Showing SWF to killers is a good idea

Showing what players are in a SWF is just a good idea. There is almost no reason to deny this info to any player. Even the killer
I mean this can be as easy as having a special entity bracket around the survivors of different colors or something.
most people will just lobby dodge if they did so resulting in longer que times
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No, point.
Would encourage lobby dodging.
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Is good. But lobby dodging should be punished then.
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If this information was visible to everyone, the only purpose it would serve is to make the current matchmaking queues worse.
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The problem is why should I even bother to play against with swf especially at red ranks when u know the match is gonna be sweaty thats why its a fail idea
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i would be for show the rank of players but not the SWF,showing the player rank is enough when you are a killer as rank 15 and you see opponents rank1 rank 1 rank 2 rank 15 you dodge cause the match is unfair and they are exploiting the system...i think would be possible create a off game search list with all players stats and rank .It would encourage the survivors to play fair without let a low rank survivor open the room for exploit the matchmaking system.
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you're one of your minority that would stay to play. most people would dodge and we have enough of that. not to mention most people who would stay would just play 3 blink with range nurse, becoming a boring match for everybody
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Yes, let's make lobbies more easy to pick through. While we're at it, let's add killer names/profiles to the lobby screen, too.
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Both killer and solo survivors deserve to know if there is swf in lobby.
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Showing swf to a killer is NOT a good idea....lobby doging is already bad, it would be worse.
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Maybe if the killer gets a big reward, like bonus blood points.....for going up against a swf? it has to match
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They can add it at the same time they add at least a 10 minute timeout to the killer for dodging.
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The steps I would make to fix SWF:
- Show SWF in the lobby
- Increase the penalty for lobby dodging (to be honest, its already a good 5 minutes because of the wait)
- Give a small bonus to the killer depending on the the number of team members to discourage lobby dodging
- Balance matchmaking around the top ranked swf player (not the bottom as it is now or even the average)
- Give all survivors Kindred or implement the idea from @RaginRendon to give status icons to see what the other survivors are doing
Killers need to know whether they need their best ######### to stand a chance. I don't want to waste an ebony mori on 4 solos that entered the lobby at the same time.
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This is coming from a player with 2k hours in the game that play both killer and survivor at red ranks.
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Good luck convincing Sony lmao do you think about this stuff like honestly?
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This will never happen, good luck convincing Sony about showing 3rd party coms for those crying for it on Reddit and the forums
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Lets start from joke, there is lack of survs lets nerf them more pepeLaugh what could go wrong
@Sairek not every SWF is using voicecoms xd
BTW 4men swf used to be 6% of games xd so you guys want to ballance game around 6% of games, (i wrote used to be because these days playing surv without ppl you know they arent 4Heads is a chore), im playing swf without voicecoms only to know i wont be 1 hooked because my teammates will ignore me on hook (it isnt rare occurrence in soloQ)
and lets be honest if killer would know from the start its SWF 90% of this community would dodge or bring ebony mori or red add ons xd + sweat their ass of to show of to themself i beat swf im best killer in game
as well as i can agree after match killer could get some % more bp for playing vs SWF i would give same % or even more for soloQ surv, because soloQ surv is much harder than playing vs swf xd
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@MsFrizby93 The suggestion is having SWF being revealed in the lobby not 3rd party coms.
To those stating that not all SWF are sweaty. That may be true but it is too much of an advantage whether it's sweaty or not. Unless you're saying that you and your teammates never mention the game while using coms in a match. That would be incredibly unlikely.
The game should be balanced around the top players. That does not immediately mean it will suck for those that are not as good. If anything it might improve overall gameplay or at least feel more fair.
SWF needs to be acknowledged and balanced around.
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The only reason people are complaining about SWF is because of coms lol wut
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@MsFrizby93 "This will never happen, good luck convincing Sony about showing 3rd party coms for those crying for it on Reddit and the forums."
They don't need to convince Sony about showing 3rd party coms as the suggestion was just about the in game SWF team being revealed to killers. Also, coms are not 3rd party to PS4 as it is part of the PS4
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I didn’t say anything about 3rd party?
Its just facts that it’ll never happen, they’ll lose revenue from cosmetics and Q times will go up for everyone if a feature ever was implemented, SWF is here to stay and so is the coms which is the point you are missing, I’m not here to debate
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whispers this isn't really an issue because SWF actually BALANCES the game
*flies away*
Real talk though, I can go find clips of matches with me and my friends in a 4 man squad and only one or two of us escaping against an average killer. I can show some where we all get out and I can show some where none of us make it out. I can show clips from my stream being the rank 1 "try hard" on the team (ooh Plunderer's.... so scary) and I can show the same games from my friend's perspectives on their streams who are not as good as me and float anywhere between rank 4 and rank 15 (most being around 8 or 9). We're not a try hard swat team and I'd imagine most SWF are not. We mess around and do stupid things and we try to have fun with each other. That's literally it.
Yall can create a million and one threads about it but at the end of the day, the mods and devs already know and have stated themselves in man threads that SWF is simply a mode where friends can get together and have fun and does not immediately mean the killer will have a hard time. Hell, even with voice comms and me telling my friends what's about to happen, they aren't good enough to stop it or change anything so half the time it doesn't matter.
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I think it's a pretty fair idea. You still got way too angry egotistical survivor players bragging about how their third party software MLGA lets them block all the bad killer players
Make the system default
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BHVR were trying to make everyone join up together at the same time so the killer would never know whether a group was SWF or not. i think this would go against the ideals they are striving for.
And seriously, there's enough issues with queue times.
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@RakimSockem Information granted by SWF is too much in contrast to how things are balanced. As what has been stated many times on the forums: solo survivor needs buffed, killers buffed/game tweaks to compensate
One person sees Ghostface and warns others to be wary of being stalked. Pig is crouched and going towards a gen but is warned by teammate. Person starts being chased and tells teammates to work on gens. Team can plan what perks and items to bring together. Team can designate roles between players (flashlighter, unhooker, gen jockey etc). This list can go on and on about advantages that SWF brings.
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller i didnt knew that
@Sairek well check posts in this topic, a lot of ppl wants to ballance game around those 6% xd
to everyone that thinks this game should be ballanced around high ranks OR swf (yes i wrote OR because its not equal and ballance around both is different)
this isnt e-sport game, this isnt competitive game xd, high ranks aint mean anything, do you think 100h player that immersed his way to R1 is better than 500h player in purple rank because he is all the time facecamped because he knows how to loop killer?
or you would ballance game around ppl that dont waste pallets and take off some pallets from game and those who waste pallets "well youre doomed" :) or ballance game around voicecoms (even less than 6% because on PC we dont have built in voicecoms and not every swf is using that, and not every swf is even trying to survive) xd so ballancing game around less than 6% player base, ballancing game around good players (less than 5%) :)
because why this game whould be fun and ballanced around majority of casual players :) when we can ballance it around less than 6% player base :)
EDIT even tho Consoles have voicecoms, ballancing game around 6% isnt smart :)
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No need. I just check their Steam profiles to see if they are friends with each other, what do you do before the match starts if not that? That gives me all the information I need to know who can tell the others if I chose to camp one of them, who to expect to go rescue the other, who to tunnel to hurt the morale of the other, etc.
Sometimes it is easier because they have matching names. See?
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swf exists at all ranks believe it or not
also that's why it was a secondary argument, people do it anyways. an increase in lobby dodging is the main reason why that shouldn't be implemented
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I don't want to play lobby simulator and be punished for playing with my friends. We already get dodged like every other game anyway.