In jail with other inmates has made other people nervous around you. When survivors are in your terror radius, their actions are delayed 0.5/1/1.5 seconds.

    this includes Getting on and off generators, healing others and yourself. Throwing down pallets, opening the exit gate. This doesn’t go for skill checks though.

    Enragement (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare) - While In the prison you get angrier when you get beat up. Each time you get stunned by a survivor you get a token to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Each token you get Increases the speed you break pallets by 3%, Reduces the time you come back from stuns by 10%, and the cool down from missed attacks is reduced by 5%.

    Solitude - The nights spent alone when nobody was ever there fills you up with anger. For every 15 Seconds you are out of a chase your speed is increased by 1%/2%/3%, increases the speed you break pallets by 2%/4%/6%, and increases the speed you destroy generators by 4%/6%/8%. This perk goes away when you get into a chase and comes back when you get out of one.

    Hex: Predator Against the Prey

    You are vicious when it comes down to killing your targets.

    Each time you hit a survivor you gain a token up to a maximum of 12 Tokens.

    1-4 - tokens each token that is required you get 15%/20%/25% more bloodpoints in the brutality category.

    8 tokens - Each time you hit a survivor they get the deep wound status effect and have 15 seconds to mend themselves.

    10 tokens - Each time you hit a survivor they gain the broken status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.

    12 tokens - You can kill survivors at your own hand if they have been hooked.

    feel free to use these for inspiration or use one of these.

  • a105
    a105 Member Posts: 39

    ayyy we got some more help

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    i do like some of these although im not very fond of nervous presence. I feel like it will only make the game less fun as it will annoy players that a insta drop like a pallet will be delayed I rather would not find it fun to wait for a game only for players to dc or be rude just because of this perk. also I think the "the" should be removed out of "predator against the prey" for the reason that it doesn't really roll off the tongue. detail on the Alcatraz map will come out as soon as I start working on it (sorry I haven't started on it at all) but i'll try to get working. Thank You.

  • HashtagYeetGuy
    HashtagYeetGuy Member Posts: 28

    Man it's been so long since I've been here I'm here reading everything and just makes me love this even more tho it has more of a chance of never happening I'd still love to see this come to life. As far as the map would go of course it would be a indoor map with about maybe a medium to large lay put. Second floors will be a thing with the possibility of generators on the top floor. Doing a certain generator in a certain cell block will open all cells. A prison courtyard would be cool aswell. The exit gates could he giant cell gates on an electrified barbed fence post. Dead prisoners will be shown as a result of riot casualties (aswell as cops). I say that maybe the warden and detective tapped could know eachother or detective tapp would know about the killer but this is an unlikely realm. As you can see I'm no that great at map design but these are the idea I came up with.