Hex: No one escapes death balance change

As it is right now, Hex: NOED will likely never be removed from the game as per fan wishes - it's there to stay. To balance this perk and make it a little more fairer on survivors, and to literally ease the salt this perk has, NOED's movement speed buff should be altogether removed. Will be an unpopular opinion but there it is.


  • xBULLETx
    xBULLETx Member Posts: 202

    LOL. Perk is actually not nearly OP as a lot of survivors think. I am playing solo most of the time, since 2016 and back in the days it WAS OP, but NOW it isn't , I am most of the time clean by myself 5 totems and NOED isn't even spawn )))

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    Ok and in exchange the killer can mori straigth away the survivor who get down ?

    The perk is balance currently.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. Just instadowns at the end of the game would be pretty weak
    2. How would you balance tiers? (you know now it's for ms 2/3/4%)
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Its a perk that can be disabled before it can even be activated, it just requires survivors to not focus generators for a minute or two. It doesn't need a nerf or a change.