
All killer mains. Bubba mains and players who play both, what can we do to help this poor yet lovable killer? I've tried to enjoy and have fun with him but it upsets me to rev up his chainsaw sometimes and hell I hardly ever play him anymore or even want to P3-50 him.
I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and I play both sides and working my way back to red ranks as a killer.
P.S. It would be dope for him to get more cosmetics in the future since we got Pig, Tap and Ghostface cosmetics.
Not really sure what you are asking here dude. If your asking for a bubba build i got a couple.
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Sorry that I wasn't clear enough my guy I was mega tired and it made more sense in my head.
Anyway Bubba builds would be awesome as I'm not sure why I'm sucking so much ass (Ruin wont show up in my bloodweb so thats 1 reason) but i was mostly asking what does he need to be better then he is currently? i.e. A small rework, big rework or nice buffs and QoL changes?
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I always felt giving bubba the ability to chainsaw pallets without losing the sprint would be a small but nice buff that would also make him a bit more unique whilst kind of fitting in with his general ability, why cut 3 survivors but let 1 pallet stop you right?
Obviously this doesn't mean he can't get stunned, it just means that lopping pallets will be a bit harder and more dangerous once they're down, giving bubba a small buff in deadliness.
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Pretty good suggestion tbh, could Bring in lots of new mind games for stuns. And also adds some skill to stopping his chainsaw in that situation.