Possible Side Objective

So as it stands survivors can either do gens, cleanse totems, or run from killer, or heal other survivors.
My idea would be for each generator there is a circuit board. The circuit board is an option, not necessary to work on a gen. But a side objective before a gen is complete.
There will be 1 gen linked to circuit board total of 7 circuit boards located acrossed the map, located randomly on the map. does not spawn on or in buildings, or on loops with pallets or possible pallets. For a survivor to complete them they must perform 3 skill checks apporximently 7 seconds for each skill check. Failing a skill check will reset the repair. releasing from m1 does not spawn a skill check. nor does it stop the process. When a survivor completes the circuit board they receive 1000-1500 bonus blood points. or a chance to receive iridescent shards 20-25, or a very rare chance to receive auric cells (5-10). If the generator that is linked to the circuit board is completed before the circuit board is fixed. The circuit board is fried. and can no longer be repaired. There will be no perks or add- that allows survivors or kills to see exactly where these circuit boards are. and which gen they are linked to. Completing or destroying a circuit board has no affect on the generators.
Once all gens are complete all other circuit boards become obsolete. Also i was thinking killers can get into doing these, by striking the circuit board a total of 4 times maybe 5. and he/she receives the reward from that.
So, just so were clear... These circuit boards have 0 effect on the match at all and are JUST for farming? Wouldnt that create a similar situation to what happened with the Hallowed blight event where ppl would enter trials JUST to farm resources and not care one bit about actually playing the game?
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We dont need side objectives we need more main objectives to keep the game interesting
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Totems ???
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if you want main objective, you could just make it so a survivor has to run a power cord to the gates once the gen is complete, if the killer downs the survivor with it in their hands then they drop it. or are you talking about a whole new concept without generators?
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Well would it have an effect on the match, maybe. could add to your overall pip.
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What if it gives you a boost in repair speed while holding it, but you lose it if you get hooked. Can even reuse the glitter effect from the year of the pig event and make it so you only get the farming aspect if you escape the trial with it. This gives an incentive to use it that has to do with the trial instead of awarding farmers for making their teammates do everything.
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Gens already go fast enough. If you dont find someone in 30 secs then get looped for say 1 minute. That is potential of 3 gens complete. Dont need more stuff in game to speed up gen progress.
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Totems aren't an objective.
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Never said that. Only said its something to do.
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The time it takes to find and fix the circuit thing would be time off the gen. Think of it similar to a chest next to the gen. You can take the time to open the chest first before working on a gen, to get a toolbox to do the gen with, or...just jump on the gen. The sparkle would hinder a survivor's ability to hide and the fact theyd drop it after a hook would incentivize grabbing it later in a trial, when its less useful for gens. Getting it early would be a high risk move that COULD pay off if you can avoid a hook.
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Whole new concept
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Yes but its your choice to either go for the gen. Or take your time to do somethimg extra. Like tring to find a hex totem. Or not cleansimg dull totem. Even though you know this type of killer usually has noed. Maybe they had noed or not. You still get rewards for dull totems. Like blood points. And also chase chatagory
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If you tie an objective just for farming that can in no way help the trial, itll only help farmers. That was the problem with Hallowed blight, ppl would go in to get the event juice and then find the killer to suicide.
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Which doesn't fix anything.