Hex: No One Escapes Death - Yet another thread about it.



  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    You know you can cleanse the totems right? Yeah noed is a #########, so is life, you would change things in life too to make things easier for you. Clense the totems and u r good, only bitches complain.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    His point is that it doesn’t matter whether a perk is “no skill” or not because the majority of perks in the game take “no skill”

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2019

    @Im2Shrewd Wut?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    "Exhaustion perks are for bad survivors that can't survive during chases"

    So that means Dead Hard doesn't take skill to master and use the most efficient way in a chase?

    Does that mean Head On takes no skill to get the timing and range right?

    Does that mean Enduring and Spirit Fury take more skill than mastering exhaustion perks I listed above?

    90% of red rank survivors want to have a word with you

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    How will I get my two free kills for allowing the survivors to complete their objective though.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    How much skill does it take to run self care, adrenaline, iron will, insta meds, super powerful toolboxes, keys, Moris, fog offerings, ds? Yet you complain about Noed. Seems like there's NO-brain-in-your-ED if you think even breaking 5 dull totems collectively requires much skill.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited August 2019
  • Night13
    Night13 Member Posts: 19

    I await the day a message from the devs say NOED is fair and will not be changed.

    Because it really is super situational to 4k with. Depends on how the survivors play. If 1 survivor dies then get over it. That will most likely happen with or without NOED in a match with equally skilled survivors and killers. There are ways to counter or avoid it so do that. You aren't supposed to be able to play the exact same every game different maps, killers, addons, offerings, perks and procedurally generated maps are proof of that. But meta is meta and with this game killers meta is a response to survivors meta. looping -> nurse billy huntress. sabotage-> slug. tbag at exit -> NOED

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yes let's throw all totem perks down the drain by adding information to survivors that even the killer doesnt get without a perk-_- can you at least try to be non partisan?

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The difference is? The perks he listed have almost no counterplay and most are very strong vs most killers..all the perks you listed can be countered or negated...think before you type dude

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Survivors only get to red ranks due to an abundance of broken addons and perks plus a hatch for free escape half the time..change my mind..

    Seriously though...if you want less noed..convince the devs for more viable killers..you ironically complain about something you bring upon yourselves

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    A totem counter does not “throw away” every hex perk. In fact it actually has zero effect on every hex perk except for NOED. And if a totem counter does get implemented, obviously killers would get that information too.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    In fact it does because with a totem counter totems would always get found and would never work..throwing away some of the best perks killers have entirely because half their power comes from not knowing they exist..why do you think huntress' lullaby is barely used despite it actually being a decent perk on paper..? Because survivors know it exists as soon as they get a skill check and usually go hunting for it immediately ,

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Why are you including Self Care, Iron Will and fog offerings?

    Bruh, seriously?

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    How does having a totem counter help survivors find totems? That’s what small game is for. And you kind of proved my point with huntress lullaby. Most survivors already know a hex is in play even without a totem counter, so adding one would have no impact on them anyways. Also even hex perks that don’t reveal themselves right away e.g. devour hope, you still nessacarily wouldn’t know it’s in play with just a totem counter. I mean let’s go one by one and see what impact a totem counter will have.

    Hex Ruin: zero impact because survivors will know at the start of a match if it’s in play.

    Hex Huntress Lullaby: Zero impact because survivors will know at the start of a match if it’s in play.

    Hex The Third Seal: Zero impact because survivors will know as soon as they are hit that it is in play. And if they never get hit then it doesn’t even matter if they cleanse it or not.

    Hex Thrill of the Hunt: Zero impact because survivors will know it is in play as soon as they try to cleanse a totem. Also not really a big deal if it doesn’t get cleansed.

    Hex Haunted Grounds: Zero impact considering this is one killers want to get cleansed anyways, plus there’s two of them so it usually gets found early in the match.

    Hex Devour Hope: Virtually Zero impact. Even if you see there are remaining totems there is no way of knowing that devour hope is in play, unless you see the hex for yourself, meaning it would get cleansed anyways.

    Hex Noed: Now this is the controversial one, but here’s why I think it’s still fair. NOED’s job is to slow down the game by punishing survivors who don’t do their secondary objective. It’s not supposed to be a guaranteed way to get insta downs at endgame. Killers constantly say just do totems if you don’t want to deal with NOED and I agree, but let’s not act like it’s laziness that causes totems to remain. It’s the survivors inability to know whether any remain or not unless you are Swf. This problem of course would be solved with a totem counter. If survivors cleanse all five totems then NOED is doing it’s job by slowing the game down by survivors doing their secondary objective. If they don’t cleanse all five totems (which is still very very likely even with a totem counter) then you get to punish the survivors with insta downs. It’s a win-win.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Except your not taking into account that all totems will almost always be cleansed so devour hope at least would be dead..huntess' lullaby shouldnt reveal it's in play anyway..totems need improvements not hard nerfs by giving survivors massive information..I get what your saying but itll affect totem perks both past and future negatively

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Well I actually did take that into account if you read what I wrote for devour hope. And I agree that totems could use buffs in certain areas, mainly being more well hidden; the new badham maps being a great example of this. And again I’ve explained why a totem counter isn’t “‘massive information” for survivors but rather a healthy change for the game all around. The biggest reason being that it would help bridge the knowledge gap between swf and solos, which should be a huge priority for this game.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Maybe but they shouldnt be trying to make them the same as swf is already considered a massive balance issue..plus..any info gain will help them as well so it's a tough issue to fix..hence why I would prefer it to require a perk instead of being base so at least itll be at least at a cost

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Well I believe, and many others do too, is that the best way to balance this game is to bring solos up to the level of swf, and then buff killers accordingly. And while I can think of a ton of changes that could be made to help achieve this, I feel adding a totem counter is just one small little thing that could help solos out a little. But this is why I also think it should be baseline and not be added to small game. Why should solos have to bring a perk that swf already get for free? Why do people think punishing solos is the best way to balance survivors?

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Well I believe, and many others do too, is that the best way to balance this game is to bring solos up to the level of swf, and then buff killers accordingly. And while I can think of a ton of changes that could be made to help achieve this, I feel adding a totem counter is just one small little thing that could help solos out a little. But this is why I also think it should be baseline and not be added to small game. Why should solos have to bring a perk that swf already get for free? Why do people think punishing solos is the best way to balance survivors?