Why do devs dodge some suggestions / questions from the community?

I think that to make a more fun game they should fix "rush gen", now a main survivor will come saying:
- Choose Ruin
- Answer: It lasts a very short time and the survivors repair with ruin
- Learn to play as killer and so you don't gen rush
- Answer: I have enough knowledge as a killer, but it is not fun to start a chase and when the survivor is good, the 3 survivors have repaired 2-3 generators, the game is punishing me, when it shouldn't be like that. Other killer players would leave that survivor's chase because they lost time, I DON'T. For what I consider it is NOT FAIR. The weakest killers suffer more from this problem since they are weaker in chases.
Therefore, I would like the devs to work on some idea of a SECONDARY OBJECTIVE, this would make more fun games for the survivors.
Nor am I asking that nerf the generators, it is very boring to press M1 for 80 seconds, so ... why not add a secondary target to expedite this? So that the survivors do not jump from generator to generator and repair. It has been the only objective for 4 years, I think ... dead by dayligh evolves ... the community raised many ideas, none fit?
Players who say: You are bad as killer, get ruin. It's not that easy, ruin usually lasts 1-3 minutes of game, even less time. Ruin is a roulette wheel, you depend on luck and survivors.
How do you play? Do you tunnel to kill quickly? And so you always do 4k?
You really have to play without focusing and tunnel and getting mean, and you're going to check that almost 80% of the games are gen rush
The mentality of some ... if you don't want to be rush gen, tunnel. NOOO !!!!
That is not the solution, it is a boring game.
So, I pray that devs in the future work on something, on something to make the game more fun. A NEW OBJECTIVE
The only go for questions that's easily answered and require no effort from their side.
Just check the ongoing QnA on Reddit. Most answers to most questions are in the "we have no plans but we'd like to see it implemented" style.
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I just want a fair and fun game. Not a totally boring game where the survivors gen rush to the weak killers ... even the strong.
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Whether a secondary objective is added as a core feature rather than a perk, or the generators base repair time is increased; the result is the same. Survivors will simply regain the lead over time because they have persistently received options which extend the length of chases and their own survival chances, at a rate equivalent to two perks a year.
Chases just get longer, but killers do not receive any counter-balancing skill-based means of shortening them.
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The devs solve problems with perks, not actual changes.
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Totally agree, solve the game with perks. Gen rush = Ruin, infinites = clown perk
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Any question or idea that is hard/good they have 3 excuses:
1. We're a small team
2. It'd be too hard for rank 20s
3. We're working vErY HaRd on something else.
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i would to know something... I guess, because they think the game is fine and the speed of repair ...