Stream sniping not bannable?

I'm not a streamer, but I watch some of Tru3Talent's videos every now and then and he's said that he's been stream sniped by the same 2 people for 11 days straight. He has videos up from every day those two people sniped him, so I know it's not a false accusations. Thankfully this situation doesn't affect me, but I would like to understand how the devs can just voluntarily ignore and allow this type of harassment and not see it as issue? I think this shows the problem with the devs. How can you expect to manage a game and community if you can't even acknowledge that stream sniping is harassment and griefing? As far as I know, practically every other game sees stream sniping that way, so just how deaf and blind can the devs be to these types of issues?

I'm not trying to be hostile with this post, but this is a ridiculous situation in which the devs are intentionally allowing players to be toxic with no repercussions. If they want to fix toxicity in this community, start with this. Because if they can't acknowledge stream sniping as toxic behavior the on there's no hope of this community becoming less toxic. And it'll be the devs faults for intentionally allowing this behavior.


  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    Well it's not really possible to stream snipe someone because you don't choose who you get matched with. And for survivors they have no way of knowing if the killer is a streamer or not.

  • SirPiggy
    SirPiggy Member Posts: 52

    This is so stupid, please think for a moment, there is no reason why we should punish snipers, they want to kill the streamer, good for them, who cares if they use toxic stuff just for them? Guess what... its apart of the game. There's so many ways this is a bad idea, first off, how can you tell they're sniping? Unless they make it obvious they're sniping, they're maybe just playing the game how they like to play, secondly, how can you punish the snipers? "Oh, you were watching my stream so you chose op stuff, you deserve a ban!" Really? If the streamer really doesn't want to be sniped, then maybe hide your screen and sound so people can't hear your character and name?? Maybe change your name every game, and still, the streamer will still get matched up with the same skill category, so people can still snipe no matter what people do. Its inevitable.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    . . .do you not know how stream sniping works? You literally watch their stream and wait for them to queue up. And when they do, you queue up as well. When you join a match you'll know if you're in their lobby simply because you'll see your character on the stream when everyone has to ready up. It's literally that easy, saying that it isn't possible shows that you don't fully understand how it works. Some people even make programs to get the game to match them up with specific people.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Dev already said 'if it happens outside the game, we can't do anything about it.'

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Clearly you don't know how stream sniping works. All a player has to do is watch the stream, wait for the streamer to queue up as killer and when they do the survivor queues up as a survivor. And you know how easy it is to tell if you're in their lobby or not? Your character and username will be on the stream. Boom, that easy. Also, some people have programs that make it so they can get matched with/against specific people.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Except it's not just an outside thing. Them watching the stream is an outside thing. Them joining the lobby just so they can grief and harass the streamer is an in game thing.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Yes, but unless they actually claim they're sniping, how can you prove it without it being said to be coincidental? The team doesn't own whatever third party software is being used to stream, as it falls outside the game boundaries. Don't get me wrong, it seems obvious to me, this is just what the dev was saying in a thread two weeks ago.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    "There is no reason we should punish snipers" and my post is the stupid one? Right. . . Stream sniping is both harassment and griefing. Both of which are against ToS and bannable.

    "They want to kill the streamer" it's harder to stream snipe as killer simply because of queues. So unless they're stream sniping to sandbag the streamer while they're playing survivor, that doesn't make much sense, But It makes the situation still bad.

    How can you tell if they're sniping? It's pretty easy because all of the stream snipers are cock A-holes who love to admit to stream sniping simply because they hate the streamer or think they'll gain some sort of clout by stream sniping. And it isn't just "oh you're watching my stream and chose OP stuff." You're stupid if you really think that's what it is. It isn't, it's them watching the stream and then using it to find the killer and harass and grief them. That's the purpose of stream sniping, to be a toxic douche. No one stream sniped so they can prove to be a challenge to the streamer.

    Why should the streamer have to ruin their entire stream simply because one or two guys decide they want to grief when the devs could have just easily banned them for breaking ToS.

    Streamer will get matched up with same skill category? Yeah, that's what they want. They want to be placed against people around their own rank/skill without having to worry about snipers. That isn't a problem. But if sniping is inevitable that's all the more reason to start banning snipers. Get rid of the weeds.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    The whole reason people snipe is so they can harass or grief the streamer. Both of which are against ToS. So yes, stream sniping should be bannable.

  • Birthday_Boy
    Birthday_Boy Member Posts: 15

    You have to be a special kind of stupid to broadcast your gameplay then complain about people using it against you.

  • SirPiggy
    SirPiggy Member Posts: 52

    I didn't mean your post is stupid, what I mean is this discussion is stupid

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    There was a huge thread not long ago that the devs detailed why they do not ban for stream sniping. It is too hard to police and false bans can very likely happen so unless it's infallible they won't do it.

    It is the devs choice to make and they have made it.

    Streamers have tools to combat sniping. They can cover their stream, delay the stream, they could even put a fake DBD lobby up if need be or simply report the user to Twitch. They have choices and if its such a major problem and they still refuse to use them then part of the problem lands firmly on their shoulders.

    In this instance Twitch is the one you should be directing complaints too. They allow chat bans but they don't allow streamers to ban from people from watching them.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2019

    Literally all he has to do is either hide his screen, dodge the lobby, or bring in OP killer ######### to discourage them from sniping. He's the only one to blame for the fact that he gets sniped. Tru3 is so sensitive and gives them so much attention. Why do you think he gets sniped so often compared to other streamers?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Unless they straight up admit it or make it blatantly obvious (Tru3's snipers do make it pretty obvious) it's impossible to prove. A smart sniper would make your life hell while being smart enough to make it impossible to prove, so if you called them out for it you'd just seem like a crybaby. Look at "scandals" like the PUBG and Fortnite streamsniping accusations and such to see what happens when devs take the words of streamers as gospel.

    As said the devs stated in a recent thread that they do not punish people for out-of-game actions either. Just like if someone leaves weapons-grade rage and harassment on your steam profile that's a Steam problem, not a DBD problem. Streamsniping is a Twitch problem and not a DBD problem, and if it gets truly unbearable you can just hide your lobby screen and it gets significantly harder for them to do so.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    And even if they are sniping, it's not against the rules to bring an Ivory, tunnel, use Iri Head, facecampe, etc. Sure its annoying, but if the streamers don't like it, hey they chose to stream in the first place.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,706

    Streamsniping is not bannable, as Peanits already explained here:

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