Petition to Change Object of Obsession to not effect Night Shroud



  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    Ah yes, the argument of "WELL BACK IN MY DAY SONNY" yeah, back in your day Iron Grasp and Agitation was the meta for Killers, gens could be 99%, hooks stayed broken forever, exhaustion perks had no exhaustion, infinites existed, double even triple pallets existed, bla bla bla. Yeah, it was bad back than. And yeah, in comparison its 10x better now, but what you people keep saying over and over remind me of several other community's I was a part of in the beginning and all we did was complain about the past being better or worse.

    And even if you weren't around in 2016, 2017 wasn't any different. It sounds like you've been around since late 2017- Early 2018, about when I started. I've faced these issues too, you act like people don't exist from that time either lmao.

    Get a grip dog, this is 2019, people during DBD currently can have issues too, it doesn't matter what the past used to be, that's exactly what it is, THE PAST. You think people didn't complain back then about stuff like this too? Bringing up your dead past in this game doesn't help with anything, it just shows you have no idea whats happening with the current meta.

    Also, another thing, yeah Ghost Face can do all that, he also gets his power knocked out in a second by looking at him or looking behind you in a chase, people are paranoid about him so its actually difficult to stalk someone when they're expecting it, people have faced Myers for years even in your time, so Ghost Face isn't anything new, and Myers IS STILL BETTER THAN GHOST FACE. Ghost Face atm is Mid-Tier and could possible be Top-Tier if they tweaked some things, which I hope they do...


    Your prime is over, stop bringing up that "WELL BACK IN MY DAY" argument, its like beating a dead horse. You said it yourself, you haven't been in red ranks for awhile, so how would you even know what we're talking about lol... And yeah, I've faced Pre-Patch DS too, you make it sound like DS was a decade old problem, it hasn't been that long since its nerf. I've faced BT before the nerf, I've been here before the EGC was a thing. You're not special...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well said man, also well put when talking about the root of this issue with Ghost Face.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2019

    @Firehazard So because you can't mind-game someone else has to pay the price?

    Have you ever thought that maybe you are just not stalking them properly? I saw a game with you playing against survivors (None of them had OoO) yesterday as Ghostface and I can see why you are making this complaint.

    Also, you CAN Sneak up on them when they are not looking at you. Just FYI. Even when survivors have spotted you, you can still stalk them. Hell, I've been spotted through a wall and in places where I am looking right at them. I've seen Ghostfaces successfully get a 4k match in red ranks so that argument is invalid.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited July 2019

    Where did you see this? Cause not every match I do is 100% perfect you know. Please do remind me or show me where you saw this, as its not uncommon for me to lose you know, I never said I was THE BEST GHOST FACE PLAYER. Nobody is "the best ghost face player" it hasn't even been 2 full weeks since Ghost Face was released yet...

    and no its literally impossible to sneak up on a OoO user, especially in Red Ranks, they're always looking to see where you are at all times if they know you're Ghost Face. You're delusional if you think you can sneak up on a OoO user in Red Ranks.

    Sneaking up on someone isn't stalking them, you have that term twisted. Yes, I can still stalk people when they spotted me, that's common knowledge. I main Myers, I know this all too well. That isn't sneaking up on someone though, sneaking up on someone is getting the drop on them when they're not expecting it. I have zero clue why you think what you said is grounds for "sneaking up on someone" that's just regular chasing at that point...

    And what does that first sentence even mean? Whos paying the price? The only person paying the price is Ghost Face since the Survivor can just see them 1 meter away behind a wall if they're in Night Shroud. There is no counter to OoO with Ghost Face, end of story, you either chase them to get rid of them, or they stick around to ruin the entire match.

    Literally 2 matches ago as I write this that's exactly what I did, and the match ended in a 4k. That doesn't mean I should have to subject myself to chase a single Survivor out of the game because they want to destroy the only thing keeping Ghost Face from the bottom of the Tier list...

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Maybe stop playing that pay to win Wal-Mart Myers.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Ok, now you're defo trolling bro. "Pay to Win" THIS ENTIRE GAME REQUIRES PAYMENTS TO OWN AND PLAY. You got me rollin dog please stop.

  • Johnny212
    Johnny212 Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2019

    Last time I know (< 2.5.0) that OoO has distance limit (probably ~16m), but now it will show killer aura even at extremely close range which makes it BS. Not sure whether devs buff it or it's bugged.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    What people don't get is that Wraith and Pig have this same problem, so unless they want too change the perk itself, there is no problem with it. It's a perk that counters stealth killers, but can also backfire if someone is playing a Billy, Spirit, Nurse, or any other killer that doesn't rely on stealth. The perk is fine as is and this argument is dumb too me since it's only an issue since Ghostface has come out, even though the problem has been in the game for years and no one talked about it. OoO is annoying but you only see it once in a blue moon in red ranks. I have fought 2-3 people with it in the past week of playing killer in red ranks.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well heres the thing, as the obsession the perk maxs out at 72 meters at rank 3 for the aura read. Not being the obsession makes the max 64. The issue here is, that there is no minimum to this perk. So its actually working as its supposed to since it thinks Ghost Face is far away when his Terror Radius is 0. Of course he actually isn't, but the perk thinks this because its outside a Terror Radius that doesnt exist.

    The issue I proposed though, is that them centering a perk around shutting your TR off on the fly makes OoO OP against Ghost Face... They should of thought of this and just made it not see Ghost Face when hes in Night Shroud, OR nerf the perk by giving it a minimum distance regardless of a TR, and or remove the TR requirement all together for the perk to activate.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    "And what does that first sentence even mean? Whos paying the price? The only person paying the price is Ghost Face since the Survivor can just see them 1 meter away behind a wall if they're in Night Shroud. There is no counter to OoO with Ghost Face, end of story, you either chase them to get rid of them, or they stick around to ruin the entire match."

    Literally means what it does. So just because you can't properly stalk, they should just trash OoO... even though it wasn't a problem (according to you) until Ghostface.

    "Sneaking up on someone isn't stalking them, you have that term twisted. Yes, I can still stalk people when they spotted me, that's common knowledge. I main Myers, I know this all too well. That isn't sneaking up on someone though, sneaking up on someone is getting the drop on them when they're not expecting it. I have zero clue why you think what you said is grounds for "sneaking up on someone" that's just regular chasing at that point..."

    Sneaking up meaning "When They Are Not Looking At You" Survivors don't see you 100% of the time you're in a match. I main Myers too and I've literally been able to grab survivors before I hit T1. That's the sneaky mentality I'm talking about.

    Ghostface can do what Myers can within seconds, and yet No One complained that Myers has to face OoO survivors. But in your opinion, you shouldn't have to chase a survivor who can constantly see you because you just want to pick who you want to chase? Hmmm Ok.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I see it a lot now in Red Ranks because of Ghost Face. And yes, its a counter to Stealth Killers. But the issue is its such an issue to Ghost Face since like I said, it allows a experienced Survivor to see you through a wall 1 meter a part when your TR is 0. At least with Wraith and Pig, their powers are not 100% null by this.

    They should just make Night Shroud act like Tier l Myers, where OoO doesnt see you. Or the very least add a minimum distance to the perk and or remove the TR requirement to activate it. The perk should be updated with the current meta.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Omg, why does everyone say this in a argument NOOO I didn't say they should trash OoO cause of my opinion or because its an issue for Ghost Face, dont feed me words I didn't say or imply.

    Also, yes thats sneaking, im not talking about regular Survivors, im talking about OoO users, they're possible... impossible to sneak up on because they can see you at any distance when your TR is 0.

    And btw, Myers and Ghost Face may be similar, but Myers has a passive TR that is low, its not a main vocal point like Ghost Faces, he doesnt rely on it 24/7 to be effective like Ghost Face does. Since Ghost Faces powers can be shut off by looking at him for a second, Myers doesn't have this issue. And OoO on Myers is laughable, he can pocket Tier lll them if they want to bait a chase. And in a loop, you can't see Myers Because a Tier ll + M&A Myers has a TR of 8, thats just enough to not make loops difficult for him, and he can even mind-game a OoO user, Ghost Face can't during Night Shroud.

  • Exa1ib3r
    Exa1ib3r Member Posts: 86

    Now this is solid. Not only does it buff Ghostface, but Micheal, Amanda, Spirit, and the bing bong boi.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I aim to please, while retaining the perks main focus without damaging its original powers.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    Yeah, but Object of Obsession affects the power and the killer himself.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Yes I'm sure that the Killer that is immune to OoO will be able to get a gen grab. No one here is doubting that stealth is a thing that can exist.

    The issue is that OoO is too effective against specifically ghostface. We aren't trying to nerf in into the ground or anything. In fact, making it tied to the TR is even a buff in some specific situations where the TR exceeds 32 meters such as a doctor build.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    I think I have to disagree that the dynamic between Ghost Face and OoO needs any kind of change. OoO is definitely problematic for Ghost Face as it's an exceptional hard counter to him to be sure. However, like was said, OoO wasn't really run much until Ghost Face came about and it's only being run now because Ghost Face is the new hotness. Once the Ghost Face hype has died down and various killers are being played more actively again, the problem will resolve itself. You'll run into less survivors playing OoO because they'll be running into less killers playing Ghost Face. Once that happens, the occurrences of encountering this particular hard counter should greatly diminish.

    Also, It's okay to have certain perks counter certain killers, even hard counter them. Spirit is one of the most powerful killers in the game right now but you run Iron Will against her and she has a fraction of the potential, making her power far less effective (almost detrimental) and the same can be said about Ghost Face and OoO.

    Now I will say that this is all speculative. If when Ghost Face becomes less prominent in the meta and yet people are still consistently running OoO, then perhaps the devs should consider looking into a change with how the two interact. Until then though, I think it's okay for OoO to hard counter Ghost Face. However, if my speculation is correct, once Ghost Face becomes less prominent, OoO will go back to being rarely played.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You shouldn't just band-aid the problem by assuming since he's new that less people will run OoO when he isn't "hot" anymore. This could very well be true, but that doesn't fix the actual issue at hand with OoO.

    In-general, the perk should be changed to better fit the stealth Killers of today, rather than just ignoring the problem at hand. Yes, it wasn't a massive issue until Ghost Face was released, but that doesn't really mean anything since unlike say, Urban Evasion to Hag or Small Game to Trapper, OoO to Ghost Face actually destroys his power entirely. With Urban Evasion to Hag yes, it can make her traps less effective. But that doesn't mean anything in a chase as UE isn't a chase perk, its a stealth perk.

    Same goes for Small Game, in a chase it is 100% worthless. A Trappers strength is baiting survivors into going to specific loops he trapped, it doesn't entirely destroy his ability to use his power. As for OoO, you're inclined to kill the OoO user first, or nothing will get done. Because if they're that type of OoO I mentioned above, they'll do anything to ruin your stealth. Hell, even non-OoO users already do this by following Ghost Face, this is no different, except the fact that you can see him ANYWHERE, so you'll never lose him ever.

    The perk should be changed, it should reflect the current meta, and it either should not detect Night Shroud, or add a minimum range to the perk while removing the TR requirement to activate said perk. This would fix the issue entirely, and still keep OoO as a useful perk for whoever uses it regularly.

  • nerfeverything
    nerfeverything Member Posts: 52

    Have you considered just getting better at not being looped to Oblivion? Or is it a common trait among killers to cry for nerfing when something is hard? They've given killers every handicap they can, if you still aren't able to win maybe try Friday the 13th. I hear that game makes it very easy to play Jason.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You must not play M1 Killers at Red Ranks do you? But I assume you know exactly what i'm talking about but instead you say that for cOmEDy!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited July 2019

    Also I never said I was looped to oblivion, specifically me. I said that the possibility that you can get looped into oblivion is shocking. But you'd know that if you... you know... read the post, not skimmed through the parts you wanted to read.

    Yes, I get looped, any M1 Killer main gets looped, have I been looped for 20+ pallets? No. But if I met a god that could, I've yet to faced them in-game.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    1. OoO was unpopular way before GF came along.

    2. You mean T2, there is no T0.

    3. Myers is immune to OoO before hitting T2 which allows him to sneak up on them in the first place. You contradicted your own point.

  • Didiez
    Didiez Member Posts: 51

    I agree!! It's broken, and shouldn't affect it.

  • CantDrownIfASiren
    CantDrownIfASiren Member Posts: 46

    I tunnel ooo users all the time. it rarely benefits them bc the perk is like continual bbq on them. So you cant stalk them but you know where they are and what gens they're doing constantly. Map information is huge for killer. Stop trying to nerf stupid things, this game is easy enough as killer, i have to go against swf to get any challenge. A brainless insta down killer crying over ooo... I'm guessing you whine about adrenaline too. survivors should always have the ability to hide from you in some way. Idc what killer you are. If you use a cheap killer you deserve hard counters. Stealth should be stronger for survivors, not killers. idk why killers feel entitled to stealth and an insta down power. Please get good so I don't have to keep playing easier games. These nerfs just get more and more embarrassing lol.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited July 2019

    "Cheap Killer" Stealth Killers are cheap? What about trap Killers, is Trapper and Hag cheap because they use their Traps? What about ranged killers? Is Plague cheap because she can put people in the broken state? Despite Red Rank Survivors still being able to get around that, or is Huntress Cheap because she can throw hatchets? That 4.4 movement speed sure is SCARY!

    You're clearly delusional, I don't have a single clue what you're even talking about, because its all just none-sense. A summary of what you said was, "I'm good, you're trash, stop whining, gg ez no re git gud" that's all I literally read.

    You ooze ego, please stop. Also, I doubt you're in Red Ranks long enough to even understand what i'm talking about, because what you wrote made it sound like you're always in Green or Purple, since that's where most the tunneling Killer mains go.

    You can kill the OoO user without tunneling them you know... Its not impossible lmao.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    By the way, I can agree with you on one thing like the rest of the forum posters that didn't bother to say anything else than this. Is that its not impossible to face, and here's why.

    Merciless Killer'ed that match, they weren't bad players either, but it ended in a 4 gen 4k. The point of this post though isn't to cry about my inability to face OoO, as its clear here that I can even when a 4 man team runs it.

    Its that the perk is so polarizing to his power, that it actually destroys it 100% percent. I marked them a few times, but that was it. The only time I used Night Shroud was to use their OoO against them to locate where they are. So you and those other posters are right about one thing I suppose.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That is like saying "Incidious should not work on Leatherface....its way too OP in the basement". Get over yourself, some things seem unfair on both sides and they are wasting a perk slot for it.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    So, how many OoO survivors have you run into in the last few weeks? I've seen one, pretty much just as I predicted and it was a Laurie trying to get her achievement. Ghostface is less prominent now and less survivors are running the perk. This entire thread has been nothing but complaining about a problem that never really existed in the first place.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Not a ghost face main so meh. Now wraith needs immunity from it.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Tbh im slowly gaining the belief that night shroud, the pigs crouch and wraiths bell (ie all stealth abilites) Should gain stealth immunity within a certain range. ie they fool stealth perks when active in a certain range of a survivor, ie for an example lets just say for ghostface 36m. any distance outside of that you can see and track them and them you with object of obsession, but as soon as they enter that distance they become unpredictible and you can no longer watch them. same with pig and wraith, but with all stealth perks. spine chill might just give a flash of warning, rather then completely telling you a stealthy killers there, and premonition might only go off within a larger radius etc etc

    it would grant killers subtle immunity to those perks whilst also allowing those perks to still be used against those killers. sole survivor could also increase the perspective range of viewing stealth killers within their abilities (only killer it wouldn't help with is myers) meaning you'd have to run two perks to possibly counter their stealth. do keep in mind thats two whole perk slots just to prevent being snuck up on, which is a fair trade all things considered.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    Why stop at OoO? Why not just make it so that all survivor perks are useless? Seriously, if OoO can't be used against stealth killers, there is absolutely no point in running it. You guys won't stop until every survivor perk is worthless. This isn't even worth consideration.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because OoO doesn't counter them. It DESTROYS them. How would you feel if the Killers had a perk that let them instantly see where everyone was and teleport to one of them? That totally shuts down the Survivor's main objective, to do gens. OoO kills the stealth Killer's chances at winning unless they take it out of the game.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    You're kidding, right? Multiple killers can basically do that already. Freddy can use barbecue and chilli and teleport to a generator and kill them, Spirit can also "teleport" and give no warning because of Prayer Beads, Nurse can teleport anywhere at any time, Hillbilly can move so fast across the map that the survivors have only seconds to react, and a Scratched Mirror Myers has no warning for any of his movements and has free wallhacks.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm going to guess you aren't a high rank. If you get hit by Freddy's gen teleport, that is your fault. Spirit's Prayer Beads are hard countered by Spine Chill. Billy is hella loopable, Nurse is Nurse and Mirror Myers is slow enough you should always be able to find a loop. Try to practice situational awareness more.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    I'm a rank 1 survivor at devotion 5, so don't assume I'm a noob just because I point out how OP killers are. Everybody does that as a psychological defense mechanism.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited July 2019

    @michaelrandom27 Alright, why do you think Killers are OP? And what Killers specifically or just all of them?

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I don't think SWF should be allowed to run OoO period. They already have coms, that's just BS if your GF. And yeah, it shouldn't affect any killer in stealth within a 52m range. Agreed