It's finally happening...

I've been playing DBD for the best part of 2 years. I have hit killer rank 1 multiple times, and survivor rank 1 once. I have the platinum trophy on PS4, and have unlocked all killer perks (and characters) as well as the majority of survivors although I honestly prefer playing killer as I find surviving too easy.
Now that I've acommplished everything I wanted to, I am getting so bored of this game... I have no enthusiasm to play and when I do end up turning it off after a game or two. This is such a shame because I loved DBD, it is so unique and was so much fun when I first discovered it.
Something needs to be done to keep this game fresh. Pumping out new killers and survivors just isn't working. Once you've got past the 1 day learning curve of a new character, reality sinks in and you realise you're still playing the exact same game. It really is about time they started adding new game modes. Just 1 or 2 to keep people interested and to introduce more players. Just my opinion but I'm sure some people feel the same, and if you don't yet... you will.
How often do you try mixing up your builds instead of going with the same thing over and over? I know for me, I can run myers several games in a row and just swap up his addons and perks for a different experience.
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To be honest all the time, I often post on this forum asking for Class / Loadouts so I can save a variety of builds for quick access. I stopped going for 4Ks almost a year ago and set my own goals surrounding the builds I use as I love experimenting and had more fun this way, but I'm just not feeling it anymore which sucks. I feel I've just played this to the death.
I'm gunna take a couple months break and come back so it feels fresh again I think :)
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I feel you so much cause I only play survivor only cause of the heck of it. I always play a game or two depending on my mood of the game if the devs added in any modes then maybe my friends should've been still interested in the game sadly they switched to..That game..
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All those people saying "surviving is too easy" ....I can't take you seriously.
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I have a goal. I want every killer on p3 and unlock all perks for every last one of them. It's almost impossible. I now have about 800h and I'm not even close.
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I can't take you seriously if you disagree.
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Me neither.
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Facts show that solo surviving is hard.
Surviving in a 4 men SWF group is another story.
But yes,keep the "Im a killer main and only want free kills " stereotype going on.
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Plot twist: I'm a survivor main.
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@PalletOrWhat I have over +1000 hours and all my killers and survivors are at least P1. I have almost all my survivors P3.
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Then you would understand that surviving is not easy.
Unless you find optimal teammates+you go against a low tier killer+ the killer is dumb everygame
you play selfishly and hatchcamp everygame
You play in an optimal 4 men swf group.
you are not gonna escape THAT often lets be serious,here.
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It's only ever Survivor mains who say that Killer mains go "I'm a Killer main and want easy 4 sacrifices all the time". There was never an actual Killer main saying that nonsense.
Solo surviving is challenging because the average Survivor's skill has dropped considerably in the past months and you have to deal with potentially 3 potatoes. That doesn't mean it's hard though, the same cheese mechanics still apply as a solo Survivor.
If you lose because the other Survivors didn't pull their weight, it's not because surviving is difficult.
If all Survivors play intelligently, surviving is easy. That's an actual fact. Balance goes by potential and the assumption that players are good, not by how much the average player sucks.
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2-man SWF, playing against derankers. Despite being a mediocre survivor, I escape more often than not.
Maybe the problem is you, and not whatever you want to believe it is.
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There are multiple ways to see balance.
You either balance around the avarage player or balance around high rank play.
So I guess were both right from two different perspective.
All the DCs are definitely my fault thank you for showing me the path.
And I would say that surviving is not easy based on my experience as a killer and survivor because I play both sides and yes I play at red ranks basically every season
(4 MEN SWF IS another story, again)
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I thought we were discussing balance issues. DCing has no bearing on balance for the same reason we don't take cheaters into account.
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I agree it's time for new modes
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Why is DC on par with cheating? Much like bad killers say tunneling and face camping are part of the game, so is DC. DC is an option put by developers that should be utilized against face camping, toxic tunnelers who hump you. If they didn't want it they would make you pull the plug and start over like every other game, however a DC is simply pushing start and Y. I learned it from many killers who DC when 3 gens pop during their face camps ☺
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Disconnecting is against the rules. The option is there because real-life is more important than a game, and thus you may need to disconnect at some point. But hey, be sure to keep disconnecting when dedicated servers roll out. I'm sure it'll be hilarious - for me, anyway.
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We were discussing how "easy" surviving is,so it does make sense.
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It happens, most of my killers are p3 and Ive started p3ing survivors now, it just happens. Once ytou get 1000s of hours in a game it does this. Many of the big DBD streamers loudly state they wouldnt even be playing DBD if they werent being paid to.
Mix it up, play another game for a day or two.
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Well, survivors cheat sometimes, so playing killer is harder. Killers also DC, which guarantees an escape.
Do you want me to continue, or can we get back to discussing what actually matters when it comes to balancing?
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Why the hell is everyone giving crap for this post?
Y'all wanna throw around facts?
It's a fact that the game could use more game modes. Or objectives. And I'm sure the Devs know it and are just trying to figure out what will work best so people aren't immediately crying about stuff they'll inevitably cry about anyway.
The game is fun. It could be even more so with diverse game modes to keep it fresh.
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Sure that's a goal but the game's really not that fun at that point.
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I've been thinking the exact same as you have for a few months now. Have all my survivors P3, all killers P1+ and got all perks for every character. There is no goal to set for myself anymore to make the game fun like it used to be for me. I'd definetly love to see new game modes. But then, in the anniversary stream, they did show some new features that could potentially make the game slightly more attractive again.
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The thing is... It's been already 3 years of same-ness mechanics for a not-so-popular game... It's pretty hard to keep the community (or to grow it) like this :/
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Honestly, I can't remember the last time I didn't escape. It is easy. Stealth all the way - Lithe, Urban Evasion, Self-Care & Spine Chill. Winning formula everytime, at least for me it is.
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Survivor can be played perkless, much easier than you can play killer perkless. I play both, and can easily escape as survivor with no perks, killer, not so easy is it?
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Doesn't mean you aren't wrong. Over 11K posts won't help you with that at all.
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Too bad he isn't though.
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Just take this advice - people who say it is easy to escape as a solo survivor are survivors you do not want to trust in a trail. They are happy to use other survivors as fodder by whatever means necessary.
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This is completely true. I'm still a long way from complete completion but lemme tell you 500+ hours of the same thing has gotten a bit boring. This is not a horror game after the first week of playing it. It's pretty much a necessity at this point to add more gamemodes and maybe something actually scary lol
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This is so damn true here. Those survivors would never ever risk a safe in case they could get injured lol. I can't take players serious who say solo is ez pz.