Devs, as players, give us the option.

Devs, please give players the option to enable/disable chase music. Not a single killer wants it, I certainly don't it hinders my ability, to the point where I can't hear a generator being worked on right next to me. Survivors only want this louder to benefit them, please give players the option to disable this. It's so loud I can't hear anything. What's the point of it.


  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2019


    Players using Music Vs. No Music, even though you can turn it on or off as an option.

    kinda like

    K&M Vs. Controller, even though you could turn off cross play as an option.

    tomayto, tomahto

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    +1 the chase music is too loud, it is offensive

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I have always see the music as a way of the devs to balance the game.

    In other games as example, you know where your enemies are because your hear the footsteps - that is something that not work in dbd because of the music, sometimes.

    So I think, there will most likley never be a option to set the music of.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    It is a bad way though, another way to hinder killers.

    Silly FOV, loud music, it is unbearable

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246
    edited August 2019

    I don't play killer nowhere near as I used too, the QOL for killers is getting worse

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I get so angry because the fov is so narrow. It got worse after the engine upgrade and had never been fixed since then

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    As a killer, I don't like it. I'm trying to listen for environmental cues, which is difficult when I have this blaring orchestra in my ears. Especially when they're blinding me with flashlights.

  • Bone_Idol
    Bone_Idol Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2019

    I dont play much killer anymore but I have to agree here, the music is unnecessary. If it's used as a balancing technique, it's a bad one. Killers should be able to hear as much as possible to make accurate decisions in chases, do I turn my Attention to the 90 % gen I know a survivor is working or stay on the chase. Do I switch to the injured survivor I heard on the other side of that wall because I know they have a great item, or they're a good looper caught out of position. It's an information game for the killer imo the chase music limits that.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    You probably didn't play survivor then, because the sound for survivors Was absolutely broken. The chase music was so quiet I couldn't hear it at all if I didn't want my ears to explode from the other sounds (gens etc). So I Had a hard time knowing when a chase begann, when it ended, if the killer was near or not. The TR was almost nonexistent.

    It didn't change because the survivors cried about being found, but because the sound was actually completely broken for them.

  • Acanelo
    Acanelo Member Posts: 9

    Although I do want the music to get quieter, I have say it’s pretty hard handy when I accidentally get into a chase and loud blaring music goes off. It makes me instinctively check my screen as if I was robo-cop and find them running in the corner of my eye.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    It hinders my Spirit, as if sounds aren't already f**kd up anyway.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    I agree, the sound needs to be fair and feel right for both sides. But as far as I know, it's woven into the code so weirdly that it often tends to get broken after updates... I hope that the devs can figure out a way to get it right soon.

    I wouldn't want an option to turn the chase music off altogether though. It would give a huge advantage and I'd rather keep it fair for everyone. That does not mean I support the obnoxiously loud music for killers though.

  • Nick_Wilde
    Nick_Wilde Member Posts: 20

    you want it ok, but as survivor i also want to turn generator repairs off so i can hear killer coming to me, generators are too loud

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I actually like the chase music. In the corn fields especially, as there were times that I only noticed there was a survivor there because the chase music started. Lol.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It is a bit too loud at the minute but I can see why the chase music is part of the game. It tells you when you are in a chase even if you didn't spot a survivor and they ran. It can help with keeping track of someone as you still know they are near even if you can't see them. It also helps those who like use stealth and try to lose the killer which is viable.

    It's also for balance as the music masks the sounds of footsteps slightly all be it a bit too much atm. I have a feeling it's maybe louder atm as each of the sounds can't be individually increased/decreased (footsteps for example) so it would make it too easy depending on the quality of your headset or sound system.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Wait... did they revent the change to the game sounds?

    It suddenly stopped being annoyingly loud with pallet breaking sound so insanely loud I can't hear my own thoughts.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    How sweaty do you need to be to want to have chase music turned off just so you can kill more efficiently lmao.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Killers are driven to kill by their heightened senses and overwhelming desire to kill for the entity. We know the Entity isn't playing ######### music in Trapper's airpods. It just feels them with an urge to serve and kill in its name. The music is an aesthetic choice and mechanical choice. The issue is that only one side benefits from these choices. For a person playing killer, the music gets obnoxious, old, and overly loud. When you can't adjust any of the sound to suit your setup and basically need to hope your headset is high enough quality for this not that great audio something has to give.

    Devs break the sound all the time anyway which means that at least turning off this crap for the side that doesn't need audio to know when they are in a chase would at least bring some relief to the game. When they broke the sound a patch or two back and I had no music for like two months it was great. I had some of my best games because I could actually use my senses and spatial awareness without a blaring distraction that I'd been hearing for 3 years.

    Hide or Die at least designed itself with minimal sound so both survivors and hunters could hear their environment and use it to their advantage.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,350

    That was the reasoning they gave for the first person camera on the killer side.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    It's not just too loud for killers. You ever tired being chased while looking for the hatch?

    The chase music is looking at you like Debo saying "what hatch sound?"

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,350

    Why introduce a mechanic to alert a killer of a survivor they didnt notice? In that same breath, if the point of chase music is to drown out footsteps and other sounds meant to help track a survivor...why bother having those sounds to begin with? If the goal is for a killer to not be able to hear footsteps...why bother recording footstep noises, or subtle noises like grass moving?

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Imagine playing killer and being able to put some classical music in the trial instead of that deaf friendly chase music.

    That would be awesome.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2019

    I never said it was a mechanic to do that I said it helps. You also have to think of those who may not have the best headset or sound system so footsteps alone may not be heard by them. It's a fine line in a game such as this.

    It's also to let killers know they are in a chase as certain perks have effects only when you are in one and of course to give a feeling of tension in the game.

    The chase music isn't an issue imo but the current volume is.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,350

    If the music is to "help" ppl who dont have a means to hear sound, why isnt it implimented in more games? Why am I allowed to hear gunfire in COD instead of having heavy metal blare into my ears? While being alerted that someone ran infront of me could be pretty nice if I wasnt paying attention and didnt see them, realisticly...I SHOULDNT have the game tell me someones there if I wasnt aware enough to see them myself.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2019

    I said it "can" help as the sounds have been bugged for a long time. I never said it was intended too or it is a mechanic to do so. Like many things players adapt to use something if something else isn't working correctly.

    Before the sound got bugged a couple of years ago you could hear the footsteps a lot better. After the bug it's never been the same. More recently the sound seems to have changed again and the chase music is louder. They changed it but it made footsteps too loud for what they wanted so reverted it. As I said it may be down to the volume of footsteps being tied with others and not a sole thing they can adjust.

    I really don't know why you are trying to argue as I already said the music itself isn't the issue but the volume of it is.

    Whether or not you like the music at all is on you but it is part of the game and always has been.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited August 2019

    "Not a single killer wants it..."


    "Survivors only want this louder to benefit them, please give players the option to disable this."

    And you don't want it because its too loud or because it benefits you too? Lol


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,350

    Im not trying to argue, but rather debate. With this quote here, you said the reason why the chase music was in the game was to mask noises and to tell people when theyre in a chase.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    I'm more concerned by Meg's scream honestly. You guys complain all you want about the music. It doesn't bother me. What DOES is the damn ear drum shattering screams. Which I don't understand. If killers were so annoyed with loud sounds, it'd be the screams, but no, it's chase music. It has nothing to do with being too loud imo, it's purely about getting a tactical advantage. The crazy thing I find is when killers complain because they can't hear breathing. Like what? I see those same people complaining that killers should be powerful to the point where survivors need to use stealth, but you want to be able to find them by sound so they can't realistically use stealth. My chase music isn't too loud. It's perfectly fine. But if killers want chase music lowered because it actually hurts their ears, there's an easy fix. Make a slider that combines both chase music and sound effects.

    Btw survivors can still hear whispers even when it isn't in play. Imagine how disorienting that is.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Yeah, it's so loud that I feel like the developers did this on purpose to nerf killers. >:(

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I never said it was the reason I said I can see why it's part of the game. The examples I gave are some of the uses I have found due to the sounds being bugged. It's removal or adjustment is not an option so we work with what we have right now.

    Its purpose was originally to give a sense of tension and now they have perks associated with being in the chase so its use has been expanded.

    It's the engine upgrades that started the issues but how the sounds are coded into the game may make it hard to change them. They are obviously working on it as they would have tried the last fix at all if they didn't think it was an issue.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,350

    The way that you wrote it made it seem that THOSE were the reasons, since they were put immediately following you saying that there IS reasons. I can definitely understand wanting to know when my perks associated with being in a chase or not are in effect or not (looking at monitor and abuse). I think that the side effects that you mentioned however shouldnt be a thing.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Reading back it does read like that. My mistake I did imply it.

    The side effects shouldn't be a thing I agree and just something some player like myself may have adapted too.

    I would like it to be how it was originally but since the initial problem came about in 2017 I can't see it ever happening as the fix doesn't seem straight forward or we have to think they would have been sorted not long after it started.

    There are many things we would all like fixed and most seem like really simple fixes but that doesn't mean they are and I think that has to be an issue with how the game was originally coded.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    I'd also like an option to turn down the chase music. Even if we don't have the option to mute it can it just be lowered slightly? It's not really about being able to hear footsteps or breathing it's just the music is obnoxious at times.

    Someone mentioned generators as well. I do agree some generator noises are stupidly loud and is why I never 100% my volume as survivor. Most notably completing a generator and the completed generator sound is headache inducing at 100% volume.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    The music is there for a reason and if it's too loud then do what everyone does - deal with it. Or turn off your sound ;)

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    I am comparing this situation to the second, if you read it... That was the idea here. Good to know you found the Tomayto part.

    And at any rate. It is a balancing problem. Imagine the advantage people who are not having music blared into their ears have over people who do.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    edited August 2019

    if it hurts your ears ok make a slider that combines both chase music and sound effects wait we already have that called tv volume controls. sounds like killer just want music turned off because it benefits them but gen do get loud.