Am I in the wrong here?

I was playing as Ghost face to try him out. I have heard he was bad, but I wanted to see for my self. There was a David who was running No mither, and I found him in a locker. I hooked him then left. 20 seconds later, he gets saved, and I was still in the area. I did not see scratch marks so I went to the closest locker and opened it. I hooked him again and left. About 3 minuted later I was chasing down a Jake, but I lost him. Guess who I saw in front of me. The David who was running no mither. I hooked him and left. When the game was over I got 4 messeges saying I tunneled him and that I am trash. I tried to reason with them saying he was just always at the wrong time and place. They called me a fag and left. Am I in the wrong here? I have never run into this problem before. Please let me know your thoughts on this and if I am using this right. Its my first time.
Best Answers
No, if you keep finding the same person by accident it’s fine, it’s just unlucky, true tunneling is when there ARE other targets nearby and the killer only targets the unhooked survivor repeatedly until they are dead. This person probably shouldn’t run no mither if they’re actually not good enough to either lose/avoid or run the killer. It’s also his teammates ditching him and not bothering to take your attention off him. Not like he could be healed anyway... You’re fine, try not to worry about it, people will be horrible if they perceive they’ve been wronged even if they were just unlucky.
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Even though they’re being rude (big surprise there with some people who play this game)... they have a point, I didn’t even realise this is in the wrong section I went through recent discussions, if you ever need to check or need to move a post to the correct part of the forum try getting in contact with one of the mods like Rizzo90, Mandytalk etc. by putting “@“ then their names. They can either close the thread or move it to the right location.
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There are a few starters in here:
Welcome to the forums btw, can seem pretty hard to get around at first ☺️
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Nah, that David was a potato. Bad luck does exist in the game. I always seem to get found even though I'm very stealthy. XD
If they are found in a locker, and they go back to the same locker, then that's their fault for getting caught. All I see is you using your mind correctly.
You weren't tunneling. You were looking for whoever was nearby and happened to find the David.
In this game the survivors expect you to play to a certain set of rules... You don't have to follow that. You just have to win.
Thank your for the reply! Was not expecting someone to reply so soon. I never really run into "toxic" survivors. This is kinda the first time so I did not know what to make of it.
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I kinda travel around the forums, happy to help, if it really becomes an issue messages can be set to friends only on console, playing offline (appearing offline) also works occasionally. People will usually blame the killer rather than their team or their own plays, just try not to let them project it on to you and just play how you feel is right/how you want to/how you enjoy playing. 😊
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To answer your question, yes, you are in the wrong here. This is looking for players ps4 section. Not validate me whining about whining.
Take it to killers forum.
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Your not that nice. Lol.
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I kinda just clicked a randome thing. No idea what I was doing.
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I main killer. I am not nice at all.
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I mean... he was running No Mither. I thought people ran it to either de-pip or get an extra challenge. If he didn't know where to go or hide, that's kinda on him. SWF can be over protective of their ducklings. I wouldn't think too much about it.
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@MandyTalk @Peanits or another mod, could you possibly move this to the Killers forum? OP accidentally put it in the wrong spot I think.
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Its still suprised me to see everyone gang up on me. Is Dead by daylight really this toxic?
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Like I said up top. First time using this and I just pushed buttons.
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You get some who are and some who aren't. A lot of times with SWF, it's a bit of an echo chamber of sorts. You have 1~3 other people going "yeah, you're right" and "how dare he, is he looking for you?" and they don't consider the bigger picture. You also have people defending weaker members. Like I played with a team where my Dwight friend was really weak (and in red ranks, too). Like we tried to block and even with all of us blocking and near to the door, they still managed to go down. The people I was playing with went after the killer for tunneling. When you play with a weaker/lower ranked friend, you want to protect them. I think people project their own failures onto the killer sometimes.
It's always nice when you get wholesome people, on either side, though. ❤️
It makes my day, honestly.
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That's okay. If you go to the section, there will actually a "New Discussion" red button that will place the discussion into that particular section. You can also read descriptions underneath (unless on mobile) about what kind of stuff goes in there.
Also if you quote someone, they get notified of your response I do believe. Otherwise they'll need to check back and won't know if you're responding to them. c: Welcome to the forums.
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Unfortunately yes it is this toxic
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Damn. I though the whole community was exaggerating.
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I wish, i've turned off messages on ps4 because of it
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I keep mine on because back then I ran into a lot of gg's.
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Which can mean good game or get good
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I've never heard gg to mean "git gud", but that's just me.
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You don't see it used that way a lot
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Get good? People use that?
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Ahm... nope, that wasn't tunneling, if you believe yourself to be a really good killer and you like giving them a chance just do as I usually do and down the person when it's about to be their third hook and go away for others to heal him... Still... You are the killer... And you found him in a locker twice... He was a potato, not your fault at all...
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Dear @AngelKings
You are wrong for a couple of reasons:
- You lost track TWICE of a perfectly easy to tunnel and kill "no-mither-no-brain" David.
- You didn't try to tunnel him, you just got lucky. It is not like that most of the time, try to keep up with him so you can tunnel and kill him quicker.
- You felt bad for a survivor, those feelings are just a distraction, get rid of them when playing killer.
- You tried to explain yourself to the survivors that complained. You don't do that, you just mock them. Make fun of sore losers, write "GG WP" to respectful players.
Well done anyway. Next time you will tunnel faster, speed is key with that tactic
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I'll keep that in mind next timeXD
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No problem. : )
It was a hurdle to get over, but you kind of just have to not care about survivor players opinions to play killer well.
Sure, I have some "rules" I follow, but they are more like guidelines:
- go for the rescuer
- mori as the last hook
- let the last survivor (after 2 or more DCs, and only then) have the hatch.
But the game is what you make it. : )
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I follow these.
1. You teabag I kill u
2. If people leave the game I will let the last surviver go
3. Go for the rescuer
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I follow these:
1-I kill you
2-I kill you
3-I kill you
4-I kill you and hit you while you are on the hook
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To be honest that is me when I am mad. I just become an ######### and do that.