Anyone else love Monitor&Abuse as much as I do?

For real, I love this perk. I use it on every killer (not wraith xd) and I'm super satisfied with the results. It fks survivor's minds so much!!
As a Michael main for killer I adore it. Its absolutely lethal on him.
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Only killers i use it on are Myers and Nurse.
It was a really good Legion perk too until Legion was changed.
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Mostly just use it on Myers. It IS awesome on him.
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i run the perk on many killers.
the TR decrease is awesome as is, but an increased FoV on top of that?
man i love the perk...
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It makes hag a really powerful stealth killer too
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IMHO it is way overrated. It makes absolutely no difference against good survivors because they will notice the change in your TR and realize you have M&A, which then changes their strategies. I really don't ever find myself falling for the smaller TR because if you suspect the killer has M&A you just make an extra effort to track them visually or by some other means (Spine Chill).
The only killer who gets actual tangible and consistent value from M&A is Myers, and that's mostly because of how it combos with Dead Rabbit. His TR is so small at this point that you can actually get the drop on good survivors if you understand LOS and survivor's perspective.
Hag and Spirit can get some value from it too, to a lesser extent, because they have already a small TR. But even then it can be countered by good positioning and awareness as survivor.
But for any 32m TR killer, M&A is a meme to me. Sure it may help against the 90% of survivors that are trash at the game, but against a good survivor it means nothing. I honestly laugh whenever I see a normie killer run this perk because it's an absolute waste or a perk slot.
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Monitor and Abuse + Infectious Fright is really strong, especially on some killers ( Nurse with range add-ons, Myers with Dead Rabbit, Hillbilly, Plague ). The fact that you got a lower TR and FOV increase on top of a crazy snow ball effect makes Monitor and Abuse worth it.
Monitor and Abuse + Whispers is also a good combo on Pig, so you know when to crouch, so you don't waste time crouching.
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Absolutely essential perk on Myers even better then Bamboozle or Enduring on him
Great on Pig, Billy, and really just any "average/normal" sized killer
Really silly to use it on M1 Doctor on Lery's though, no one expects it lol
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I used M&A + Whispers combo on Pig, but then Spirit Fury came and I had to say byebye to M&A.
I would use M&A more if I had like 6 perk slots, but there are much more useful perks for most killers.
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Also, your point of view doesn't make any sense, because you said that Monitor and Abuse is good against trash survivors and you said that 90% of survivors are trash, so pretty much Monitor and Abuse is worth using in 90% of the time.
Also, guess what, almost all killers perks means nothing against good survivors.
Hex perks means nothing against good survivors.
Barbecue and Chilli means nothing against good survivors.
Discordance means nothing against good survivors.
Corrupt Intervention means nothing against good survivors.
And I could go on all day ...
Post edited by Marcus on6 -
those points you mentioned are assuming that the killer is an idoit. And i think you underestimate a low TR, here are my points on the perk since i use it a lot.
- if the survivors are going to be more aware it doesn't matter as you should be using trees and walls to get close also gens surrounded by walls forces survivors to rely on the TR to know how close the killer is.
- the decreased TR often catches survivors off guard and you see them as they go hiding or even after they hide since they cant get very far after noticing you.
- barely anyone uses detection perks and their range still makes hiding difficult. I haven't even seen spine chill used in rank one and as a rank 10 survivor i see it used only ever few games by one or two survivors.
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Eh I find it to be pretty useless on the taller killers like plague and trapper cause they can see you a mile away. At one point I started running it with all my killers but then it started to feel like a waste of a perk slot. I wish we had more base 24m terror radius killers & then this perk could be more useful.
It’s great paired with nurses calling though.
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I'm talking about playing as a GOOD SURVIVOR.
Once you know the killer has M&A it is super easy to beat. Doesn't matter how good the killer is, if you are a good survivor you can counter play M&A very easy. It's called game awareness.
Also I see Spine Chill quite often as a rank 1 survivor. I use it myself and I know many others that use it also. This besides the fact you don't need it to counter M&A, it just makes it way easier.
Fact is, no good survivor will fall for this gimmick of a perk. But majority of survivors are not good survivors, so killers get this false impression that the perk is way better than it actually is. This is the same fallacy as something like Sloppy, which is USELESS against good survivors that just play the whole game injured. It only has value when survivors heal, which again are generally the not good survivors.
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Good survivors can make almost every killer perk useless, stop bringing up this argument.
I bet you can't tell me 5 killer perks which don't lose a lot of their effectiveness against good survivors, or even just 3.
I barely see Spine Chill in red ranks. This is what I see in red ranks : exhaustion perks, Adrenaline, BT, DS and Iron Will. In 10 matches if I see 2 Spine Chill users at best.
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It's a godsend on hag
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Love it on her and Myers.
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The difference is that there are perks that have tangible effects survivors can't ignore. Pop is one of those perks. Good survivors can play around it, but at the end of the day they will lose 25% gen progress when you kick it. The only counter play there is to commit to finishing gens when you have the chance. It still has value against good survivors, whereas M&A has none.
Whispers is another example. It's really hard to tell a killer even has it. But even when you know, it's not easy to dodge. And even if you attempt to dodge it a good killer will still find you. It has value regardless of the level of survivors you are up against.
Yet another example is Discordance. Survivors can know you have this perk but there will be a time where they will need to team up on gens. And if they avoid teaming up on gens to dodge Discordance, you still benefit as killer, therefore it still holds value.
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Agree with Pop and Whispers, but disagree with Discordance, I think it's very overrated, it's too easy avoidable, it seems like it activates once per match and then survivors ignore it completely, because usually survivors do gens solo unless they spawn together.
Also, the combo Monitor and Abuse + Infectious Fright will clearly have value even against good survivors unless you play on a very big map like Rotten Fields or survivors run Calm Spirit, but nobody runs that anyway.
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Also, Ruin and BBQ can be ignored or play arounded very easily by good survivors and yet they still meta and used by almost all killers.
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Dude as stated objects block line of sight which makes awareness useless and geuss what gens survivors like to knock out first, the gens without cover and walls. Its like you think the survivors will always have a clear line of sight which they often dont
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I BLOODY LOVE IT probably one of my fav perks. Run it on most charecters, though huntress and Myers typically get the best use out of it imo
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I adore it. Run it on a ton of people because it's just *fun*
So many things you can stack it with and it trips people up really well when used right. It's especially good on Bubba to make up for his lack luster power by allowing him to get in a little closer before survs take off
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I use it with all the killers I play except ironically the doctor, which is the owner of the perk. In fact, I use the opposite perk with the doctor, Distressing, due the synergy with treatment mode.
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Following your argument almost all the perks are bad because good survivors know how to deal with them. Also, I won't consider a bad perk (or overrated) a perk that work against 90% of the survivors as you said...
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I used to run it on old Freddy since it was great with him but on his reworked self there's better perks to choose. Now I really only run it on Myers, Hag and Legion. It's a pretty good perk tho
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@Marcus Discordance can force survivors to split up to do gens. As the game goes on this becomes more and more difficult, so when there are 1 or 2 gens left to do they are basically forced to proc it. As long as you prioritize that Discord proc you can prevent them from doing gens. Surveillance is very similar, and also holds value regardless of the survivor's skill.
As for M&A + IF, yea there is value but it requires 2 perks. You're not getting value from M&A alone, it's mostly IF, and you can achieve a similar result with Distressing. Not to mention that at 40m IF is rather easy to dodge. You're going to spend a lot of time looking for the survivor because it will take you roughly 9 seconds just to get to the position where they screamed. You are actually better off not even using M&A and just going with IF, because you're not going to capitalize on someone screaming really far away, only if they are relatively close can you even find them.
BBQ still has value at high levels because of the BP boost. It is easy to dodge, but it's so common that some survivors will just ignore it and continue doing whatever it was they were doing anyway, so you can use it to keep tabs on them. So there is more value there than what you'd get from M&A. Ruin also still has value because it forces them to hit great skill checks and can slow them down a little bit if they fail just 1 or 2. At the end of the day, both of these perks have LESS value than usual against good survivors (as any perk would), but there is still something of value there. M&A has 0 value against those same survivors.
@AChaoticKiller LOL, yet survivors can see around corners because they have a third person camera. And you act like it's hard to track a killers movement, it's really not. If you know where the killer was then you can predict the path they will take because it should be the shortest path. All the survivor needs to know is that you have M&A, so the moment they hear a hearbeat they know you are much closer than you would be normally, and with a third person camera they will likely see you long before you see them. I'm telling you M&A is worthless against good survivors. It's a gimmick.
@IamFran So then if I run Boil Over, and majority of killers can't get me to a hook, what will my conclusion be? That Boil Over is a good perk. But it's not. It's a garbo perk, because any good (or just decent) killer will know where hooks spawn and/or will be taking mental notes of where they see hooks, making it useless against players that know how to counter it. DS, on the other hand, can be countered but that counter is to slug the player. You get value out of the perk regardless if the killer knows you have it because it forces them to waste time. Just because it works against a lot of players doesn't actually make it a good perk. What makes something a good perk is that it has tangible results regardless of the skill of the opponent. Hence why I bring up stuff like Pop and Whispers, because it still hurt good survivors.
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I already said this combo has more value on certain killers ( Nurse, Billy, Myers, Plague ). Also, with 40 meters of trigger range you can be sure nobody isn't in BBQ counter range when you hook someone.
Why I would run Distressing, that perk is garbage, it makes you easier to stealth, at least Monitor and Abuse doesn't hurt you in any way.
Discordance is garbage against good survivors, period. I literally saw multiple matches where Discordance didn't even activate once, just once ! You can't even say it slowed down the game because repairing gens solo is more effective than repairing them together. I really don't want to look for these matches, but if you keep insisting that "Discordance is good regardless of survivors skill" then I have to. Discordance is very overrated, end of disscussion.
The fact that BBQ grants me more BP doesn't have any value game play wise, because I talk about perks strength in game. Good survivors even run Object of Obsession because they don't care if they are seen, so in that case you don't need BBQ to find them. Also, even if they want to hide from BBQ, they can, because BBQ has a miriad of counters.
If survivors spawn on top of Ruin, that perk won't have any value for you. And no, I don't treat 15 seconds for cleansing a totem in exchange for killer having 3 perks for the rest of the match as valuable.
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@thesuicidefox dude do you even play as low TR killers in high rank like seriously enless people are out in the open your gunna get closer than normal and see them also before you post think about your point first cause i can simply say that there are no gens around corners that give you a view of the map that you imply. i would also like to point out is that killers have no stationary objective which means they can look wherever they want, enless its the beginning of the match or the killer cant find the survivors they are certainly not predictable. Also enless you suck at playing killer your not going to patrol gens the same way each time. Last thing, what you say implys that myers sucks hard since he couldnt possibly sneak up on survivors after they know its him yet every time i play him i easily sneak up on people at rank 1 even when theres only 1 gen left to repair.
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monitor isn't going to help you in red ranks, its a great perk and idea but id rather run something that'll help with pressuring survivors , something that'll waste their time, or ensure another kill by late game
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I play Spirit, Hag (but not recently because I don't find her much fun anymore), GF, and Freddy (old and new) at rank 1. The only killer I found use for M&A is Hag, but there are still like 10 other perks that are better options.
What I said implies nothing about Myers. I said he's the only killer that gets actual benefit from M&A at red ranks. The rest is you assuming things.
I'm rank 1 killer and survivor. M&A will not help you against a survivor like me, and I know many survivors as good as me or better. M&A never helps me at red ranks, especially on normie TR killers. Stop trying to say it's good. I've seen it, I've tried it, it's not really that good. The chances of you sneaking up on me with M&A are null except for maybe the first time you show up before I've realized you have M&A. But once I do, then it's not going to work. Trust me.
If you're sneaking up on a survivor at rank 1, they aren't a GOOD survivor. They are probably boosted. Sorry but it's the truth. M&A is a gimmick.
EDIT: I also play Huntress, and even though she is one of my favs she too map dependent nowadays for me to have actual fun with her. I play her only for dailies or after a rank reset. Once they bring m/kb support to DBD on Xbox and/or fix some of the maps then I will probably play her more. So when you ask "do you even play low TR killers" I basically play every one of them except Myers, which I already stated is the only killer that benefits from M&A.
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It's also good on Huntress, since she already has a reduced Terror radius, with it she has a nice 12 meter terror radius xD.
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I liked it on old Freddy and when I play no shock doc. I tried it on Clown recently and the lowered tr didn’t help since these survivors knew what to do.
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On Nurse? I think for her is so much more bettter perks, especially tracking or "slowing the game down" perks.
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It’s pretty much permanent in My Spirit build now. It’s amazing for her so she can land an easy first hit on survivors doing gens, then you just phase to get the down. I still however don’t know if it keeps the large terror radius while she was phases in a chase. Anyone know?
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It's iffy for me, but then again, I don't have very many uses for less terror radius. Maybe I'll try it on huntress, since people seem to forget that she has a smaller terror radius.