Why I've stopped doing totems

I got frustrated so much bcs of working totems while Killer didn't run Hex perks. Spent a lot of time, cleansed 5 totems, but in the scoreboard I find out that I was doing absolutely nothing good for my team and thats why someone got killed, i just had to fix goddamn boring gens.

Why there are no way recognise Killer using NOED? Why obsession knows that Killer has Rancor, but common survivors doesn't know that the Killer has NOED?

Another terrible totems problem - there are no skill required to cleanse them, ONLY LUCK AND MEMORIZATION, and sometimes I want to die bcs of this situations (Ruin gets destroyed in first 20 seconds, or Solid Survivors gets rekt only bcs of SUPER MEGA IMMERSED Ruin spawn and Nurse/Spirit). I hate totems bcs they are TOO LUCK BASED.

The only reliable ways to find totems for Survivors are: Run map with add-ons or use Small game. But they are totally useless against Hexless killers. Maps are too rare to use them regularly, Small game is a wasting precious perk slot in most situations. You could take DS, BT, Adrenalin, but you brought SG and it is useless in this trial vs Hexless Spirit.

At least I want to know that I am not just wasting my time by doing totems. Probably, SG must alert you that Killer has NOED after cleansing a Dull Totem.


  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    Wasting my time only for Bolndess BP that I can easily earn during a one chase?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    If everyone just broke the dull totems they happened to run past during the match that alone would basically delete NOED from the game outside of some maps like Swamp that has totems in corners that are quite out of the way unless there's a hook there. On some maps totems are especially hilariously easy to find (autohaven - just look between the tires in T/L wall loops and that's probably 3 or 4 of them right there)

    I do this, and even with the ONE person I often play SWF with we often get all the totems without actively looking for them on many maps.

  • drkiwie
    drkiwie Member Posts: 56
    edited August 2019

    I don't mind destroying totems, nearly 3/4ths of killers in red rank run noed on PS4 these days...and it's some extra points why not..tbh anything that gets me off a gen I'll do these days lol. Also can't count the amount of times I wasn't found early on in a game because I was on a totem instead of a gen.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Here is a little tip I would give you... don’t go out of your way to find totems all the time.

    Usually what I do is look for them or cleanse them while I am on my way to fix a gen.

  • drkiwie
    drkiwie Member Posts: 56

    I have to agree telling survivors the killer has no-ed is a bad idea (survivor main)

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited August 2019

    I break totems i see, but i don't exclusively run around looking for them unless i suspect noed.

    Noed is usually around the lower ranks, and on killers with no early game.

    If you can breakdown what perks they are using throughout the game, you can easily know if the killer has noed or not.

    Better safe then raging in end game chat when you lose to it.

    Besides, the game is about YOUR survival, not your teams.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    Yeah! That would be as dumb as telling the killer you have no mither!! Right? Just stupid ;)

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600


    Your mistake is assuming that you have to do all the totems.


    If everybody did at least one totem, the most you'd ever have to do is 2.

    Problem is, ya'll are too lazy to do your optional objective, then you get mad when it comes back to bite you in the ass.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    "why is stopped cleansing totems"

    and then you complain about noed...

    are you trolling?

    the whole point of NOED is to give a punishment for survivors who do exactly what you do. it is ment to be a time waster. and if the killer didnt have it? well, you wasted your time. but if the killer had it, you are glad for every second you've spend on a totem.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    You cry too much, you dont always get to use your perks, they are situational, yes just as its luck based for you its luck based for everyone too. Too bad, youd be the kid that snitches because you got caught using headphones in class and the other boy didn't.

  • Brok3n
    Brok3n Member Posts: 51

    Try telling the killer you have DS, BT, adrenaline, ect.

    If killers get to know if survivors have those perks or not, then sure, you can see if I have NOED

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited August 2019

    You described the exact point of NOED. A potential penalty for not slowing down and cleansing the totems. It's the exact reason a killer would slug a non-obsession who was just unhooked rather than take the risk of eating a DS. We would never have discussions about the validity of NOED if every survivor just cleansed dulls on sight. I see at least 3 in passing during every trial as a survivor without Small Game. No, you can't control what your teammates do, but you're literally signing up for co-op mode when you play survivor.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    This. Exactly this!

    I run into 2, maybe even 3 dull totems every game when not even looking for them, i cleanse them on the way. If every survivor did that then you wouldn't even have to look for the damn things, just cleanse what you see.

    If NOED activates, I take it on the chin, we failed a secondary objective, perhaps because we just didn't find all the totems or perhaps because people decided it wasn't worth it and getting the gens done asap was more important.

    If NOED procs i don't panic. I go looking for that glowing skull because NOED activating doesn't mean the end if you are smart about it.

    I've lost count of the matches where we saved someone from a hook while they were being camped by a NOED killer (and no I'm not condemning this tactic because why the hell wouldn't you camp your bait at end game?) all we had to do was find the totem.

    Killers are here to kill and they will use every means possible. You have the means to preempt and prevent the perk. The choice to do so or not, is on you.

  • deadlycast
    deadlycast Member Posts: 45

    It would only hurt the killers. And give too much advantage over the killer if sg let you know of the killer jas noed. 4 man com squad. One runs obect to see the killer amd know what it is and whete. 2 runs boxes for sabo or gen progression. Another 2 rub flash lights. Or insta heals. Then you have designated survivors for unhook s with bt. Its just sweaty. And to ask for sg to have a notification for noed is asking a millionaire to you all their money.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Sounds like someone who wants an EASIER way to deal with NOED....

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Cleansing dull totems doesn't make noed useless.

    It just means that the survivors spent bulk time looking for and cleansing dull totems instead of doing generators.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    a 1000 points is a 1000 points

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    I kind of have a solution for the "Only defense is SG" arguement (sorry for being late to the party)

    Just Take Detective's Hunch. Most are probably thinking "What in the blazes is that?" It's an amazing perk that basically rolls hunting for other generators, hunting for totems, hunting for chests, and doing generators into one.

    If you are seriously annoyed by having to hunt down totems and being taken away from gens for longer because some are hidden, use it. It reveals stuff whenever you complete a gen. It's helpful against any killer, because it has nothing to do with the specific killer. Only downside really is that it is a Tapp perk. Meaning you either need to purchase Lil Miss piggy and "I'm getting too old for this" bundle, buy tapp with AC, or find it on the bloodweb

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2019

    Sometimes you can guess if there is NOED by the killer itself, Wraith for example almost always has it while is not very common on Michael Myers, Hillbilly or Nurse.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    You guys need to make up your mind lol. You complain about noed. Now complain you wasted time doing totems when the killer didnt have noed the hell! Oh yeah lets just let everyone know oh hey this killer has devour before 3 hooks. Oh hey dont cleanse this totem its haunted grounds. Find this and many other hilarious forum post. Killer dc'd after pallet save i wonder how many of them run straight to the forums after their game to get other sob stories out.... I swear I've never seen this in a games forum before. Everyone just complained about being able to see killer perks before game was over to tell others. Now we need to give an in game notification of the killers whole build comical.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    Very true. The devs have given so much counterplay to everything possible which wasnt in the game before. Unless its lag or something i have a lovely time playing the game. all caps but THE POINT IS TO PIP. Even black pips are fine. Not double pip. Not escape. To pip last time checked that takes a gen. A chase. Maybe a unhook and a heal. Done ive had several games where i was like no way i pipped. Yep i sure did yay. On the the next.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Read @ArecBalrin 's post. Thread closed imo

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    This is a good, good, good, and good explanation as to why NOED exists in its current state.

    If you complain that there is a non-readable strength on the survivor side of things, you need to take into account the amount of non-readable survivor perks that threaten a killer.

    A killer watching someone go for a brazen unsafe unhook needs to be careful of borrowed time, even if that perk doesn't exist in that current match just because of the threat of its existence. THAT INFLUENCES THE GAME IN AN IMPORTANT WAY SIMPLY DUE TO THE PERK EXISTING IN THE META-GAME.

    Just like a killer slugging someone who was recently unhooked but bad at being chased. They need to plan around the THREAT of decisive strike, even if it doesn't exist. If one person is running an Obsession perk, the Killer needs to be cautious of DS especially when a single DS can make or break the game. THE MERE EXISTENCE OF SUCH A PERK FORCES A KILLER TO WASTE THEIR OWN TIME BY DEFAULT.

    NOED is simply the killers answer to these perks. It forces survivors to waste time and counterplay in a similar way to how killers waste time to counterplay. If a killer refuses to wait out/slug the Ds timer, or doesn't respect Borrowed time, or doesn't play around Adrenaline, they get punished really, REALLY HARD. If a survivor fails to play around NOED, even if it doesn't exist, they get punished REALLY HARD.

    It's an equal exchange, in my opinion. I don't use NOED, as someone who does 70% killer 30% survivor, but I understand why someone would use it. It's the same as most survivor perks. Really, if you want NOED to go, you should be asking for a total game rebalance.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    Killers play around DS and BT though even if they are not in the game, survivors generally don't play around NOED

    The reason for that is that NOED is too weak, it's easy to escape while someone else is being hooked for example. Or you go look for the totem, make a BT save and get out

    NOED needs a buff

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    NOEd doesn't need a buff. I'm trying to make the point that NOED is fine as a perk because the counterplay to NOED is the same as how a Killer needs to normally play with the threat of DS/BT/DH/ADR/ etc.

    Survivors needs to start playing like killers, and baiting DH, slugging DS, Anticipating BT, knowing when to break chases with BLanding, knowing how to counterplay ADrenaline, all at once. Instead they whine about NOED when the requirement to mitigate NOED is equivalent or smaller than a killer playing properly around all of the survivor's perks they could possibly have.

    In short, you're wrong. NOED doesn't need a buff. It works perfectly fine as is - A survivor needs to waste time cleansing EVERY TOTEM, just like a killer needs to be on guard for every perk and wasting their own time. I think NOED is just fine as it is right now.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    You need to cleanse 5 totems to avoid NOED. If the killer is not using Ruin is better to memorize the totems you see along the map, and at the end look if one of them is an hex totem.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Or keeping their eyes open and taking a more thorough path around the map instead of mindlessly running from one gen to another.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    The reality is that survivors don't play around it though, because they don't have to due to its lack of impact

    Do killers play around Pharmacy by trapping or defending chests, which are about as difficult to find as totems? No, because it's weak. Also because it's rarely used, but NOED is relatively common and yet barely anyone adjusts to counter it: because it's so weak they don't have to

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Well, I think Pharmacy is a false equivalency, These things plague the game, obviously, but a killer can run "Cut Coin" to absolutely neuter the effectively of Pharmacy. Is it fair or predictable? No.

    But that's how this game is balanced. Predictability is not a constant in Dead by Day light. This entire game's balance is based around killers Mind-gaming loops. It's not about pure, coded balance. It's about appearances, reading other people, and psychological games.

    Perks like NOEd , Haunted Ground, or survivor perks can never be balanced in the game's current state because they rely upon a person anticipating them. The Meta dictates playstyles - if something counters the META, it becomes OP, people expect it etc. There's nothing you can do. I'm sorry I can't be more coherent, but the gist of what I'm saying is that this game is simply not balanced to be competitive. It's balanced like Mario Party, around the lowest common denominator. I don't know what else to say.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Ways I would change totems:

    -Make totems more hidden. The new badham maps are a great example of this. Please just no more totems in the middle of fields. This will also make small game more relevant.

    -Add a baseline totem counter. This will help bridge the knowledge gap between solos and swf and will encourage more people to actually do totem. That’s good for both sides in the long run.

    -Make bloodpoints earned from totems count towards something other than boldness. Boldness is the easiest survivor category to max out so I wish I could get points in a less easy category. Maybe survival?