Trying to find some likeminded killers

Hey there. Hope youre all enjoying the forums. Seeing if there's anyone else out there with a similar playstyle to me.

  • Prefers M1 killers to Nurse, Huntress, Billy, Doctor?
  • Hates tbagging, will never camp, but tunnels DS users.
  • Loves Enduring and BBQ
  • Finds Wraith and Freddy enjoyable to play
  • Hates Swamp (who doesnt) and loves Suffocation Pit
  • Plays for BP and for fun, not so much rank
  • Doesnt dodge, as every game will provide a challenge

Just a fun little experiment I came up with. Interested to see how likeminded us killers are.


  • blenderman
    blenderman Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2018

    Hey, Doctor Dannieburger :)

    let's go down your list one by one.

    • I rarely play Nurse, so we're even there, but I love Billy and I occasionally also love to play the Doc / the Huntress. (I would describe the Doc as a M1 Killer because it's his only way to deal damage)
    • Everyone hates t-bagging, right? I barely camp (very situational) and I mostly don't tunnel DS users just because of DS, even though I hate the perk insanely.
    • Both great perks, indeed!
    • Wraith maybe yes, but Freddie is just a let-down most of the time.
    • Swamp can be nice as Billy, otherwise meh. Too big. Suffocation pit can evolve into a Looping nightmare, so miss me with that.
    • BP > Rank all the time, yeah.
    • I dodge people I know are scummy. Also obvious troll parties and stuff

    As you can see, there are some similarities =)

  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    Ah, you and I are so different, Dannie :pirate: I...

    • Play nurse + billy almost exclusively, aside from streams
    • Don't mind teabagging, camp situationally, and only tunnel if it nets me a gain
    • Could do without pallet perks (given my killers)
    • Hate playing Freddy and Wraith
    • Love huge maps (easy to see survivors across the map)

    However, we're agreed on the rest ;D

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    @blenderman said:
    Hey, Doctor Dannieburger :)

    let's go down your list one by one.

    • I rarely play Nurse, so we're even there, but I love Billy and I occasionally also love to play the Doc / the Huntress. (I would describe the Doc as a M1 Killer because it's his only way to deal damage)
    • Everyone hates t-bagging, right? I barely camp (very situational) and I mostly don't tunnel DS users just because of DS, even though I hate the perk insanely.
    • Both great perks, indeed!
    • Wraith maybe yes, but Freddie is just a let-down most of the time.
    • Swamp can be nice as Billy, otherwise meh. Too big. Suffocation pit can evolve into a Looping nightmare, so miss me with that.
    • BP > Rank all the time, yeah.
    • I dodge people I know are scummy. Also obvious troll parties and stuff

    As you can see, there are some similarities =)

    Hey man awesome! Super cool to hear everyones opinions and playstyles. Thanks for the input!

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    @ZiNc said:
    Ah, you and I are so different, Dannie :pirate: I...

    • Play nurse + billy almost exclusively, aside from streams
    • Don't mind teabagging, camp situationally, and only tunnel if it nets me a gain
    • Could do without pallet perks (given my killers)
    • Hate playing Freddy and Wraith
    • Love huge maps (easy to see survivors across the map)

    However, we're agreed on the rest ;D

    Hey ZiNc! Glad to see you on here. I know you love your Nurse haha. Awesome to hear what you have to say about your opinion and playstyle! Appreciate the collaboration!

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    Lets go down the list shall we

    • Main doctor but don't touch the other three you listed.
    • Tbags will be a soft patrol, DS gets the full tunneling experience.
    • BBQ on everybody, enduring on most.
    • Wraith was the killer I got to r1 with first.
    • I think the swamp should be set ablaze, I always do decent on suffocation pit.
    • BP > Rank, only 20 levels off of having every killer at p3-50
    • Never dodge unless you are in the OchiDo group on steam, we both know you're there to mess with me and thats not worth my time.
  • Unnamed_1
    Unnamed_1 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2018

    I play like every killer (except Leatherface) and I do soft-camp if I don't have something better to do like when exit gates are powered or open. That aside: yeah pretty similiar

  • DarXide
    DarXide Member Posts: 81
    • I think I'm misunderstanding, but you're asking if we play other M1 Killers besides the one you listed? I play all Killers, but like everybody else, we all have our mains. If I wasn't working on leveling up Killers, I normally play Hillbilly> Myers> Pig and Doctor. I was working on prestiging Trapper because he's honestly so satisfying to play if you have good trap placements and can keep good pressure with him.
    • I think everyone hates teabagging, if it doesn't bother you, you're some kind of special desensitized Killer. I don't tunnel them, but if they're all I see and are worth chasing down then I keep chasing. More often than not those tbaggers are terrible players.
    • I rarely use Enduring, but it is a good perk to run against known DS users and if I suspect a tryhard SWF team and BBQ is honestly kinda bad. I just use it when I want a lot of points. One of my personal favorite combo's to run is Agitation and Lightborn when I see a pesky flashlight in the lobby. It makes for an easy down for when they least expect it.
    • I like Wraith, but I can't really stand playing Freddy for longer than one session. He's only fun to play if you have him P3'ed and when you have the actual good Green and Purple add-on's for him.
    • I actually don't mind Swamp, but I despise it if the Survivors knowningly pick it with a map offering and throw mist offerings on top of it. That's when I hate it. I actually don't have a favorite map. As long as it's not the Autohaven Wreckers maps. I hate those more than Swamp.
    • I try to make it a fair game for everybody, but there's always the ONE survivor who has to act obnoxious and tryhard to get your attention that ruins it for me. It turns into a personal vendetta trying to kill that Survivor.
    • I rarely dodge as Killer. Only time to dodge is when I can't find games because of the broken lobby wait times.
  • Dizzylizard
    Dizzylizard Member Posts: 7

    @DrDannieburger said:
    Hey there. Hope youre all enjoying the forums. Seeing if there's anyone else out there with a similar playstyle to me.

    • Prefers M1 killers to Nurse, Huntress, Billy, Doctor?
    • Hates tbagging, will never camp, but tunnels DS users.
    • Loves Enduring and BBQ
    • Finds Wraith and Freddy enjoyable to play
    • Hates Swamp (who doesnt) and loves Suffocation Pit
    • Plays for BP and for fun, not so much rank
    • Doesnt dodge, as every game will provide a challenge

    Just a fun little experiment I came up with. Interested to see how likeminded us killers are.

    I main hag so I don't think she counts as an m1 killer (wraith was my first killer however)
    I camp if the survivors hook rush (best play in that situation) or if they were a special shade of toxic (flashlight clicking, teabags, last second switch etc.) otherwise its one trap under hook (to force both to crouch to and from it) and I leave.
    yes so much yes (no BBQ yet though, the shrine is being cruel to me ;-;)
    don't have Freddy but when the survivors are not toxic, wraith can be a blast.
    agreed on so many levels
    currently yes since I'm grinding for teachables + prestige on my hag, but ill be ranking after it (pray for me when I attempt that)
    ill doge if I see someone I know is uber toxic or is waiting the time down to the last 10 seconds because I don't approve of last second switchers, or red ping because... just no.

    as an extra, if the survivor wasn't toxic to me and they were having a bad game (DC's cause this usually) I do let them farm and escape.

  • King_Aries
    King_Aries Member Posts: 26

    Be me legoin main (or was before the rework that ruined them

    Hates teabaggers

    Will tunnel yes but hey gotta go the weakest link

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
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