It's Time We Addressed the Real Issue

Grim Member Posts: 250
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

We finally won, boys. Now that Nurse is getting nerfed, we can finally get Cannibal that much-deserved nerf he needs, too.

For real, though, it's not the end of days most people are making it out to be. Nurse did need attention.


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,339

    @GrootDude Is it the SAME corner every time?

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Let's see what they actually do before we schedule a riot.

  • camgaming_dbd
    camgaming_dbd Member Posts: 191


  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    no speed penalty while leatherface use his chainsaw and he autodestroy the pallets while charging his chainsaw ! lets go to make a good update

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Isnt a widely used argument in the what is an exploit debate the fact that : looping was an unintended side effect of how the game was made, therefore she doesnt counter anything, as the technique in question is "non intended" to begin with?

    Hide better. Unhook later. Lots of things help other than looping.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Just hoping basekit won't get a noticeable nerf, addons need changes.

    Can Bubba be able to eat his Barbecue and Chili in his corner @GrootDude ?

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I see no reason at all to single-out the Nurse's addons.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    People hated the 5 blinks basically. Nurse basekit is already very powerful, so addons made people think she was OP, so that's why it is only addons.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693
    edited July 2019

    Starting to like Bubba, I am putting him higher to fun to play against tier list :D

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Yes, I've heard this said repeatedly. What is the actual basis for people saying it though beyond band-wagoning? Literally the only reason that is consistent among most people is 'other people are saying it'. Oh, so it must be true?

    Addons have not changed since Nurse was released. So nothing about them has been changed to cause them to become the focus of complaints about the Nurse. This is a new thing. What else has been changed which might affect her addons in such a way then? Nothing; no one has pointed out anything that could affect her addons in any way that's relevant. Nurse has always had 'omegablink', but only recently has it become a talking-point.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I'm gonna go and do some devil's advocate here, i think. Oh and sorry if you already know this, just stating the problem with the add-ons. Nurses "omega blink" is only such an issue because the two range add-ons increase her range (obviously) but dont do anything to her charge speed and blink speed. This means she has the same charge speed with like triple the distance (don't know the exact numbers but the range increase is insane) and the same blink speed but it'll go faster for short blinks because the blink speed is stretched and shrunk with these wonky ranges all for the price of a green and yellow addon. And you should know that charge speed and blink speed add ons are a thing so this means for 2 add ons she is effectively running 4-6 add ons with zero downsides because blink accuracy is working just as well as bubbas famous chili purple add on. I have no issue with 5 blink nurse because it is never going anywhere due to it being a requirement for an achievement. The main and only issue is omega blink due to it doing more than intended.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I am having trouble following this because you don't name the addons and I can't tell if you are using 'range' to refer to the number of blink charges; there are addons that affect both and no range addon increases her travel distance by 300%, the highest being Ataxic Respiration. We won't know the real values until the devs make them available.

    I have come to understand that when people talk about 'omegablink' they are talking about Nurse with 5 blink charges. This requires Campbell's Last Breath for 2 extra blinks plus one other extra blink addon, all of which reduce range except for Fragile Wheeze, but having 5 blinks precludes any range-enhancing addons.

    Regarding short-blinks; it is not always the case that they go fast. When a Nurse does a fast short-blink(the classic short-blink), it is because of a short charge time that is preceded by her inhale sound telegraphing it. Any longer than a split-second though and the Nurse will over-shoot unless she does the new short-blink by aiming towards a spot on the ground. This is because the travel-time of blinks is not determined by the distance but by how long she charged the blink for.

    The devs made the change that enabled new short-blinks in 1.9, to make it easier for survivors to evade blinks by making the visual telegraphs more obvious. It resulted in Nurse's making the audio tells less obvious by doing long-charged short-blinks that fool survivors because they're not looking at where the Nurse is going but anticipating her moving further due to still listening for the audio cue.

    Having to change the Nurse's addons because the devs didn't clearly communicate to survivors what they wanted them to do, because the devs made changes to blink to help survivors, is utterly asinine. The simple solution is to revert these changes so survivors can depend on anticipating audio cues rather than reacting to visual ones.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    I’d rather play against nurse with any add ons than a good Huntress with Iridescent Head any day.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I heard somewhere omega blink was range so my bad on that. I did mean the range increasing add-ons, ataxic respiration and catatonic boy's treasure.

    For when you talk about short blinks, the issue is that the range add-ons i mentioned increase the range (as intended) but as a side effect of ONLY increasing range and not increasing the max charge time it also increases the distance you get with short blinks and makes them faster because a normal short blink, I'm talking tapping the blink button and barely charging it, will be faster because the range of that short blink was increased too. Sorry if i made no sense or not that much sense.

    Not sure if you like youtuber info but in one of ohtofu's videos he talks about this. I can tell you it if you want and I'll give you the timestamp too.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Please do. It does make sense now when you said 'three times the distance' because I believe(70% sure) that the charging is not linear but logarithmic: the longer it charges, the less the increase in distance is, with distance-increase being front-loaded onto the first half-second of the charge. This would be why those addons can throw the Nurse surprisingly far on miliseconds of charge-time.

    However, the Nurse must choose: they can't have 5 blinks and double-stacked ranged addons. It's clear that if you know the Nurse is running Ataxic and Cata, the best bet is to run in a straight line and change direction only if they charge for longer.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    So what people seem to not realize here is... Her add ons are getting changed. Her as a killer is remaining the same.

    So she'll still be powerful, she just won't have the add ons to make her even more of a Goddess.

  • DevourerOfSoap
    DevourerOfSoap Member Posts: 17

    Everyone hooting and hollering about the Nurse nerf but because I'm on console i don't have a single ounce of care. Lol

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    @Carpemortum it's irrelevant if it was an unintended side effect to begin with. It's an aspect of the game very much taken into consideration by the devs now when they design and release killers, perks, etc.. Just look at Clown. That whole chapter was more or less centred around looping and anti-loop.

    Hiding and unhooking later does not counter Nurse. You're simply avoiding her as much as you can until the game's over. Fun.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    And here ladies and gentleman, are the people that have cried for a nurse nerf for years.

    Look at those -12 child, and look at those devs getting influenced by them.

    Look at this brotherhood and their incestuous support, refusing to get better at the game.


  • BembridgeScholars
    BembridgeScholars Member Posts: 68

    I wasn't aware she was even getting one.welp . Should be surprised this is a routine thing for games like dead by daylight. Really Dev by daylight

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    It isn't recent at all, though? Nurse and the strength of her addons has been a talking point since I started playing in mid-2018. I read lots of things about the game before I started playing, and a real common thing I read was how nurse (and her addons) is very strong, and in need of a nerf.

    So I thought "well, it's a good thing I am going to play on ps4," because all of those threads and comments about Nurse also said that she is only like that on PC.

    I played for a time on ps4, enjoyed the game, and decided to get it on PC. Then I started playing against nurses. Initially, I had nothing to say on the subject. I hadn't faced a good nurse on ps4, so my only experience was "what people said" about Nurse. And then I started playing against good nurses, and formed my opinion.

    I don't really see the point in you trying to make this about something it isn't. There was no talk about her addons right when she was released? Is that surprising to you...? People were still learning how to play her. When I started playing, though, people were definitely talking about her. People know how to play nurse now. What's more likely to you: that people got better at something that takes time to learn, or that the WHOLE survivor population somehow just became worse and hasn't bothered to learn to play against nurse. The answer is obvious.

    I don't know why you are insisting that the hate on nurse and her addons is recent when it isn't.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I'm saying it's recent because it is recent. I never said anything remotely like 'no one was talking about addons when Nurse was released' either, please do not infer that I did.

    After Nurse was nerfed, accuracy became more important than distance and addons improved distance but made accuracy worse; this was the consensus in 2016, that last through 2017. It is only in 2018 that comments about addons begin and not because it took two damn years for people to work out how to play her. Those saying her addons were counter-productive in 2017 knew what they were talking about; they were the ones with the most invested in her.

    The argument that people have simply got better doesn't wash when one major-pillar of the 'nerf Nurse addons' band-wagon is that 'addons allow even average players to consistently 4k'. They are saying it no longer takes considerably practice and investment to be good with Nurse; the addons make-up the skill-gap now. People can not have it both ways: claiming addons enable sub-par players to be great Nurses whilst others say addons are a problem because people have finally got good with them(2-3 years later?). Only one of those arguments can be true.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think nurse's base didn't need to change, but her addons did. Most just can't juke the nurse, and that's why they wanted changes.

    But going against more than 4 blinks, I understand that part.