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Make killers pass a minimum 50mbps upload test



  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    I'm thinking everyone forgot to read the first line of my post and just went on with a fit. Carry on with assumptions though. They're losing thousands not wanting to play because of bugs, lag etc. It was so bad they had to put it on game pass free hoping more would come be survivors.

    If forcing a fair game kills the game, kill it 💯

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Mate, if you lag in 9 out of 10 games, I can 100% assure you, its on your end, not on the killer's end.

    When I play survivor, on my 8mbps WLAN connection, I lag in maybe 1/20th of my games maximum. Barely any killer has bad connection nowadays. The only ones who lag are on wireless, and physically too far away from their access point to prevent packet loss (other side of their house, usually with multiple rooms weakening the signal).

    Taking a look at my data usage when hosting a match myself, the most I get is 48kbps download, and 16kbps upload. Dead by Daylight is really ######### lightweight when it comes down to the Internet requirements.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    Considering that is average download speed and normally upload speed is far lower than that. Anyone who is not in New Jersey and Maryland for the most part should not be allowed to play Dead by Daylight. (Gig Up/Down and or fiber is bare minimum across most states)

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    Begone you low internet capability scum. How dare you be limited by your ISP and geographical location since it isn't like they have people by the balls with monopoly over an area. However, I am still glad to play with high ping matches at least you have a match to play. Hell, most Minecraft servers you play on has >100ms ping. I think people need to take the time to learn how their internet really works with gaming. A connection is a two way road.

    (Hopefully the mods understand it is being said jokingly and I don't get bars)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited August 2019

    My upload speed is 24 MB/s, and i live in a country which is in the top 10 of average internet speeds.

    Heck, i didn't even look at the speed, i just went for the cheapest deal.

    Now here's a fun fact: Never had complaints about my internet from Survivors.

    To believe that fact or not is up to you.

    Me suffer from my bad internet? Hardly, you're simply asking for something that WILL remove pretty 99% of the players.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Welp, sorry you didn't pass the killer internet entry exam. You are now forced to play survivor or KYF for the remainder of your DBDing days. How dare you try to save money what a heathen. I cannot believe you do not have a dedicated fiber line to your home tsk tsk tsk. Also how do you not read "Up to ##mb/s" and understand that it doesn't matter what tier you order it matters on your location. Since 25mb/s is up to 50 and the 100mb/s plan.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56


    I didn't study IT-technology, but as a physicist I think to know at least some things about it.

    The Ping you get to a Killer, is not determined by DL/UL - rate, rather than other factors.

    While DL/UL does affect the ping, it is relatively small once you pass a certain threshold (which is pretty small, pretty much every Internet these days is way above)

    What really matters are things like this:

    • Distance to the Server (in this case the Killer) -> more distance, the more the data has to travel
    • How many people are on the same line as you -> are in your neighborhood many people online right now? how much data do they use, maybe they are taking more than the line can handle
    • How does your provider/the switches on the line connect you to the server? -> maybe you are getting connected over another line because the direct way is blocked, so there is in the end more distance to the server
    • How is the quality of the line? -> Copper cable? Fiber? Old/new?
    • When you go a wireless way, the weather if you are connected to a Sending tower (Phones), how are the walls affecting the router signal,....

    You see, these are just some things affecting ping. There are many reasons you can get bad ping.

    DbD is a peer to peer connection, which means pretty much everything is DOUBLED, as the Host has the same ping-changing things, unlike most servers, which are on their own line. It doesn't have to be your lines fault or the hosts, it is in most cases something even the best UL/DL doesn't change at all.

    Maybe you understand it better now.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I would rather spend 10min in a laggy game than 30min in the lobby waiting. Providers don't always give you the full speed your paying for and there are tons of other factors that can affect a connection.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Almost everyone is wireless on Xbox. I direct ethernet in because wifi has so much lag. Someone did mention the everyone seeing ping at the start of the match and that has now limited a lot of laggy games but many are still showing 100ms ping and when the console has to render the groahics in chases, when the killer arrives to an area, people pop out behind trees. I've yet to lag a match as killer to date. I've gotten so many messages thanking me for not lagging the game out that I'm starting to see this isn't a me problem but a huge problem that happend after this game was put on game pass on Xbox one.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Or, stay with me. Host can be given to the best internet connection connected like every other good game in 2019. Game loads, checks ping and upload speed, realizes only 1 person or no person will have a bad connection if host is passed to X instead of Y and now lag is fixed. Again, if people stop playing because they cannot have host because they are lagging matches, ✌🏽.

    There is no logical reason to cry for and demand host on bad internet unless you can only win via lagging matches out. I've had killers in my inbox just last night saying they'd have had the win if their internet didn't DC the entire match. I have a feeling a lot of you failed to read what I wrote, don't understand Xbox console issues and think I'm requesting you be banned over just taking your host away. I'm not the least bit surprised by the responses though. In a quest for people to always be right or blame someone else, they have failed to take notice that I've simply requested host go to the person in the match who can in fact handle it.