The Terrifying image that ruins games for survivors and killers

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It makes me tremble and shake
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Now I gotta change my pants. Thanks a lot.
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Oh, that means they are plugging up wires to fix the Exit Gates! The developers added this feature to bridge the gap between solo survivors and SWF! :)
Just kidding, but yeah, they definitely need to punish DCing harder.
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Much Harder, they already cause my survivor games so many pips >:( (and some killer)
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no... NO!
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I don't know if it's just me, but whenever survivors or killers DC in my games, it doesn't really bother me anymore. I just stopped caring about why people DC, I don't know exactly why. Maybe because awhile ago it use to make me upset when someone DC'd, and I didn't want it to affect me mental health anymore.
However, there needs to be a DC penalty because everytime I down a survivor, I don't even bother picking them up on the first/last down. It's a waste of my time to go through a pointless animation.
1 DC = No Penalty
2 DC = 5 Minute Penalty
3 DC = 15 Minute Penalty
4 DC = 30 Minute Penalty
5 DC and More = 1 Hour Penalty
Escalation resets every 24 hours.
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I'm going all out on this rant >:(
Post edited by Ember_Hunter on9 -
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No one likes people who disconnects. >:(
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Your memes are amazing! UWU
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Stuff I save and find on Reddit, they are funny because they are true XD
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yes need more punishment for solution would be put a person dc 5 times in 2 weeks in a separate queau list with other dcer and they play with eachother for 2 months.
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I make a mental note of people that promote DC'ing in normal gameplay scenarios (that they deem unfair because thoughts/feelies) in order to disregard any further input on topics regarding game health and balance.
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I hate how Dcing is now normal just because the killer looks at you once. :(
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A lot of trash bags play this game.
Hopefully, it will soon be...
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Probably not that severe of a punishment but close XD
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Wait, I thought that was a sign that I WON!
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*Unless you are a high rank, then you lost :(
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It's true, played a game as silent Wraith, Bill instantly Disconnected the second I looked at him, and Dwight disconnected the second I hooked him in the basement. I got a safe pip for the game :(
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Time to do my victory dance!
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Your comments are always enlightening! :)
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Thanks XD
Oh wait, reminds me:
I fixed one of your old memes to be more accurate!
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I didn’t make this meme
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As a former Doctor main disconnects used to make me happy especially if it'd happen as soon as the first survivor screams.
Can't wait for proper punishments though.
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Now i won't be able to fall asleep... Why would you do this to us!
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One word... CHAOS
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It's more of an inconvenience for survivors tbh.
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Definitely, though it is bad for killers as well, less opportunities to get more points on a disconnected survivor.
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Me when survivors disconnect no matter what side im on
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More like *insert Srpelo screaming here*
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The fact that you or someone else actually took the time to do that... Is ducking amazing
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It really is :0 Appreciating the effort into this XD
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you forget about the infinite loading screen
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The disconnects I have gotten from long loading times have killed me as well. Loaded into map, one person already quit and match is canceled;-;
15 minutes of waiting again!
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I lost two pips this morning to disconnects :(
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Can we still hide in the basement whenever the killer brings a mori and OP add ons? :^)
They do need to punish dcing more though.
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Me jumping into 3 NOED basement OP pink add on tunneler Killer games in a row where I die on first hook. Thanks.
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Brace yourselves...
...the disconnects are coming.
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Me and my swf were feelin’ toxic recently so I burned a Haddonfield offering and as soon as the killer saw it they closed their game, I thought it was a myth that people dced in the loading screen over it.😂
Also, remember, if you get downed or mindgamed you dc. ;)
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DC rules:
-If cinematic plays, DC
-If hit through window, DC
-If hit through pallet, DC
-If found first, DC
-If hooked, DC
-If God Pallet is thrown, DC
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Wait, when was this moved to off-topic? This is a major problem we all hate D:<
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Who doesn't?! D:<
Anyone who DCs on a regular basis should just leave the game. Actually, are they even playing the game?
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######### is wrong with you.