What is your favorite dbd youtuber (optional) and why

Best Answers
@PaulieEsther of course!5
Was Monto but he became a bit of a psycho, so probably Paulie Esther, Hybrid Panda or No0b3.
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none other then xX_F@ceC@mper7645_Xx
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Either HybridPanda or No0b35
No0b3 because i love his humor and his videos.
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I just love his video, he is really funny and entertaining to watch.
**Also** I partocipated in one of his videos.
(It's called Clown Got Buffed - PTB.. something like that.)
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Generator Jake.
because he makes memes and his videos are fun as hell.7 -
genuine993 all time its angry!!!!!! >< ><
Not because I'm good tho, mostly because I couldn't care less about others.2 -
It has varying content, mostly for my friends, discord links, bug reporting to devs, and some clutch moments along with some other games.
It has quite a few videos now, but barely no montage. I don't plan to advertise it (at all), but feel free to look around if you got the patience.1 -
Runiver said:
It has varying content, mostly for my friends, discord links, bug reporting to devs, and some clutch moments along with some other games.
It has quite a few videos now, but barely no montage. I don't plan to advertise it (at all), but feel free to look around if you got the patience.0 -
Monto and tru3
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Hybrid panda all the way.
The guy keeps forgetting he has mori on😂0 -
I like AngryPug, Puppers, TydeTyme and Monto they're good at keeping the game fun even though they've played it so many times. They play to entertain rather than to win by all means which is good to see.1
Puppers is best Youtuber, TydeTyme is then just underneath (but he has better streams imo)
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SirRodion. This video alone made me change my main from Jake to Dwight.
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noob3, monto, and true.
No favorite, they all play differently so I like watching a different one if I get tired of one.
Love Monto's the best though because he runs fun perk builds.
Loved it when True ran Stridor.
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PaulieEsther, No contest. One of the nicest people in the community. I just wish I was able to catch his streams more.
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tru3 all the way. Mostly positive killer main which is hard to be consistent with.
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Saw a couple of them but I like True, he seems fair in his opinions and explains them well.
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AYYY ochido anyone? anyone...........
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Marth88 as my defacto favorite but i do love alot of them such as Monto, Puppers, TydeTyme and True.
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Monto, great gameplay!
Bricky, great killer analysis & review
HybridPanda, fun gameplay and updates/news0 -
KiddingI enjoy Generator Jake, SirRodion and Zhynderies
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I have a love hate relationship with genjake0
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Generator Jake is ******* GREAT. he has some really funny vids. most of his stuff is good for a laugh.... but TydeTyme is good as far as explaining basic mechanics of the game and instructional stuff.... its a tie between thos two....
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Its a mix betteween True, hybrid panda, tyde and monto.
Although i would like to see the times monto loses tho. I find it hard to belive he 3 to 4 mans every game.0 -
Panda def for just general gameplay, Monto just to see his builds, Tyde for the neat guides and info
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Uh I have so many I like.
Hybridpanda has to be my number one though, he is the reason why I got into DBD in the first place.
Then Puppers, No0b3, Monto and Sir Rodion .0 -
I have no favorite.
HybridPanda, Tru3, Monto, Puppers, Tydetyme, and Paulie for news.
All of them are fantastic. Anyone else, couldn't give two shits about.
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Jk I like No0b3, Monto, Tru3, Tyde, and Hybrid.0 -
I like tru3, Hybrid Panda, Monto, Tydetyme, and Noob3
Tru3 for the great killer gameplay
Panda because he just seems really fun and energetic
Monto for the builds
Tyde for the tips and news
And Noob3 for his personality0 -
Monto, because after I first got my hands on DbD during the free weekend a while back, I searched up Dead by Daylight on Youtube and Monto was the first dude to come up.
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No0b3, Ochido, Demi. I like toxicity and humor.