Reworked killers problem

laplace Member Posts: 36

When I bought the Legion I did it because I liked his power, because he seemed like a fun killer, because he was special. After his huge nerf I felt like I was robbed from my money. I paid money because I liked the product, changing him and making him a boring M1 killer was a bad idea. If he was released the way he was reworked I never would have bought him. Basically The product I bought just turned into a piece of trash. And now same thing happened with Freddy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the rework on him is bad. I'm saying I bought him and played him because I enjoyed the whole "pull in dream" power. That's 2 whole DLC's I've been scammed with. Devs, please either refund my money or add the option to play as the pre-rework versions of said killers. I don't like this whole thing where you change something that I bought into something I don't want. It's like buying a Ferrari and waking up one day to find a Nissan Sunny in your garage. Please give us the option to play as pre-rework. Thank you.


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Games do this all the time, patching or changing things. They also addressed your pre rework suggestion it would require maintaining and balancing two characters

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    Patching and changing is one thing, completely reworking is another. And if that's the case, then I want a refund. They at least owe me that much.

  • SolarSysteme
    SolarSysteme Member Posts: 3

    Actually no they don't. You even agreed to it in the EULA


    Anything is subject to change at any time if it is deemed necessary. And if you are outside the refund window on the platform you purchased the DLC on, there's unfortunately nothing that can be done.

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2019

    Well goddamn. So then that's the end of it for legion and Freddy huh. They could have at least done a better job at reworking legion instead of completely changing what made him special. As for Freddy, looks like my pull in dream days are over. I'll say this though, this right here is not a pretty good job so far :(

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Honestly Legion are still quite like they used to be. They just don't FEEL as fast as before because they closed the gap between their FF speed and their normal speed. They used to be much slower at base, but they increased their base and decreased their FF speed slightly, while increasing the time it's up. This makes them faster overall the more you move across the map, but it doesn't FEEL as fast because you're not naturally slower without FF, and your old FF was slightly faster, and lasted less time.

    If you want a pre-rework Freddy, suggest a new killer with something similar to his pre-rework powers(you'll probably have to remove the passive invisibility however). For Legion, you're not likely to get anything like pre-rework Legion, as he was reworked for a reason.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    You are right that multiplayer games patching always their characters and classes with nerfs and buffs, but a rework is more.

    As example, I play in wow a warrior (def and arms spec) since the end of classic, a frostmage since the end of wod and a holypriest since the begin of bfa.

    All those classes and specs feel still the same, as they had in the years back than and of course, all those classes and specs have got their nerfs and buffs over time.

    Nerfs and buffs are common and the way to go. Reworks on the other hand... They are just a no go.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Funny you use WOW as an example. Druid used to have 3 specs, now 4, that was a significant rework. Shadow priest is drastically different than before. Remember when DKs could tank in all specs? Those are serious REWORKS

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I don't talk here about the question if you are strong or weak with a character at the end.

    I talk here about the question, if it feels still the same, to play your class, or not.

    The arms warrior as example was also a long time never something you have go in a raid with, still he has feel the same over the years.

    Nerfs and buffs have the power to make a class/character strong or weak. The druids, dks and shadowpriests have still the old abilites - like every other class far as I can rember. They just got nerfed/buffed for balance or to make them viable.

    Reworks do that also, but they going beyond that and change even the feeling and that is something what should not happen imo.

    And with all honesty, it is something that drives (potential) customers away.

    If you like to have a apple, you buy a apple. You don't wanna have from the vendor a pear.

    You are maybe ok with that your apple has some pressure points, but I can't imagine someone who would be ok with that, if get instead something different on his table.

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    You're absolutely right. It sucks that they had to rework the characters and change what made them feel special. I bought legion because I liked the way he played, the way he feels. I know they mention in their agreements stuff about changing the characters and all that, but that is still a low blow nonetheless. In my opinion, I think they should have gave us like a week or so to be able to refund. Or at least if not refund, maybe let us trade in one dlc for another. Say for example I trade the legion dlc for the plague one, so I lose both legion and Jeff and I get plague and Jane instead. That would have been fair, since the company wouldn't lose money that way. Or another idea would be compensating us with shards or auric cells. You get what I mean? They could have done something to at least make it right rather than just "ok we're changing this character that you love into something boring, but we're still keeping your money".

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Both Nightmare and Legion are fine where they are - both perfectly playable and capable of performing well at any rank, though the skill cap naturally changes. You agree to their terms not only upon purchase, but upon use of the DLC every time. They've no incentive or need to offer refunds, and frankly if you just drink a little water (to combat the salt in your blood) you might learn to have fun with them and appreciate what's been done.

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    Well you can twist and turn it all you want, but the reworks all in all were double edged swords. They should at the very least compensate those who were left unsatisfied. And frankly I doubt a little water will make me appreciate the trash legion has become.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2019

    I understand your frustration, but I know not one companie who would do that, besides maybe old Blizzard, but even they don't give any free stuff out since they got swallowed from Activision.

    But at least, It is an experience from which we can draw our own conclusions.

    Besides that, we can still hope that they doing something good with the Legion. They had already confirmed that they will watch at the Legion again (sort of). Just without a timestamp and that is ok imo.

    The next rework, or what ever is hopefully also with the Legion players in mind - aka the player that spent the most time with the Legion, as any other typ of player (obviously) and if they need for this more time, then they should take it for it.


    and what refunds matters or any form of them.

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    Oh that's great news. I hope they make legion better. Finally some good news for a change. I missed the fast running and the stab stab repeat stuff. I wouldn't mind a balanced version of that. His power right now is like the spirit in terms of recharge time. Hopefully they'll fix that.

  • matt6996
    matt6996 Member Posts: 82

    Old legion was cancer to play against they literally had no counter play which made facing them hella unfun to play against thats what caused the re work. Also including all the exploits that they had plus how Franks Mixtape stained DBD history as one of the most OP add on's at the time. But they could give back some of the power that old legion had while keeping some of the things they have gotten from the rework.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I still don't see why they couldn't leave old Freddy in. It's not like they touched him over the course of 2 bloody years

    Nothing would change if they never supported old Freddy again

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2019

    Why people always need to use real life ilnesses for something they dislike?

    Have you ever see someone die on cancer? It's not a fun game, so please stop using it.

    Btw. for some people the Legion was really unfun and unfun to play against.

    For others it was fun and fun to play against.

    If you ask 100 people, you get 100 opinions (inclusive opinions you dislike!) and that is good so, because we are humans.

    Btw. the Legion was not op. She was weak and far away from "no counterplay". Every other comment shows just how little someone knows about the Legion.

    The thing that has made the Legion op was the addons. You favorite streamer/YouTuber that has rant behind his desk are the best prove for that. Because if they had start to show their audience how op the Legion allegedly was, they showed it with Franks Mixtape, or the few other purple addons.

    I wonder why?

    Because maybe, the basekit of the Legion was pretty weak and they could have never shown his "opness" without those addons?

    Yeah that could be the answer...

    Since the addons were the problem, I have never understood why they have jump on the basekit, this extrem.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    this would mean old Freddy never got to try new perks from new killers, pls freddy players would whine about that.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I'd be okay with that. It's legacy content, leave it for the people who were here first and enjoy playing as him. If we enjoyed playing as him without these hypothetical "new perks" then we would have continued on playing him

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Sadly with the new trend of not buying a game but getting a service their is no grounds to complain.