Make killers pass a minimum 50mbps upload test

If you want to give killers host every single game force them to prove their internet can handle it. No killer log in without passing a minimum 50mbps upload host average. 9 out of 10 games I'm either lagged out and deranked or cannot do anything because I run across the screen to only teleport into the killers arms. Cannot struggle because you cannot tap A because of lag. It's not an unfair request, or even demand at this point. Host isn't hosting for themselves they are hosting for 4 others. 10mbps per player isn't a hard demand to fill. Everyone should continue to report lagging killers as lag switching until this is fixed. A killer wouldn't be happy going against a survivor lagging the match out, why should anyone have to deal with it? I pull gig up gig down but never have an option to host unless I'm killer. Fair is fair 🤷♂️
Dedicated servers are coming. Be patient.
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Not sure if you know this or not, but that's not how wifi works. It wont evenly divide it. Lag and latency are caused from hundreds of minor things from weather to distance to even neighborhoods.
Anything over 200 ping should be a auto dodge. At least 200 and under works fine.
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I have a constant 1gb upload speed, everyone who connects to me in gow has a 32 ms ping while me as host has 23 ms ping. I understand there are variables etc. Something has to be done because this isn't just happening to me but literally every random and teammate I have from the UK, Sweeden, US and CA we lag insanely bad. When I get host in dbd the average ping to me is 68 ms a higher ping with really no rationale. This game is the highest ping I've ever had someone connect and still haven't had anyone lag as killer. It's just unfortunate to derank when you have no control over the issues such as lagging out or not being able to move. I know killers have to notice the person they're hooking just isn't wiggling etc however I'll notice they see no wiggle and walk across the map to the basement 😂
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I've had 3 cool killers so far who noticed it bad and let us do gens. On escape you don't escape you go to a field and fall off the map then die from the entity
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Still the thing is that problem is not that common. I see it here and there, but overall most of my matches are quite consistent. Even if people had to pass a test then it would be a requirement on both sides and substantially start to impact the game and push people out. I've had horrible ping survivors who wont leave a lobby and they had well over 200 ping while the other 3 had amazing ping.
Also not sure why your trying to brag about your wifi.
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Survivors cannot see the ping. Only the host/killer can see ping.
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It's not a wifi brag, it's a statement of what I have and dbd being the only game that raises ping. If any tech folks are here they can see what I'm running, what ping is and make an assertarion over it. I didn't say, haha I've got the best routers, cat 99999 dropped through my walls darn noobs can't afford internet did I? Don't be so upset you're likely one of the lagers if you have such an issue about me wanting fair matches.
Me personally, I'm bored of this happening in the gif as a survivor. Maybe you're okay with it? Some folks need free kills others can get them fairly ☺
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Survivors can see it. It's quite literally just above the DBD icon when you ready up. Least pretend you know something about this game.
It's a bug not a ping issue your pointing out in that gif. Just like cant be healed on occasion. Those are confirmed bugs.
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Some people can't even get 50mbps, where I live (a cornfield) we've got 1 provider and the most they offer is 10mbps up and 20mbps down.
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If 9 out of 10 of your games are laggy, the problem is probably on your side. Not necessarily bad connection, but maybe location or some other issue.
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Um survivors most definitely can see ping lol
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Yikes on bikes dude calm down. I didn't know you could see your own ping, host gets to see everyone's ping. After reading this I have a 60 ms ping to the laggy matches tonight so it's definitely not ping at loading 😂 😂
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I also thought the same and went direct ports, new cords etc. Checked after each match and killers said they knew they had bad lag but wanted to play. Just seems more or a game pass, I know I have lag but I'm going to murk you anyhow situation.
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Would it be unfair penalization or would it be fair to all players? Seems a tad unfair to grab host spot knowing you cannot handle it honestly. The minimum specs to play online is 5mbps so even if we went with minimums for all 5 players per Xbox reccomendations, host couldn't be had under 25mbps.
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That gif only happens when there is lag in a match. Has never happened on a clean connection. Bug = lag in this scenario unless you can point out the exact issue.
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The biggest thing I'm reading is, "I cannot get internet over 20mbps that would be unfair". To that I say, remove host, can't have host and want to host laggy matches, that's unfair to 4 other people. Should 1 suffer or 4? Sounds like the weight of fairness falls for the 1 currently 😔
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Dude chill
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If you wanna remove thousands of players, then sure.
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You know your network card is probably no more than 1 Gbit/s?
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Clearly you just believe its Lag despite people who have played this game saying it's just a bug. No I cant point out the exact issue otherwise I would be developing the game or another one.
See of well over a hundred matches from both sides I have encountered this on both sides only once. My friend has encountered it a few times. It's a bug not a connection issue. Find a different reason to blame your death or find the route issue and contact the dev's with the correct code to fix it.
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I have 8mbps, and can play most online games (Dbd included) just fine. Who the ######### nedds that fast Internet to play games?
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Or how about you leave an unstable lobby to begin with...
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Host never has a "bad game". You could be on dialup, it'll be "good" for you every time.
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It's more than just the host connection. I stream in HD at 60 fps with a 6k bit rate, have never dropped a frame, and still have people accuse me of having ######### internet.
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Oh no, I had no idea. That's insane. So it just falls on needing dedicated servers? The reason for my skeptisim is I see so many saying they've never encountered lag or bugs here and I'm liek, wow what kind of horrid luck do I have? It's honestly keep me more out of killer roles when everyone is connected to my network because I didn't want people thinking I was lag switching if everyone hits my network mid game and bogs me down lol
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I'm centrally located in the US, but it's not out of the question that someone on one of the coasts could experience 200+ ping to my location, especially if they're in Canada. Matchmaking usually goes off of region first, but it gradually expands if there are no matches in the immediate region. I think what happens is people get a game against someone one state over with no lag, then the next game against a host on the other side of the country, and they perceive the second person as a lag switcher.
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The OP doesn't really know what they're talking about and seems to just be throwing out 50MBPS as a random number :-/
Edit - After reading the whole thread, their levels of both ignorance and cringe are off the charts, haha ;3
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Ping arises primarily due to the physical distance the information has to travel. You can upload however much information you want per second, but the speed at which the information travels will still be equal to or less than the speed of light. This is physics.
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100% OP has the ######### connection
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OP definitely doesn't have a bad connection.
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Not sure on the distance part. When a friend in Canada is matched as killer I've had zero issues and he shows a ping around 70 for me to him at 50mbps. Another friend one state south lands killer on 20mbps and ping is 250. Distance isn't seeming to be a factor there.
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That is a bug.
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I'm sure about the distance part because I actually studied this.
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Before he changed name of this topic he expected 50GBPS!
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OP doesn't understand how connecting to people/servers who aren't, relatively, nearby works.
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Big Oof O_O
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I'm a server technician and it dawned on with this quote right here, that you haven't got the SLIGHTEST clue how the internet works!
"Would it be unfair penalization or would it be fair to all players? Seems a tad unfair to grab host spot knowing you cannot handle it honestly. The minimum specs to play online is 5mbps so even if we went with minimums for all 5 players per Xbox reccomendations, host couldn't be had under 25mbps."
Let me point out a few flaws in your thinking:
1) That minimum speed isn't a minimum speed, it's the minimum speed to have a relatively enjoyable experience with downloading games / updates - You could easily play online with no lag on a 0.5Mb internet connection - Hell, I've played with no lag whilst tethered to an iPhone 3Gs which has a maximum speed of around 300Kbps!
2) That 5Mb per player you speak of which means the killer needs 25Mb - The packets uploaded by the game are tiny, you're probably looking at about 64KB/s if that (and yes, that is factoring in the killer being the "server" - If it was dedi servers you'd be uploading about 8KB/s) There is NO game in the world that uploads data at 5Mb/s - Thats a 720p Twitch stream right there!
3) Latency is NOT caused by the speed of your internet connection, it is caused by how far that data has to travel - If you are in the USA and you are playing with someone in Europe, no matter whether you have 1Mb upload or 500Mb upload, the latency is going to be pretty much the same - The packets have to travel through thousands of miles of cable, switches and servers, it is this that is going to slow it down!
Go onto and run a speed test to a server close to where you live and take a look at the ping - Then start picking servers further and further away and you will see that your latency starts to increase
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If people would just hard-wire their stuff, we wouldn't have this problem. Any Wi-Fi is gonna lag. Hardwired on the other hand tho.... ✌
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I dont know any PC gamer who is connected via Wi-FI. Console issue only.
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You would be surprised. I've gotten in arguments with friends trying to explain to them there problem is Wi-Fi. A lot of people believe that Comcast hi speed Wi-Fi is good enough. There's plenty of people that either don't know how to hard-wire, or are just too lazy, so they rely on Wi-Fi and ruin it for everyone. It's definitely a bigger issue on console tho, I'll agree there!
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People still do that? Get that ethernet cord.
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Unfortunately, yes. I have a special list for certain friends on ps4 that run Wi-Fi that I put them in, and they wonder why I won't play with them... Lol
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I'm still waiting for people to understand the difference between the practical use of 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz for when they aren't wired.
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Clearly you didn't ready the body you genius. No one had 50 gigs Jesus
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I wish distance were true. Again I'm in the southern US and have zero issues with friends in sweeden or Canada. I have more problems connecting to a friend in Southern Texas. Yes if you have incredibly slow internet your neighbor connecting to you is going to lag. The minimum raccomendarion by Xbox to get online is 1mbps. Minimum. That's not for even an average gaming experience. Upload is what matters in hosting. Sure ping distance plays a role and so does horrid internet speeds which many will figure out on dedicated servers. I honestly can't wait for dedicated servers to in turn watch a majority of you lose if because your 5mbps won't handle it 😂 😂
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"Speed isn't an issue, only ping and distance is" stream you playing on dialup, I'll wait.
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How many byte packets is dbd sending per second?
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OP, who hurt you?
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Btw, you're asking for this while the average upload speed in, for example, the U.S. is below 10.
You're also asking for this while some people only have one provider for their area, and not all providers provide such an upload rate.
I said thousands before, right?
Well, I change my mind: With you making that change, you'd outright kill the game.
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I'm asking host be removed from garbage internet. That's all I'm asking. Prove you can host or take it away. You're acting as if I'm requesting you be banned from playing for having bad internet. I'm not. I'm requesting only you suffer for your internet. It's a simple concept really 🤷♂️