Anyone remembers this good old days?..
My friend just shared this picture with me. I felt nostalgic for those days. Everyone is having fun, game was scary (I MISS 2016 GRAPHICS) and the Wraith was Tier 1.
Before nurse, decisive strike. Noone is salty. Facecamping is a strategy. Infinites existed. No ruin. Everyone was selling pallets.
I wish I could play THAT Dead by Daylight.
I miss when trapper could trap under hooked survivors and when wraith was considered OP. Also the best bugs were in the early days. Man I just love this game, no other game could ever replace it. :)
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######### no. Good thing those days are over.
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Nope. Those were the bad days...
Pallet vacuums, infinities, double pallets, even more pallets, multiple windows near eachother, sprint had a shorter cooldown, no exhaustion, OG BNPs.
Nope! I enjoy current DBD over that stroke inducing gameplay experience for myself and current killers.
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Facecamping was a strat? After watching some of HybridPanda's old videos I think his present self would call his past self a "turbo virgin."
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Yes, i remember.
And i prefer for those days to stay in my memories.
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I can only agree to that it was darker and more atmospheric, almost everyone was new and unexperienced and almost no toxicity existed. Everything else was just bad und unfair designed and the maps were horrible broken.
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I remember and I wish that these days never happened. The only reason the game was fun is because everyone sucked back then.