Ghostface feels kinda weak
I've been playing him since he came out, but since the change that allows survivors to break you out more easily, he feels kinda weak.
His power sometimes feels like a budget m&a without the fov change.
Survivors can break you out while not not being able to be stalked. If they are behind a fence or some debris, YOU have to run scared to try to not get broken out. Kinda lame imo.
I don't like having to rely on addons but with him, I feel purple and red addons are almost a must... maybe I'm playing him wrong? I dunno.
I been thinking the Boring killer sadly but at least Freddy is fun :D
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I feel the same. No matter what I do or try to be sneaky, I just get revealed most of time. Boring and not unique killer and power.
Doesn't help that most maps aren't made for stealth killers, especially one's for Ghostface
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It was like that for me at first, i was very frustrated seeing how Ghostface is basically my favorite killer.
But after failed attempts with Leigon and now Leatherface, i decided to go back and try him.
Im not sure if its becauce Ive gotten alot better but i found him alot easier.
I find myself getting alot of stalks and alot of snatching people off generators.
Im not sure about y'all. I hover around rank 10 or so, not using any meta perks except BBQ which i just got today.
Imo i think hes very fun, but i TOTALLY see where you guys are coming from.
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I play between rank 2 and 6 depending on if I wanna be sweaty or not, and ghostface seems like a less effective pig. Least you cant break out pig from her sneak... I dunno. Just frustrating.
I was totally gonna main gf. I love scream, I love stealth, I like the aesthetic.... but you feel like the survivor sometimes as gf. Running away, being stalked by the survivors... just wish they'd tweak him just a little...
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I thought initially I’d give it a while because I wasn’t super great at the start but I’ve basically played as him exclusively for a while. I currently lack ruin and PGTW so lack good gen protection perks, so yes, extremely prone to gens going off at the speed of light if I don’t play smart and apply proper pressure. In a normal solo survivors/maybe duo SWF match, super fun, I can get up to 8+ exposed marks, I don’t panic and it’s a great match usually ending in 3-4K depending on if I let someone go.
SWF 3+ is where I really don’t have fun, yes this goes for any killer but ghostface feels it the most imo. Some will actively deny shroud and you just get less marks overall and fall back to just a basic killer without a power (unless you’re using cooldown addons which I now have locked into my builds as I can actually use my power in a versatile way I.e. sneaking up on people healing, normal leaning/marking etc without waiting a century for that base cooldown) and I have to play the sweatiest I’ve played with any killer (I.e. slug pressure/exploiting altruism, 3 gen strats etc regardless of what rank I am if it’s a coordinated group) just to get the same end result (I.e. 3-4K because I am trying to rank past green, and it’s not a fun match)
I’ve said it myself before, maybe I’m just not good enough with him yet but anyone who says he’s perfect/viable/a really good killer really isn’t admitting how build/perk/addon/map reliant/dependant he is. I’m glad to see a few others feeling the same way, and I really, really want to enjoy this killer, I like his lore, his character, his style but the gameplay is like flipping a coin, super fun or stress overload.
Especially when I can switch to any other killer I’m comfortable with and chill a lot more at the same rank with or without gen protection perks. It’s half the reason I don’t get the comparison between him and Myers, it’s no contest to me, I enjoy them both but not gonna lie it’s a lot harder to keep up as ghostface sometimes depending on the team even if I end with the same 3-4k.
In terms of how I play, lean to stalk always, versatile shroud use as above, build of: discordance, thrilling tremors, BBQ and nurses. Addons of chewed pen (any cooldown really) and reduced detection range/crouch speed (or increased duration of exposed early on)
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yeah it feels terrible to play without cd addons ,
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When he first came out, before the nerf, I dominated with him. It was so fun. Not just fun cause I won, but I felt rewarded for using his ability... now, it feels like I might as well use shroud to get close, then mind game at jungle gyms because I'm almost guaranteed to get broken out...
Also, the fact that I get broken out faster than i can stalk, and when someone is breaking me out, I duck behind cover and somehow still get broken out of stealth... just annoying is all. Which is a cryin shame. Cause I said I fuuuuuuckin love the idea of the character and really wanna make him work at higher ranks.
The only way to do well with ghost is if the survivor effs up. Like you're hoping they make a mistake. You cant really take their fate into your hands. Definitely not the power role. Not strong enough for a 4v1 game at higher ranks. At least not consistently.
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It doesn't feel that bad to be. His cooldown addons are extremely useful, but it's terrible without them. In my experience right after I hook without cooldown addons it takes maybe 5 seconds or so to get my power back. With cooldown addons it can be while I'm hooking or right after I hook pretty much, so I don't think it's absolutely terrible without CD addons. I definitely do feel like those are his BEST addons though, outside of his "Ghost Face Caught on Tape". As for breaking him out of stealth, I don't feel like I'm broken out that often. Even without the addons, they have to get pretty close to break you out.
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Really? Cause I get broken out across the map. Happens all the time on pale rose.
And i don't wanna HAVE to use addons to make him playable at a higher level
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@toxic_clown Pretty sure the game is designed around killers using addons. Killers not using addons is just a way to up the difficulty. I don't think any killer is INTENDED to wreck face without addons just because. The only time I've gotten broken out of stealth without them being close is by being in a super open area while standing up. Perhaps it's just because I crouch and use my ears to find out if a survivor is nearby. I never stand up unless I have to to see a survivor after finding out one is nearby.
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Yeah, sure, but look at nurse or spirit. People can mess you up with brown addons.
Ghost? Need the purples lol
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Umm, do you not get broken out from offensive actions (I.e. stabbing a survivor?) shroud gets broken quite a lot in a normal match no matter how good you are (even without full reveals) unless you use cooldown and reduced detection, I wish I had that kind of shroud... Without the addons it is a long time, considering as others say sometimes you still get broken out even when ducking behind cover, even recently I had a nea break me out from under a window at the gas heaven map centre/main building (but I somehow still stalked her and exposed her beforehand so that was strange all round, was nice to join the survivor side of not needing to physically see each other, maybe I just saw the top of her head? 😂)
I don’t even play without CD anymore, it allows me to actually get use out of my power be it sneaking up or just normal marking. The base cooldown is kinda punishing for losing it on just a normal attack also considering you forfeit any stalk progress you had on that survivor just by hitting them.
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Preach, brudder.
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@toxic_clown Ghostface's power recovery addons are green, yellow, and brown, not purple. Unless you're talking about his reveal range decrease addons, his purples aren't amazing. I mean his crouch speed is pretty decent as well but I don't feel like I need a movement speed increase.
@Kiskashi I do, but generally the first hit, unless I've gotten a stalk on them, removes me from shroud, then I chase them, down them, put them on the hook, and about 5 or so seconds later my power is recovered. If I DO get a stalk on them, usually I have to end my chase after downing them to chase some other fool off who's getting ready to flashlight save or something, which leads my power to again being up not long after I hook someone. The first hit while in shroud is pretty much free whether you stalk them or not.
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I think the addon rarity is referring to a popular combo of chewed pen (amazing, my favourite, 10/10) which is green rarity and drivers licence which is purple rarity, the others below this do help but not significantly, I use these two or the lasting perfume (green) or the green crouch speed where like mentioned, I agree, when I play spirit at similar ranks I use yellows at best, even with Michael I use two yellows (memorial flower and dead rabbit) or switch memorial for J Myers memorial (my preferred, green) and, in comparison, these are just to play a decent/normal match as ghostface (really good match if you do use drivers licence but I often use exposed duration or crouch speed)...
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@Kiskashi I like using my stalk in a chase to mind game so I generally use Chewed Pen/Olsen's Address Book when I have them. His power recovery addons are my favorite for this for obvious reasons, and unless I'm standing straight up in the middle of a field or something, I usually don't get revealed that easily.
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That’s the problem, I get what you mean but maps like crotus Prenn ARE open maps, meaning good luck. Most others do have extremely open areas, most even around gens, makes me glad the distance on stalking is pretty far, otherwise it would be even worse in those areas where sneaking up is near impossible against a good group.
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I've done almost nothing but exclusively play Faceghost since he came out, and let me tell you something: His stealth has a skill cap. You need to learn pathing that takes you down more roundabout routes towards wherever the Survivors are, including taking detours around open areas. Sure, it might mess with your map pressure a bit, but it allows you to both approach and stalk from locations that the Survivors would not expect. And if you know how to be creative and look for the lean prompt, you can peek out from just about anywhere, letting you both avoid detection and get crazy fast stalk.
I'm going to sound like a total Survivor crybaby by saying this, but I genuinely feel it's the truth: He's a great Killer and most who have trouble with avoiding detection or getting marks just need to learn to play him more effectively. You need to learn to identify the paths that give you the most cover, even if that includes using your crouch and slowing yourself down as you approach. You need to learn the ins and outs of what he can stalk both through and around. You need to learn the best positions to stalk from.
You need to learn to use his kit.
He has a lot of utility to his stealth in that sneaking and that stalking. You just need to learn how to effectively apply it. People say he's just a worse Myers, but in my experience, he's got so much more utility and consistency to his power than Myers could ever dream of—the only thing Myers has over Faceghost is snowball potential; for everything else—basic chase, mindgames, stealth, map pressure—Faceghost is the undisputed winner in my eyes.
Avoiding detection is a matter of pathing and a matter of positioning. Figure the two out, and you'll be getting a LOT more marks than you did before.
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That's because he is weak
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I don't even bother stalking, its rarely worth it. I just pump him with m1 perks and use him as such. Generally speaking I just run them down for the 1st hit and then use his power while we're playing on a jungle gym to aid in the mindgame. I pretty much only use it as suppression, the stalk takes too long for my tastes but I don't use any addons for any killers and im sure one of his addons makes his stalk way more viable.
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@Kiskashi Even on Crotus Penn you can find ways around without being seen. There are a lot of obstacles around Crotus Penn for you to use your crouch and stealth around, and a lot of them are generally around generators. There are no maps I can think of where there's literally nothing but open fields, except for the corn maps, and the corn does an amazing job of hiding you already. It messes with your stalk a bit, but you can still get some off regardless, and if not, you can probably get a gen grab off in the corn fairly easily, well, if gen grabbing wasn't so buggy. No Mither No Problem is right(can't type your name with the underscores, it messes up for some reason), use creative pathing to get around the map.
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you are right, this is exactly the problem.
Maps are designed to be a mario kart simulation where stealth isn't a really viable option, on top of that killers need to have a stupid first person camera and an impossibly narrow field of view to top it up.
It is so nonsensical!
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It's easy to be sneaky if you have the right map. Game, Haddonfield, Springwood, lots of corners to hide behind. Swamp, farms, and the woods is just difficult because they're wide open. He's very map dependent because of the hotfix no one wanted or needed because practice is a thing.
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He's a sidegrade of Myers and the Wraith
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So against any form of coordinated team you can hide, I still have flashbacks of being against a 3 man SWF on crotus Prenn and having white indicator arrows from all sides at one point, even while crouched behind some of that debris. I’m not disagreeing with you against a normal team, but coordinated teams really mess up my use of power, do you happen to have any videos of good power use against such a team? (Not asking in a bad way, I’m just genuinely curious if there is a good strategy to dealing with this beyond just reverting to a basic killer without a power, only way I found that worked was splitting them up and using height - I.e. crouching on the hill strangely enough or in the main building/tower to get marks or just using the power to hide TR in a chase at LOS blocked loops)
I really just wonder with these kind of posts, a majority say there are problems, a minority say there are none just get better. Makes trying to make sense of how good a killer actually is confusing. I rarely see any streamers play him seriously anymore too so that doesn’t help when I like to watch people play at red ranks to learn, you could say tru3 but I wouldn’t say that’s an example of what you are saying is the optimal way to play him.
I just can’t help but feel the way you need to play him is often dictated by the survivors, if they are aggressive, you must be too, meaning less time to set up stalk. I just think he’s an incredibly map/build/addon dependant killer (which few seem to say it’s just skill, git gud) but each to their own opinion of him I suppose.
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@Kiskashi Against any form of coordinated team nearly every killer has problems. Ghostface is no exception. But if a survivor is following you around you can get a hit. If they're close enough to reveal you while you're hiding behind something, they're close enough to take a hit. As for videos, I have none, as I don't stream or take videos. A lot of people complain about being an "M1 killer", but basic attacks are just as important to powers to me. You have both at your disposal for a reason. Imagine if Hillbilly ONLY had his chainsaw, it'd be silly right?
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Yes except hits take away any stalk you did have on them, half the time they’ll bodyblock because they know this and you can’t chase all 3. It’s not about the “free hit” it’s about feeling like being the one being chased, It’s annoying to no end to have a perfect stalk lined up and then you have that one idiot following you around because they think it’s funny to constantly try to break you out, you can’t focus on what you want to, you must deal with that problem survivor first.
If you don’t see any problems that’s fine, maybe you are just better at playing him, I’m just saying to me he’s a stressful killer (more so than any other killer I play against coordinated teams) that depends too heavily on what survivors are doing/mistakes and perks/addons. Can I get 4K and a lot of marks? Yes. Is it fun? That’s questionable.
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@Kiskashi If they're trying to body block you for too long you could just wait until your power is back up, finish the mark and one hit down them.
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What if they’re half to 3/4 marked, in the open, there are 2 of them, there’s no real way to finish that stalk in time as I rely mostly on leaning for marks, I rarely bother with the 99% thing anymore because of how people have started to play, it’s just easier for me to position myself to cut them off from a strong loop, expose them fully and down them in 1 action than to not really want to hit them later because of the stalk progress. I just find it works better for me to complete a mark than to risk losing it, lets me play more versatile. I appreciate the advice though, thanks for trying to explain it. Just kinda disappointing there aren’t any really good ghostface streamers to learn really high level play ideas from, I enjoy watching Otz play him but that’s rare that he does.
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I made a Discussion about Ghostface and how we can find ways to improve him so he's easier to play and not as easy to play against. It focuses on Nightshroud and Spotting and how we can change them to make them work better instead of making small tweaks to his detection range.
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Some maps are much harder than others to remain undetected, typically why i try to bring the add-on to get sent to the hospital or the packing plant. Lots of jutting corners for you to lean around. I've been steadily getting all four iridescents in matches. Perks i run are Tremors, BBQ, Bamboozle, and Ruin. Mind gaming pallet loopers is easy with his ability, plus, you can switch out tremors for Devour Hope if you can play the long game. I stay around r7-8 with Ghosty
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I decided to really buckle down and play him, but try to have fun while doing it.
I run bbq, ruin, brutal strength, and pop
I basically tried to get a stalk off in between chases, but if a chase happens, play it smart, use mind games, use shroud in chases to erase the stain. Basically an m1 killer with a gimmick, but I wouldn't rely on it at all. Like I wouldn't put my faith in his ability. At the end of the day, you have to be good at mind games with ghost.
Playing like this I got to red ranks with him, getting 3 to 4 kills on average. But that wasn't ghost. That was my ability to play pallets and gyms well.
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The devs really messed up giving him that nerf..completely ignoring massive community feedback, they should have lect hom alone or make a decent middle ground because now he gets broken out behind walls because the reveal radious is so a clip to prove it
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Yeah, mind games are about the only way to make it up to those ranks with ghostface. But with the freddy rework, you can mind game survs just as easily and with more killer substance. Still really enjoy playing him though.
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I'm really trying to like him but I just can't. On low ranks I feel like I'm the one getting stalked to reveal me.
It's not fun at all to play him, every game I play I feel that I could have done the same with my other killers, but faster and better.
I don't know what should be changed, but clearly having your power in the hands of the survivor is not fun at all.
It's sad because I love the idea and the design, but it's so annoying to play. I just have no fun at all, even if I manage to kill 3 or 4.
I really hope they change something, I would love to play this killer in a more enjoyable way.