revert kates p3 hair

it looked soooo good before the freddy rework, now it barely looks like it has blood, pls i want my redder hair back ;-;
I noticed her hair was different, it almost looks like her hair is just an entirely different color now. Doesn't really look bloody :( Now it doesn't go with the climber gear outfit I always wear.
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I know my gf was so pissed and she just p3'd her kate
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I didn't really notice the diffrence from the hair update and now.
After the hair update, the hair looks like it's just dark red
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I mean, the previous hair did not really look like blood, but more like someone has pranked her and poured a bottle of Ketchup on her.
But the current version does not have any Blood at all. :/
I liked the previous one better.
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Yeah i liked it before i don't use p3 kate too often i ussually use winter wilderness but I now its just looks like a ginger more than blood even more then before i would rather have the old p3 hair
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Yeah they need to change that back, who even asked for this? I was so excited to P3 her before this change (which wasn’t mentioned in the notes either).
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Agreed. Her hair just looks like it's dyed red now.
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@ProfoundEnding it doesn’t look red at all to me now, the only indication that she’s P3 is her bloodied face.
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Can someone please posts a picture of how P3 Kate looks now? My ps4 account got suspended so I can’t see how my precious Kate looks now :(
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Idm the change. Before, it looked like spaghetti with sauce on it.
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I was confused in my original comment. I absolutely hated how the old hair looked, it just looks like she dyed her hair red. The one we have now was the way it always was before the hair update and it looks much better. The bloody heads of all the Survivors have always been just their face, not their hair. I hope they don't revert it. The reason why it was changed to begin with was because people complained there was too much red.
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actually her og p3 hair had a lot of red on the top, it looked like they smashed her head with a hammer and i liked to have blood on the hair now it barely looks like the original or the one we had before this
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@CoffengMin I know the top had red and I was okay with that. I'm not okay with them making all of her hair red though. If you compare her default hair to her p3 hair now though, her p3 hair is darker.
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Her P3 hair now is Feng Mins P3 level of bad.
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still id rather it have some blood, like og hair or pre-freddy-rework hair
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Am I one of the only who loves the new P3 Kate cosmetic? D:
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i hope so cuz otherwise we are not getting it back lol
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A lot of the P3 heads look bad. Especially Jane and Feng's. Only good ones are Claudette's, Neas, Jeff's, and Adams otherwise there fine or bad.
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Claudette's is trash, there's barely any blood at all. Dwight and Jake have some good p3 heads, Tapp gets an honourable mention because Tapp' is unique, sure Tapp is bloody like the others but Tapp also has cuts and a nosebleed on his p3 head
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Claudette's has a lot a lot blood, it's just really hard to see because of self-explanatory reasons. And Dwights and Jakes don't look that good. Dwight's is fine I guess, but Jakes looks eh. And I forgot about Tapp cause really who plays him like that.
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Poor Tapp
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I p3 her with all perks for that damn hair. Pissed me off when they made it look like the hair has barely any blood on it!!
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Guess I'm the only one who prefers them this way...
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yaaay, its unanimous then (kinda), revert it >:D
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I mean, I realize now the blood is just a very light shade of red, but before it really seemed ketchup ! Might prefer this :I
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Agreed. When I p3'd her, I wanted a bloody head, not red ketchup hair.
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That's how it's always been though. Before the update only the top of her head had blood, her hair didn't have any.
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I prefer the current one too, the previous one only looked good with her P1 and P2 together but awful with other cosmetics.
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Any chance you got before and after Pics? I only ever prestiged my Feng since she's the first person I picked up and I liked her.
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no, sorry
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yet the top is cleaner than ever in the current p3
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I mean, yeah they did made her hair more curly and pretty but... As a Kate main, the new prestiege hair (the fixed one as well) makes me not wanna play her.
Oh, i think i know why i'm playing so many different survivors now.