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Legion is NOT fine!

Member Posts: 4,125

Hey everyone, i am a killer main with 2k hours and know many ppl that are survivor mains with over 2k hours. I asked all of them to get multiple views on this topic.

I was a legion main (before the nerf) obviously without Franks Mixtape, only if i get a 4man swf team with more then 3 items. I enjoyed the new and fresh gameplay with the fast running multiple stab and vaulting gameplay and i am not the only one with that opinion. I aggree that Legion was not fun to play against with NO counterplay and the bleed out look away tactic or with franks mixtape. But there are so many easy solutions to prevent that or nerf it.

The new legion is rly unfun to play against and to play AS, i stopped playing legion since the "update" completely as legion main because now you´re a standard M1 killer like wraith, clown etc without any power except the frenzy. On high ranks with survivors who know what they are doing it is almost impossible to get more then 1 kill without camping, tunneling, slugging or mori. Obviously you could bloodlust or catch them later but in that time you will lose all your gens, because you cant spread out your frenzy when everyone is seperated. And that makes me as an Legion main really sad. I only play Legion now for my dailys and thats it.

Legion should get a rework or reverted back to the old legion with some quality of life changes because the old legion was better and more FUN without the exploits and Franks Mixtape... for an example you could give the old legion some of the new changes and then you would have a well balanced and cool killer. For an example, when you miss an attacke lose your frenzy, would be a perfect fit into old Legion gameplay as a counterplay. Bring back fast vaults for legion not the slow motion animation. The deep wound bar doesn´t deplete while in terror radius to avoid the look away tactic and nerf Franks Mixtape just like huntress Insta hatches, like reduce feral frenzys durotation moderatly or something else.

My point with this post is to open peoples eyes that Legion is NOT fine or nice how he is. These are the people that never played the old legion except for dailys or got always killed with the look away tactic and are frustrated of that (i can totally understand it).

Thanks for reading and i hope you understand what i mean.

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  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Yeah thats true, you are right. I really miss the old Legion personally and i switched my main to spirit. I hope that they will change the addons atleast in a good way, not like the basekit nerf.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Just delete legion

  • Member Posts: 1

    This uganda guy

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Well the legion that is now here could be srsly deleted.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Tis what I was referring to. It didn't need the nerfbat it got, just a few fixes to offer counterplay and remove the exploit.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    You´re right, Myers and Pig are both rly weak too and need some love too, but luckily in the Q/A the devs said that, they are going to update them in the future.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    I have not play since the patchday. The patchday was the first day where I have play "toxic" - at least that's what survivors have say then in my endgame chat, because I used my moris - I had never use them before^^ (I admit, I needed vengeance). And after a few rounds with my moris, I had stop then to play.

    I just can't see the Legion in the state she is now. That is not like I want to hold the Legion in my memories^^.

    But besides the Legion I had also played Meyers sometimes and the Trapper. I was acutally thinking to buy the Pig and the Hag (the Hag then with shards) before the Legion patch, but then the Legion patch had happened and with it got the Legion and the Pig nerfed and I had safed some money.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Legion basekit had counterplay.

    Some op addons not.

    Neutral solution to that problem: Nerf the addons. Not the basekit.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Thats because i said the old legion should get counterplay. And obviously Legion can be fun, but only when you play it on low ranks with survivors who dont really know how to loop or infinit.

    There is no wonder why the most killers are playing only Nurse, Spirit or Billy. Because killers like Legion cant do anything against good loops, infinits and genrush.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Completly agree, this is our man!

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    As long as we talk about a Legion basekit - aka. a Legion without Addons, there was.

    But... I have learn in this forums, to write no tutorials anymore, or to even start to search tutorial videos for someone, because it ended always in denying the tutorial texts, or even the videos and... I actually would like to spent my time for more as just getting denied.

    So, then for some people the Legion had really no counterplay. Ok. And I don't mean that offensive. It's the same like with the Huntress: Not everyone can hit with her hatchets. It is just as it is.

    Edit: Sorry... It is usually not my nature to let someone down on this way, but this forums are kind of exhausting what this matters.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Its obviously a opinion what Groot was saying, you cant force people to accept your opinion even if you know you are right. We all have many proofs and people that know what you mean. Just dont get to deep into these discussions.

    You are right Talmeer, there were counterplay andyour guides are really nice btw, I didnt read them all and everything but that just because i dont need to learn how to play legion, because i know i am really good on him too, just like you :)

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m rank four on both sides and I don’t play Nurse,spirit or billy.

    Fun is subjective, idk how having fun makes someone a troll.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Agree with you, i dont want to call out the devs or say something bad about them. Because we had alot of changes that was really nice and well made, just like Pop Goes the Weasel, Dark devotion or Freddy rework.

    But i honestly cant think about that when they made the Legion update, that they took it srsly or thought about these changes well.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    I didnt want to call you out as an low rank player, you can clearly get alot of not experienced survivors on rank 1 too. It´s not just I find sometimes survivors like that. Many of my friends that are playing both sides with good experience find these kind of games, and obviously there you can play all killers and get 4ks.

    But sometimes you get survivors who know what they are doing, and sry for saying this but when this happens you are pretty ######### as low tier killer like Legion :)

  • Member Posts: 1,693
    edited August 2019

    They really demolished him/her.

    -4 second stun that punishes you and discourages you from chases

    -Mending is too weak, needs skillchecks or debuffs

    -Too slow power speed and vaulting speed, survivors are faster and gains distance just by vaulting one pallet and t-bagging you. At least I punished that Kate >:(

    -Needs an action speed increase during power (as in Feral Frenzy, you can break generators or search lockers twice as fast, making generator patrol so much more efficient)

    -Needs to last longer, enough to last half of the map without needing to hit anyone

    -Shorter cooldown, this is needed.

    -Allow power gauge to decrease by hits, but maybe by certain conditions? Like if you hit all remaining survivors before power runs out, you can start downing the power gauge with chain attacks.

    -Keep missed attacks consequence if needed, but prefer to remove, especially with the 4 second stun.

    -Keep decrease power gauge by normal attacks

    -See blood again, it is too easy to lose the Legion now that blood is gone, thanks Claudettes >:(

    -Power needs to be like Hilly Billy or Spirit, you should be able to sprint across half the map without needing to hit anyone

    -keep 115% movement speed

    If I can already think of something that seems like a better Legion, I also doubt if devs put any effort into making Legion "good" for anyone.

    Post edited by Ember_Hunter on
  • Member Posts: 14,110

    You can combat good survivors with these lower tier killers although legion does need help, going back to his old form Isn’t the solution.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019


    Well, I think I need to work a little bit on myself. I have no problems to accept different opinions but I have honestly a hard time to let other opinions stay as facts, if they are no facts in my opinion^^.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Leatherkek can at least camp to death that P3-purple-flashlight-Kekdette who teabagged and blinded you at every pallet. The Legion can't even do that.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    You wrote: "it is almost impossible to get more then 1 kill without camping, tunneling, slugging or mori."

    Seems to me that you know how to play Legion or any killer. That's how I do it and I don't have any problems (You can't win them all, but you do your best).

    Maybe the problem is that you are not willing to do what needs to be done to make sure no survivor escapes. Deal with that and you will be a happy Legion player ;-)

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Well with the old legion i didnt needed to do anything of that and still got tons of 4ks without Franks mixtape or mori, thats weird right? :)

  • Member Posts: 51

    I would like to see your guides, where can I find them? I don't criticize or hate I'm trying to see if I can make it to purple ranks playing only legion right now. I like the challenge. So if you can link me your guide I would love to read it

  • Member Posts: 86

    I play killer and survivor and I don't think he is not fun playing as I only dislike how if u miss you reset your power but that's only if u miss which isnt hard if u know how to play I love the legion and don't mind the Nerf, playing against him is not fun but I rarly find a killer that is fun to play against unless that killer doesn't know how to play then it's fun. The pigs Nerf I would say was not call for and made her weaker

  • Member Posts: 927

    Honestly, they really just needed to address the exploits. Not seeing scratch marks or blood got rid of walk back exploit. Now, infinite loops can beat ff, and you just aren't fast enough to catch anyone that isn't right next to you, so being shown locations is almost pointless. Vaulting pallets is now pointless without the legion pin, which itself makes deep wound 100% useless now that the terror radius stops the timer.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2019

    What made basekit Legion more counterable than a Legion with no addons? There was no way to dodge a Legion using Frenzy. Addons or not. Pallets didn't matter, windows didn't matter, nothing mattered. He denied the two and only things survivors have to stop the killer in a chase. This is why survivors DC'd so frequently against him. Go ask any of the well known, good killer players in this game if Legion had counter play and be prepared to hear 1 answer from every one of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,321
    edited August 2019

    Well... Maybe Bubba is useless if you play him (no offence intended). 🤔 In my hands he's one of the stronger mid tier killers capable of chainsaw-ing people who try and pallet loop. But then again I'm arguably the best Bubba main on my platform so obviously I'll be better at using his chainsaw than someone who seems to main Legion which is a whole other gameplay concept.

    Post edited by Yamaoka on
  • Member Posts: 82

    I completely agree with you on that, I feel like these changes would put legion inside of a better spot or at least make it a bit easier to play legion in the higher ranks since you can literally loop their power which was designed to be an anti loop tool which is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Bullshit, I am sick of having people whine about legion. I'm not a legion fanboy but I've mained her since she came out because I personally love the playstyle so here's a couple tips. if you dont like the vault speed run bamboozle and they cant do a legion counter of just vaulting back (doesnt work on pallets obv but just dont vault pallets unless you have iridescent button but either way extra speed on vault slides. They made it harder to catch up to survivors but you get the same amount of distance, never use or perks add-ons that make terror radius (nerfed from 28m to 32m), experiment with advanced speed and bamboozle mindgames, other than that you can condition survivors to immediately mend if theres no one around, sprint burst isn't even viable against legion anymore because his frenzy is too long so if you show up somewhere and have a terror radius. survivors don't move against a legion to flex their sprint burst so that's an easy way to use the earlier trick of killing them while mending since theyll be exhausted easy kill no insta med kit for the particularly bright and annoying. honestly, legion is basically the same as he was before except you dont get an easy route to tier 1 anymore you have to actually think about legions limitations now and I'm not a get good type of person but people just cast off legion since the nerf simply because they were nerfed it's so silly, obviously they should be buffed as much as possible but they were monsters before patch it's clear to see that on both sides (survivor/killer).

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Honestly, all that needs to change with Legion is his add-ons. Franks Mixtape needs to be something completely different now (since it can only be fully useful with Dark Devotion). And the pin add-ons have already been mentioned by devs as being changed soon -

    - I think Legion is fine as far as his power goes. I play him fairly regularly, and have figured out proper builds and gameplay strategy to bring out the strengths they have. Legion excels by forcing survivors to group up in a tight-nit area. Corrupt Intervention is probably the perk that's a must for him. All you need to do is utilize the intel his power gives you. If you see on killer instinct multiple people in an area that you would benefit from defending, go to them, if the pulses are split and not in critical areas, ignore them and focus on the down in front of you. Like I said, only thing that needs touching is his add-ons. And only some of them for that matter. I'd say just use a variety of builds on him that boost his strengths, not strengthen his weaknesses and you'll have more fun and better matches at red ranks

  • Member Posts: 634

    It's like people forgot how much of a joke Legion was before, minus the cheese you could do as him. Have we forgotten how many times you had to hit a single survivor to get them down. He isn't nearly as bad as some people like to make him out to be. Does he still need love and some adjustments? Yes, but not to the extent of claiming he doesn't have a power.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    What you are trying to explain is how to use the frenzy probebly but thats not the point, we are not complaining about that we cant hit with frenzy, we are complaining about how to kill a survivor. When a survivor knows how to loop then you will catch this survivor maybe in 1-3min maybe and in that time you will lose some gens. If you decide to leave this person and go to another onother one that can loop aswell (and he will) then you have the same problem over and over and over.

    The lethality of Legion is the problem, it is just really unfun to run with frenzy close to the person, cancel the power and go afk for 4sec and then try to hit him, but he will find a save spot in these 4sec to loop you. So basicly you are a freddy 2.0.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    If you have survivors that are not new to this game or against this killer. they will all spread out and everyone will do a gen alone and you have no chance to spread your frenzy. Idk how often you play legion but i played after the "update" more then 3 weeks in a row and after 1 week where ppl learned how to play against him, you have no chance to get more then 1 frenzy hit because you have a big distance to the second person and will lose over 60% of your frenzy even with the sketch book. And when you are close to him then he will probably loop you around and you will probebly lose all your frenzy or maybe (if the survivor does a mistake) but in my example they didnt, i lost my frenzy and got punished for trying to play legion he is supposed to be played.

    That is the same problem how it was with the old legion, on high ranks you are getting punished against good survivors when you try to spread your frenzy on multiple survivors because they are all spread out. You are forced to tunnel the 1 person until he is dead.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019


    If that is your opinion then that is your opinion.


    I have mostly write tutorials against the Legion, since this was it where people seemed to be most interested in, or give people helpful answers to certain situation while they were facing a Legion.

    But, what is exactly your problem? Maybe I can help you, or at least someone other here in the forums.

    Besides that, I can give you a few general tips:

    -Play a few games as survivor. For being good, you need also always to understand the opposit site and that will you only if you are also playing this site sometimes.

    -Learn mind games, if you have not already, because you will mostly play mind games with the survivors as a m1 killer.

    -Use frenzy only if you are really, really near them. When you are near enough to one of them, that his body blocks your movement - then you are near enough and not before.

    -Don't use frenzy to catch up to survivors (like you have maybe done it before with the pre patch Legion). Use it really just to put deep wounds on one, or more of them.

    -I don't know which perks you prefer, but I would not go out without "Madgrit". If the survivors are inexperienced enough, this perk alone can "kill" a entire survivor group and it is a satisfying feeling too, to have finaly a effective "weapon" against those bodyblockers, when you try to hook someone up^^.

    For more I would need something specific from you. Anyways, I hope this short pice could already help you a bit.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • Member Posts: 1,060


    I play Legion a lot, he's the easiest to get bp with since you max out Brutality, Hunting, Deviousness before the half way point of the match 😅

    My point was this: using Legion's power is more than just applying Deep Wound to as many people as possible. If you Deep Wound the first person and you notice that the pulses of the other survivors are close, then chase and tag them too; if they are far away, keep on your original target to the down, but now you know where the others are. That's how you apply pressure and get snowballing with Legion. You gain intel on location and also make people vulnerable with injuries that take time to heal (mending first). He is very effiecient at having multiple pressure at once, simply knowing where a survivor is will give you insane power over them. Because you can approach from an angle least expected and get easy tags/downs.

    His power is fine as it is, just gotta have strategy and perks and add-ons that boost his strengths, not bolster up his weakness.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Well its always easy to discribe something how it works or should work, if you really think that every game will be like that, then sorry i cant believe you in any way^^ maybe you dont get my point but thats fine, i didnt open this discussion to force ppl to my point of view.

  • Member Posts: 1,060


    Nothing of what I said is me saying every game will be the way it's strategised to be. But if you go into a game knowing how to use his power, and knowing what chase is worth going for etc etc then even a tough match will be fun. I'm pointing out that there is a limit to how true your point of what needs adjusting about Legion is. Honestly, just use perks that boost arena control (Corrupt Intervention, Whispers) and intel and chase reduction (BBQ, STBFL). And add-ons that boost those things are great two (Cold Dirt - Susie's Mixtape).

    They'll be changing the way pin add-ons work and most likely Frank's Mixtape too. I think that is enough to make Legion all round fun and effective with any build you wanna do with him around the add-ons you may want to select

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Just how i said, you dont get my point but its fine. Its btw funny that you think i am really to dumb to play legion xD

  • Member Posts: 1,060


    Please explain, because if i'm misunderstanding, then you're the only one to rectify that 😇

  • Member Posts: 458
    edited August 2019

    for me legion just play like any other m1 killer without spice he need to be more fun adn yes you can use well his power but he still has a lot of problem

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