Dead By Daylight 2?

So during my time playing Dead By Daylight I had a decent amount of enjoyment and thats well no real problems aside from the game with it's usual issues that I won't go into detail with but seeing how the next "generation" is around the corner think we will be seeing a DBD2 or maybe just another version of it?
Now I know for games like this you usually don't see a "sequel" I mean we don't even have a true campaign. However, a lot of issues can be fixed completely with a fresh start so with that in mind do you think we will ever see a DBD2 and do you think we would need one?
This is the type of game that can continuously be updated and added onto.
I don't think there's a need for a Dead by Daylight 2.
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They update this one frequently with new content so doesn't really seem necessary.
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Wouldn't be necessary but judging by their recent Survey maybe they're considering to make a new Game Who knows . But I can see Dead by Daylight moving onto next gen not DBD2 thought .
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Idk why everyone is saying it isn't necessary...
There should be a DbD2 one day just not for a while...
Unless they drop ps4/xbox one support in the future how will they update visuals? Will DbD in 10 years be looking like this?
Hopefully we will be on a sequel by then on next gen consoles/pc
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DBD2 wont happen for a while. There is still plenty of money to be made for the game we currently play, dlc's, cosmetics, the mobile. It might happen eventually just not for a long while.
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DBD2 isnt going to happen within the 4-5 years since bhvr want this one to last at least that long..... the question however does need to need to be answered whether DBD will be moving to next gen
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@Bravo0413 If its coming to switch it better be getting a PS5/xbox 4 version lol
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We don't need one.
New generation? What??!? You mean new consoles?
-this wouldn't force the Dev's to make another DBD
-campaign would not work because there's so little lore anyways. (This isn't L4D where lore can just be picked up from voice lines/conversations/ events throughout the chapters)
Plus no one talks except vigo, even then all of this doesn't warrant a new DBD
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I would like this just so they could remove SWF. ######### SWF. Its cancer and anyone who uses it, whether ######### or just people wanting to play with friends, spreads that cancer.
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@ItsYourBoyGuzma They dont exist in this dbd. The point of a sequel would be to change everything and break the norm.
Better visuals too that ps4/xbox one can't support/completely new code or engine.
So many things can happen with a sequel. Maybe we could even get short killers in dbd2
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It had better move to ps5! And run better too! Lol this is something that should be answered may31st
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Of course we should get DBD2. And it should come out on whatever consoles are available at the time.
And BHVR better not be stingy and keep all the licensed killers we already have and add them to the game.
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Nah too early. Next gen talk won't happen until we are closer towards the release of the consoles, which I doubt will happen this year.
With mobile, dedicated servers and Switch release they have enough to talk about for the stream I think.
@Topic I'm pretty sure one day we will hit the point, where it makes sense to start over with a DbD2 concept. And will probably look forward to it, what possibilities the game designers would have, if they could design a successor from scratch based on their DbD experience. But we are still far away from it. In best case scenario, I could see some spin-off happening.
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There already is DBD 2.
The one and only.
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We did get sort of a spiritual successor, Deathgarden (honestly one of my favorite games of all time, too bad it died.)
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@almondbutter its getting a huge update may 30th, along with a free weekend and the price is getting reduced to 15$, also owners get 2 free keys for their friends so it might players back for a month or 2
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@I_Eat_Worms I knew about the huge update, but the rest actually sparks a bit of hope the game can survive on its own.
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@almondbutter yeah, dbd owners can get it for 10$ instead of 15$, also if you already owned the game they are giving a ton of compensation rewards for the og players and 2 free steam keys that they can give to their friends
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@I_Eat_Worms Can't wait to see what those rewards are, damn now I'm excited.
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This day and age with downloads. A second DBD isnt really required.
They can patch graphics updates and new material. Why make a new game while you can milk this for more transactions
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I think we have to accept that DBD is now more like a "Game as a service" than just a standalone game.
We're coming up to our third year of content, with a road map being teased, dedicated servers - and they've only /really/ just started the fog whisperer program, I think we've got a little while to go before we get another "Dead by Daylight".
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I think there are valid arguments to be made for a DBD2. It would give them the flexibility to make drastic changes that might be considered "too much" if they did it to the current game. For example, they could completely change the way that players are sacrificed so that camping is a non-issue. They could completely change the way escaping works so gen rushing is a non-issue. They could introduce completely new mechanics like "map mori's" or "killer traps". Big change stuff is dangerous to a game like this. One wrong move could completely kill the game. But a brand new game starts with a clean slate.
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but if they made a second game then the community would eventually split between the two games, or if anything reduce the amount of players on dbd, as the current players will probably play the other game too, this would also create split community issues that im pretty sure anyone with a slight understanding in how a community works would relise is very bad idea,least at the moment, and also the game is still in its early stages, and as the devs said themselves, "we have planned content for years to come".
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um 1 (let's see if anyone from that post is still around)
As for OP, no. Just improve this game.
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Do you really think they could pull off a DbD2 with DbD1 being so massive in terms of content it currently has?
It'd be a downgrade and people would be upset.
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Building on top of sand will collapse earlier than on solid foundation.
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@se05239 3 new killers 4 survivors again would be nice.
With better visuals/animations/multiple modes
Give DbD Battlefield/Red Dead visuals, make characters actually get cuts/bruises/injured during moris.
Then bring back old DbD1 characters over time but remade for nostalgia/hype
Like MK/Street fighter sequels
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@Bbbrian2013 Why not just add most of those things to the first game and save the time, money and effort to DEVELOP A WHOLE NEW GAME?
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@se05239 The game is on console. PS4/Xb1 couldnt handle all that.
They'd have to drop ps4/xb1 support why do that instead of a next gen sequel?
Console users being told to buy DbD again on Ps5 because of limitations wouldn't go over well. But a DbD2? New game no drama
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The game is a live product. There's no need for a sequel any time in the near future.
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Not happening and no reason to.
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I'm completely accepting blame for that poor guys DBD 2 thread getting trashed 😂
um 3
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If they do make DBD 2, I hope they allow for all the progression to carry over. In fact, I insist!
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Lol it happens final fantasy 11 is a 18 year old ps2 game still for sell on PC steam
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It's Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo =p
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@Cardgrey Its super outdated though and has a successor FFXIV
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Ironically deathgarden is better than dbd in so many ways