Problems with killer lunges

Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

With bad pallet and window placement, many survivor mains have found that dodging attacks is just as viable and time wasting and i think the developers should embrace this mechanic. The reason perks like dead hard are so frequently picked is because it’s a lot of fun to watch a killer think they have you, just to come up empty handed.

That’s where lunges become problems, not only do they close the gap from a survivor not having a red stain on their back to a easy hit, but killers can easily turn they’re velocity to suit what ever way a survivor reacts, that’s where i would like a change. A lunge is sending all you momentum towards a certain direction and for killers to be able to lunge and turn their strikes completely behind them.

For game health, killers should have they’re direction and turning locked when they lunge. To compensate for this nerf, lunging would receive more distance, but also more recovery from a missed attack. This would reward good players that are thinking ahead of survivors, and add a little bit of a learning curve to playing killers.

I’ve had this idea for a long time and instead of completely writing this off, find a way to rework it, because this wouldn’t be a nerf or a buff, but more of a gamble mechanic of where you think survivors would go. Killers that are worried about hitting players still have the regular swing to ensure if you gain your distance on a survivor, you are rewarded.

Leave any comments you have and please be constructive instead of totally writing it off.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Do you want killers to have a 5 second stun after every missed lunge as well?

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    it definitely wouldn’t you still have the regular strike, this would actually benefit killers more with the extra length of lunges.

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    i play at rank 2 with all these problems. if this was a problem at lower ranks i wouldn’t care. don’t dismiss this because you think i must be bad if i’m having this trouble

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    it really wouldn’t, it would add more to think about as a killer

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    Absolutely not. Lunges are perfectly easy to dodge, if you're having problems dodging them it's honestly probably your fault for being predictable enough to be smacked by said lunge. I play both sides consistently and when I play survivor(I'm a Claudette) it's really easy to avoid them if you learn how to bait them into using it early, or using dead hard

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    You've seen the general consensus is not with you. Your idea would kill the game. Period.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Lol........ No..... Stop.......

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I agree with your idea, it would make the game better....... no, just kidding, I hate it. ;-)

    As everyone said or thought, adapt to the lunge and try to be less predictable as other survivors already are.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I completely agree.

    A lunge should be just that. A LUNGE.

    What we currently have is a button you press that allows the killer to gain a speed boost while moving freely on the horizontal plane. That's not a lunge.

    And yes, the new positives to this being the faster missed attack cooldown and increased lunge distance are good too (and seem to be overlooked by just about everyone else in this thread for some reason).

    So many times, I see killers lunging backwards and hitting survivors and that just doesn't make any sense.

    I also see myself and others playing killer and having that problem where you swing and lunge only to randomly have your lunge cut short and hit nothing somehow. This new change would fix that.

    Overall, great idea! It brings a new dynamic to the game while also fixing issues on both the survivor AND THE KILLER sides.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Straight lunges are easy as hell to dodge just derank to 15-20 which i accidentally do every few months because i dont play survivor enough. If this was introduced id seriously give up playing at all for both sides simply because as a survivor its to easy to do quick turns and as killer you would have to be right ontop of a survivor to hit them.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    edited August 2019

    Im pretty sure 360s work as much as a broken condom

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited August 2019

    You cant lunge backwards anymore. They shadow-removed that some patches ago. Now you can only lunge forwards and sidewards.

  • ZacKdbd
    ZacKdbd Member Posts: 99

    Killers should definitely not be able to do a 180 while lunging. It’s ridiculous

  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2019

    You write here in this forum a balance proposals that eliminates a killer privilege, you must be crazy :)

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    This is actually something they talked about before a long time ago on one of their exciting, info packed, guns blazing dev streams. This was during a time when I believe they said they wanted to make playing killer more "skill based." Lol, kinda went the opposite way with that. 🙃

    Either way, this would probably be a bad change overall. There is enough complaining about stupid crap on these forums already.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This would indeed, lower the skill cap since you couldn't hide your red light while lunging around corners anymore.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    maybe not locked but like billys saw you can turn it just a bit

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    This is what I was thinking. How are killers supposed to mindgame loops if lunging is locked? Doing mindgames with your model and red glow are the only way a lot of killers (m1 killers) can mitigate loops.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    Or maybe lock the direction of movement but not the direction of strike?

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2019

    This change would completely remove the point in lunging. To dodge it, all you'd have to do is move a few feet to the side.

  • Brok3n
    Brok3n Member Posts: 51

    Nope Legion had a 4 second stun. As a Legion main I wholeheartedly support this change. Now the Legion will actually have an upside that nobody else has! Hallelujah!

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    I love how many people on here (not just this thread, fellas, I'm not calling you out specifically) are against any changes that would hide their red stain, when there's a huntress perk specifically for that and none of them would ever consider using it "because the effect isn't worth a perk slot" lol

    Just like there's a perk to lower your whiffed attack recovery time, which is also considered "garbage", but heaven forbid anyone make it useful either...

    I like the change proposed, my dude. Especially where one commenter likened it to billy's chainsaw in terms of trajectory and aiming, good head on your shoulders

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    (I'm a Claudette), I stopped reading there sorry man

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    My thoughts exactly. I'm assuming this is a killer main that said this?

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I don't main either side. When I get bored of one, I swap over to the other back and forth.

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    that’s what i’m trying to say but these forums are so killer biased.

    it would be an excellent change but killers like how easy it is to down people while survivors have to sweat to survive. at a curtain point with most of these nurfs to surviver gameplay you have to wonder if it’s not just bad killers complaining

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    The killer mains are just little babies that think every little thing that survivors do is OP and unfair.

    I'm getting sick of survivors being constantly nerfed into oblivion becomes killers can't learn to adapt then as a soon as a survivor suggests a revert to one of their nerfs or a change to killers they start going crazy as if the world is going to end.

    Killer mains need to stop being so ridiculous

  • ZacKdbd
    ZacKdbd Member Posts: 99

    Exactly. This forum is very biased. because survivors play for fun most of the time so they don’t come here

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    If 180 lunges are so ridiculous, when can we expect you all to advocate for the removal of 360's? Those movements are equally as nonsensical.

    No. Instead of complaining about non-issues, you should learn how to loop if you're finding killer lunges such a problem.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If the perk just said "Your red stain is always hidden" then it would be way more useful.

    But it doesn't, so it's not.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    You really misunderstand what the complaints about when we complain about red stain. That Huntress perk (Beast of Prey) only triggers on Bloodlust level one and up. Bloodlust starts after fifteen seconds in a chase, and is reset every pallet break.

    The whole point of a mindgame is to mitigate the power of loops so a killer isn't condemned to spend time eating each and every loop. A lot of people use bloodlust tiering up as a signal to "hurry up on this chase because at this point, its gone on long enough that you're losing". Beast of prey isn't very good because it ends up kicking in too late to do what hiding your red stain should do : save time on loops by mindgaming for hits. If you've already hit bloodlust tier one, you've spent 15 seconds on a single loop, which means the loop has done its job and wasted your time.

    Locking lunges would severely reduce the mind-gameability of pallet loops on the killer side, reinforcing them as unmitigateable time wastes for any killer that relies on their M1 for hits. Unless you want everyone to switch off of their killers and finally pick up nurse or spirit to circumvent looping entirely, you should oppose locking lunge directions.

    Can't even believe people think this is a good idea unironically. If you've lost enough distance to where the killer can hit you, you deserve to get hit.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    So what you asking is for everyone to have nurses old lunge where it instantly flys them 1 direction. No. Why? 360s are already doable and punish killers who miss the attacks and if you lunge one direction the survivor just has to treat it like a hatchet and move like 2 inches to the right and bam, not hit. If you truly wanna make lunges like this you gotta give solutions to the many problems it will cause.

    Also if it ain't broke dont fix it. Lunges aren't a problem, if you close to the killer you getting hit. Literally nobody hits without a lunge unless they up on your back thinking you got dead hard.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Having your direction locked as you're lunging would be an EASY tell for survivors on dodging. They would never be hit if you lunged.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The idea would nerf Nurse.

    Let's see how many people are on board with it now.

  • sjayc1
    sjayc1 Member Posts: 9

    Exactly. The lunge isn't executed until the player chooses. So while the survivor is pulling off a humanly impossible full speed duck w/360 the killer 360s as well, then performs the hit. It's balanced as it is.

    If you want to prevent the reverse lunge then the survivor's ability to sprint into a duck then turn on a dime should be prevented as well.

    Wanna really improve the game? Ban rage quitters after 10 discos for a week, 5 more a month, 7 more for good.

    C0MAxCHRISS Member Posts: 8

    This is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. Playing survivor is the easiest thing ever. Brain dead loops ..infinites..flashlight. it's easy. I main survivor. My highest level killer is a lvl 30 legion and a level 13 hag. Changing the lunge would make the game MUCH easier. Dodging a Billy chainsaw is comical and fun to do. Any decent survivor that knows how to run while looking behind them will dodge every lunge, every time. Plain and simple. Killers use the lunge to turn corners and hit survivors through pallets. With your change a killer will NEVER catch a survivor turning into a pallet. They would have to be running straight into the pallet ..or window. So while I'm quickly turning corners getting to my pallet, the killer will lunge...hit a wall..and i get another loop. If they don't lunge I get to pallet stun them without taking a hit. On a killer like legion...this change would be terrible for him. Since a survivor can just turn to the side and he gets stunned if he's using his power. Such a silly idea

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think you got mindgamed. It's one of the few tricks all killers can use.

    You're also not thinking of console players, where it's harder for the killer to aim. So... no. You are not correct here.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    What? You @ed me when I didn't even say anything that you went on about.

    Thanks for giving me some attention dood ;)

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It's so funny how this game gets to people. I don't even know whats unbalanced anymore. I see this post full of people saying that it's killer mains crying that's making surviving hard, yet On the other had I'm constantly seeing posts of the exact same thing just Survivor mains crying and killers being nerfed.

    oof xD

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    the current state of game is killer is overpowered with a lot of the new perks and powers.

    a lot of mechanics of killer are weird and need to be changed but the forums are largely killer biased because most survivors play for fun and don’t care too much. if you’re a casual gamer, you more likely to play survivor, and won’t care about buffs and nurfs. killers have really bullied they’re way into developers headspace telling the community what is the spirit of the game, and changing how this game is played into the only way you can get out against an equally skilled killer is by being toxic, or swf, and a lot of solo survivors suffer because of this. i proposed an idea of changing lunging into a more realistic lunge instead of a short boost to killers, and repeated a lot about how this is just an idea and to construct a better idea about what it should be if you don’t like mine and most of them picked out small details about what i said and made fun of it to discredit the whole idea. killer mains on the forums are easily the most toxic, and it’s funny to see them try and blame survivors being “OP” on why they’re not getting 4Ks and not they’re bad play style

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    youre a bad killer if you have problems with t walls 😂 they can only go through the windows three times and it’s blocked off. at most 15 seconds wasted. don’t blame survivors for your bad play style

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    i play on console 😂 unless you’re playing huntress they’re really isn’t too much aiming in this game so i don’t know what you’re talking about. the lunges are broken, because it’s not a lunge it’s a boost. after my idea i said if you don’t like it, come up with something else because i know mine wasn’t the best, but to bring up aiming? 😂 tf?

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    yeah it was more bait to get people to comment better ideas about what it should be. you fell for it and wasted a lot of time, and didn’t even give anything in return instead disproving a bad idea already 😂