Losing Faith in Teammates

I play solo and don't play as much as I'd like but am getting back into it again at purple rank. I've always been a very altruistic player but I think I've been burned too many times now by crappy team mates who don't seem to understand what 'teamwork' is...

I just had a match where I got hooked on the hill. 2 Megs are on the generator directly below me. And guess what they do? Absolutely nothing, they know I am there and they purposely don't help. One even runs around and up onto the hill to evade the killer who's being distracted by the other Meg and runs right past me, back on the generator (they had plenty of time to save me and chose not too - I'm also assuming those 2 were swf) *insert slow clap*. I have been on a massive losing streak recently as I keep getting put with teammates like these and de-piping multiple times in a row because of it. πŸ™„

Crappy teamwork includes:

  • Dcing and screwing the team over.
  • Not healing people/not letting other heal you.
  • Not rescuing people (even though it's an easy save).
  • Purposely leading the killer to you/working with the killer.
  • Body blocking so they can escape.

These are just to name a few but I think I've officially lost faith in teammates. I can't trust them or rely on them like I used to think - unless they prove themselves otherwise. I used to go out of my way to rescue people / heal them / even sacrifice myself for them but I think that's over now. But I'll probably go back to being altruistic next week and not learn my lesson... πŸ˜“

What's been some of your worst survivor teamwork stories and how do you deal with survivors like these?


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    damn , maybe being too lonely made them selfish, psycotic, dcers

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Did you do the hello look up and t-bag? There are times i would save someone from hook/heal and not get saved or heal when the time is right. One time i remember an Urban Evasion Claudette was following an Urban Evasion Adam around the whole map. When someone was hooked they would both go together. Do the same totems, hide in the same grass, lockers next to each other. There are other stories like yours that has happened to me. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ I kind of just get tried of it. Play one game selfishly, then feel guilty and play my normal altruistic self. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Honestly the lack of communication makes things rough, too. Like I'll wave for them to follow 'cause where they are isn't safe to heal and they'll just like stand there or no one will know to go for the save. You also can't tell them "Please stop looping around me" or "Just grab me before second. I'll manage."

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    The worst teammates are by far the ones who crouch walk around the map when the killer is nowhere near.

    And the ones that sit in the corners doing absolutely nothing.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    What rank are you btw?

    I just had a match where I got hooked on the hill. 2 Megs are on the generator directly below me. And guess what they do? Absolutely nothing, they know I am there and they purposely don't help. One even runs around and up onto the hill to evade the killer who's being distracted by the other Meg and runs right past me, back on the generator (they had plenty of time to save me and chose not too - I'm also assuming those 2 were swf) *insert slow clap*. I have been on a massive losing streak recently as I keep getting put with teammates like these and de-piping multiple times in a row because of it. πŸ™„

    This sucks when it happens. I've had games where a SWF decided I wasn't worth saving 'cause I took their friend off the hook while the killer was around (they didn't go down, though. It was safe). They pointed, t-bagged, and left me to die on hook. This was my first hook. I also had someone decide they didn't like a person's name in the group so she went out of her way to hook farm everyone.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Play as a selfish gen-jockey and only save when safe. If you do 1.5 - 2 gens and get an unhook, you'll pip, which will get you into the ranks where your teammates are actually thinking about what's happening on the map and what their objectives are.

    You can be sacrificed and still pip. Use that to your advantage.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    @fluffymareep I'm rank 8 and been trying to get to rank 7 for the past 3/4 days. Everytime I get 4/5 pips I get teammates like these and lose all of them and it's back to lvl 9 😣 don't know if it's just bad luck or I'm losing it LOL but this has happened about 4 times in a row.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    @savevatznick I think I'll try that for a bit but I like helping my team which gets me in trouble. Usually I manage a safe game or pip once but lately a can't even get that. For example I was playing with a 3 swf who all disconnect after 1 min cause they kept getting downed. I managed 1 gen and almost opened the gate but didn't let go in time and got grabbed and hooked πŸ˜… I'm surprised the killer didn't want a chase, I can't imagine they got very many points πŸ€”

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    @CornChip they really are the worst lol I almost had the opposite experience yesterday. Was playing against Spirit - I'm hiding in the corn and Dwighty Boi comes running into the field with the killer near by. I spent the majority of that match shouting at Dwight to stop running everywhere when the killer is right there lol. People need to learn when running/crouch walking is appropriate 🀣 And after I unhook Adam he runs round the corner and sits there for me to heal him. I'm just like "he dead" πŸ˜…

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    It doesn't matter what rank you are on, crappy team mates do happen...i feel what you mean about the hook thing, the worse thing is, when then someone gets hit (obs in a chase) both are STILL doing gens and by the time anyone gets their act together i am near dead

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Also, i never am fussed if someone runs near or towards me been chased, never know if they have bond or not, so they don't know, i have done it, if i am running and i accidently run to someone doing a gen etc i am like "oh hell!" and turn around....also i never mind if people heal me, some really do not want to be healed, but TEAM work, they may hve botany knowledge or we are gonna live forever or what if they have a daily? lets help out people.....i do try my best, sometimes i put myself in jeprody, like if i am last hook, one team mate has been hooked once i at times sacrifice myself

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    What's your current build? It may be good to play more stealth or play a different play style. Being a totem hunter can give you a lot of emblem points now and a lot of times killers don't think to check their totems. It also saves you in the case of NOED. Otherwise being a gen jockey and bringing perks that'll let you know the killer's coming (like Spine Chill) is also a good idea, too. I'd honestly try talking before the game starts. Like a simple "GL" or whatnot. Avoiding getting down is your best course of action for pipping, though, when you're by yourself.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047


    Happens a lot in solo. Best advice I can give you is learn to loop efficiently, get a good meta build (I.E. Balanced Landing/Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Iron Will, and Decisive Strike), and most importantly expect nothing from randoms and be happily excited when one happens to be productive. Ever since the introduction of EGC and the reduction of a minimum of two gens to zero gens needing to be done to escape via hatch. I have noticed survivors getting steadily worse since they can do nothing basically all game and go through hatch or door during EGC.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I lost faith in teammates a long time ago.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    @fluffymareep I use Spine Chill, Urban Evasion and then 2 others most of the time - usually an Exhaustion perk and a hook perk (say, Balanced Landing and We'll Make it). I'm extra sneaky in the beginning so I'm not found first. Learnt my lesson after following a player immediately and hearing the heartbeat after 2 secs and then bumping into the killer - then facecamped and with bear traps at every entrance. Was very fun lol. Yeah, I'll defo try do more totems as I usually forget.

    But I've been playing today and it's been nowhere near as bad as it was last week. Thanks for info :)

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I know the feels, stick to SWF... That's the only way to prevent dumb teammates...

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76

    This literally just happened to me. Fractured Cowshed, Bubba finds me in the first like 5 seconds, I go down, teammate rescues when he's right there and takes us both down.

    He took pity on me and let me do a couple gens and get the hatch.

    I really needed that after my month-long losing streak.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Unless playing against the hag and to a lesser degree the trapper. Against those killers you have to be careful where you step. Against the hag especially, I get pissed when they aren't crouching.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I had a game yesterday where while I was being chased for like three minutes straight, two of my teammates rescued our afk teammate from the basement, then left me on my first hook to go into second state. One finished the last gen, which is understandable, and the other couldn't be bothered to get me because she was sabotaging hooks. The one who finished the gen got me off the hook. Then, Sabo Meg opened the gate and waved at me to come closer, while the killer chased me and downed me again. Neither took a hit to protect me. I only got out because of DS.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    I think it's important to never have faith in your teammates. It's cutthroat in the fog.