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Gen Rush... srsly tired

it is absolutely necessary to increase the time to do gens, gen rush has no counter and playing killer has become frustrating.
Gen times really need to increase. Maybe more for swf or high ranks?
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Gen times don't need to be increased, there needs to be a new objective to occupy survivors.
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Then you’d encourage de-ranking and nobody wants punished for playing with friends. Another forced objective would be better, although I don’t feel like gen rush is a huge problem right now.
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Huge problem to low tier killers, so a new objective or making all killers viable would be nice. Maybe an objective per map, like Mother's Dwelling, you have to feed some wolves or they will be released and become possible new obstacles?
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I main Wraith and he is considered low tier, whenever survivors are better than me sure, they win. The better side should win. Whenever I am better, I win and whenever we have equal skill I generally 2k.
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I love how people keep asking for more objectives to slow down gens.... when it practically just buys time for bad killers who have yet to learn how to catch a survivor.
Half the posts on here about "gen rush" don't explain in detail what they might have done that resulted the gens getting done so quickly.
Did you bring Ruin?
Did you apply the right map pressure?
Were you tunneling someone till their 3rd hook?
Did you bother to check gens once in a while?
Etc. Etc.
These are the questions that need to be answered before someone claims "I got gen rushed".
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we survivors should use also a term for this, lets say we got "killrushed"... how does that sound to you mainkillers who complain about genrush?
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The reason why some killers "killrush" is because of the speed of which gens are being completed. It's not normal for me to have a chase to be less than a minute and then 3 gens pop back to back. I shouldn't need to bring a perk (Ruin) to slow the game down.
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New objective....I do agree that even when I play survivor sometimes the games dont feel as intense as they should. I think more to do would be great!
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this already exists it involves using ruin sloppy corrupt intervention and noed with some sweaty addons and an ebony morri
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ruin, sloppy and corrupt in no way increase the speed that someone can kill a survivor. Those perks are not about rushing, but rather slowing down.
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It's not a gen speed thing. It's a map and safe pallet problem. The worst killers in the game have to play around every pallet or don't have any tools to deal with them (Leatherface, Legion), and the best killers (Nurse and Spirit) can 4k without breaking a single pallet. That's the answer.
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that say all, ruin or not are the same story.
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No it doesn't.
He should have broke chase a long time ago. Why is he still chasing after 2 mins?
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This is only a problem in the red ranks. Most other ranks easily half the killer roster can easily pressure them enough to get time back.
Survivors already have an optional objective, you just need to swallow your pride and encourage them to do it.
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When the gens are completed in like 4mins (because gens are boringly easy) that's not the better side winning....... I say that because the lower tiers dont even have an opportunity to get going...
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I don’t think a time increase is the answer. I feel like the gens should overheat if progress is getting completed too quickly though. Like only one generator can be fully completed every 2 minutes. When they overheat it would cause that ruin “spark” effect and pause the progress for a moment. This wouldn’t cause regression though and the killer would still have to kick it.
And having this in place would make matches last 10 minutes minimum. There is literally no extra work required either on the survivor side and would make players more inclined to hide, search chests, totems, etc.
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Ruin shouldnt be required on killers.... survivor life is boring AF anyways and should have more to do...... more points, more obstacles, more excitement without being required to get chased... I doubt anyone would really complain if it were to happen...
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Who ever said it was required?
I am asking for statistics. If survivors don't have toolboxes gens aren't done as quickly. It is the same philosophy if killers don't have Ruin, gens get done quicker.
Saying devs need to "fix" gen repair times just because you personally feel that you got gen rushed doesn't make it a problem. Which is why I asked those questions.
What happens when Killers snowball and survivors have to save AND complete other said objectives... I don't think that will be fun.
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If you don't think that it is a problem you either: Are not good enough survivor or you are just ignorant killer.
I have played as side that rushed and side that gets rushed. Unless you play nurse or maybe spirit you are as good as lost depending on maps.
If you are m1 killer and pallet town have plenty of safe loops and pallets you won't get enough people fast enough for them to not finish their objective.
After that, one of them usually gets purposely downed for everyone to stack up some unhook points or everyone depips that game. It isn't balance, it is a problem.
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I agree that gens can be completed very fast "if" the survivors play optimally. This is a big "if" because we all know solo survivor experience is a nightmare.
In the same time, if I see my team mate getting tunneled (which is very common), I am gonna finish my main objective as fast as possible without wasting a second in cleansing totems, healing or opening chests. I am not gonna waste the time that my team mate is buying for us using our limited resources (pallets).
The clock is ticking for killers and survivors in the same time, and not only for killers. The longer is the match, the more dangerous the map is, the less is the chance of survival. We don't gen rush because we don't want the killer to have fun, but because we are pressured by killers to do so.
Adding an additional objective is very complicated. It cannot be done without taking into consideration some killers (nurse, hillbilly, spirit) and maps such as shelter woods.
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We need a mandatory secondary objective badly. With how big of a problem it is, I’m shocked that the devs haven’t mentioned it at all recently. Relying on perks and not base gameplay mechanics to fix the gen rush problem is never a good idea.
Did you watch the video? Tru3’s chase lasted around a minute and 15 seconds. He got pallet stunned after picking up the Laurie. He then chased her again because she was injured and a easier target than the fully healed Meg that had DS.
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the counters so far are ruin pop goes the weasel and getting good at applying pressure
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Just me personally? Theres tons of players both killers and survivors that want more for survivors... and not just to slow the gens down.... survivors need more to do period because it's boring AF...
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@SnakeSound222 I did watch the video and as pointed out before ... I saw a killer who should have dropped chase a long time ago. Especially after he got pallet stunned only to drop the survivor he had been tunneling.
If you want them to add a secondary action you're asking for survivors to waste more time before escaping... this when killers already have tools to slow down gens at their disposal.
Perks exist to aid with the overall counter against survivors... that's why Ruin/ PGTW/Thana are in the game. No one is saying you're required to use them, that's why you have a variety... BUT if you feel that gens get done too fast, they are there to aid you.
Do you only want to use certain perks that help you with tracking but still have a 'built in' slow speed gen repair (i.e. secondary objective)... ? I think if you want them to do that, then they need to compensate survivors with exhaustion being cut in half or allow it to progress faster because just as much as there are times when gens get done fast there are also times they don't.
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"I got gen rushed"
Translation: "I played poorly please nerf"
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@theArashi It's only a problem if you (as a killer) allow it to be.
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Basically this.
You can't spend a long time chasing one person or camping them or tunneling them immediately off hook and then complaining that you got rushed.
If you're spending all your time on A, what else are B, C, and D supposed to be doing?
It's your job to secure that first hook quickly and start applying pressure in other places. Use whispers if you need to find people fast.
Also there are plenty of counters to gen rushing. Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, getting better at the game and applying pressure to more people, not camping and tunneling, Corrupt Intervention, and probably other things I forgot about
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Clearly you don't play as killer in higher ranks.
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Oh oh, that guy got rekt.
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@My_Farewell @GrootDude They all say the same thing...
"Clearly you've never been in red ranks..."
Nice clapback. xD
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As a high rank killer, sometimes it's just out of our hands because we don't always want to play nurse.
Did I bring Ruin? I shouldn't need a perk as a killer to have a chance against the worst of conditions.
Did I apply pressure? Sure, to one person. But most killers can't apply pressure to multiple people, or when they do, other survivors can ignore it.
Was I tunneling? No. But that is a self inflicted handicap that I shouldn't honestly need.
Do I bother to check gens? All the time. As soon as I move to the other end of the map the one at 0 that I checked first is already done.
Gen rushing is a real problem.
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Guess I was wrong. But the point stands. 90% of my games are rushed to hell. For you to say it's not a problem is just ignoring that.
Maybe it's because I'm on console... or maybe it's the region I'm in... but games take 10 minutes to get and 3 to finish. I just find it frustrating.
I get it. No need to affirm him.
Same to you.
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You'll experience gen rushing even in greens.
Killer needs time to kill, but for survivors their best chances of living are... not wasting time on chests and totems, so...?
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"As a high rank killer, sometimes it's just out of our hands because we don't always want to play nurse."
Sometimes it is out of your hands even if the gens aren't being repaired at a great speed. Either side has side effects for making mistakes.
"Did I bring Ruin? I shouldn't need a perk as a killer to have a chance against the worst of conditions"
As pointed out before, I wasn't stating that Ruin is required but that it is there to aid (slow down), and if you don't use it, and a team is playing optimal. Gens will get done in no time.
"Was I tunneling? No. But that is a self inflicted handicap that I shouldn't honestly need."
If you read carefully... I wasn't suggesting that you should tunnel, instead what I meant was that IF you were tunneling, fast gen repair will be the ultimate result.
"Do I bother to check gens? All the time. As soon as I move to the other end of the map the one at 0 that I checked first is already done."
Then I would suggest that you need to work on being aware of your surroundings (like when you're in a chase) listen to gens possibly being repaired where you are chasing. Remember it and come back to it after the survivor gets hooked.
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Ooops you misspelled survivors doing their objective... srsly tired
Who knows if they'll ever slow down the game. I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
They are however adjusting loops to help with chases.
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Please be kidding when you say he was tunneling. 1 minute and 15 seconds is NOT tunneling, especially when he got the down. He didn't take 1 minute and 15 seconds to injure them. After the pallet stun, did you really expect him to ignore an injured Survivor and go after a fully healthy one that had old DS ready?
My main worry with using perks to solve the gen rush problem is that the devs will end up putting things in them that would work much better as base mechanics.
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The point is that it shouldn't always due to a killer's weakness. It should be due to survivors actually having to try... you know?
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I started to play NOED to counter "gen-rush". If gens will get fast rly quick (that sometimes happen #helloSWFgroups and you can't rly do something about it unless you don't want to chase and only camp gens) you can just punish them for not doing totems (side objective) or simply NOED can give you at least some hook points or even some kill(s). And sometimes if Survivors will play that poorly during your NOED, you can have even 3K / 4K instead of everyone escaped.
Of course sometimes Survivors will right away found your NOED so it's not 100% win all the time.
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Would corrupt intervention and thrilling tremors be good instead of ruin? Im a red rank killer main (rank 3 currently) who mainly plays Ghostface and Myers (my spirit is still level 1 so go figure) and sometimes my 1st chase i am usually punished with a gen being popped for someones 1st hook.
Would those 2 perks work well? Corrupt means you can go to the right gens are the start of the map chase people off the gens then once you down someone you can see which one they are working on with thrilling so you know exactly where to apply map pressure?
And yes, I do use ruin but it tends to be gone in less than 2 minutes of the game (corrupt intervention lasts 2 minutes).
I know its 2 perk slots but it's 2 guaranteed perks that will work and thrilling tremors provides good information.
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They could make Saboteur worth running again but I’m sure someone will complain if they do.
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Tell me what happened here then? That 1 whole minute I wasted finding my first Survivor? The fact no chase lasted more than 30 seconds (the first one) at the most? The only thing I see I did wrong was not tunnel someone out.
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That's literally the worst way to fix things. Do you think holding M1 for 80 seconds is fun? Because holding it for 100 or 120 seconds sure isn't.
There needs to be a secondary objective somewhere that motivate survivors to do something else than pushing generators.
On topic, most reason for the gen-rush is due to how many killers lack any for of map pressure and cannot stop survivors from doing generators. Bad habits like tunnel visioning a survivor for all five generators and lose a game because of that doesn't help but in general.. if the survivors wanna win they gonna win.
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They really need to make the game a little bit longer, somwhere around 10 mins would be perfect.
If the devs keep the maps this way they must increase the game time, or they keep the game this way but nerf most of the maps so there wont be soo much safety on them. It is absurd that they require 9 hooks when the game is usually over within 5-6 mins...
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@SovererignKing There are two things I see wrong. First, you hear the gen being worked on from inside the house before Claudette throws the pallet down. That immediately gives you information that a gen has been worked on (at least at 40-50% from the sounds of it) and that someone must be inside the house. You hook Claudette and don’t even bother to go in to check at all.
Another thing I see is you go back as soon as she gets saved, which was obvious because someone was in fact inside. You walk in and don’t even bother to kick the gen again. Which costs you a third gen.
You then find a gen that has been worked on but not a lot of progress on that one but you still don’t kick it. Then I don’t know if you dropped Laurie or what happened there but she gets off your grasp and basically gets a free escape but you continued to chase her.
Those are the things I see that cost you gens, especially since you knew ruin was gone at that point.
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Genrush is the most fun part from survirvor! lets keep doing this! I recomend prove yourself with bond!
beside you get more blood points making gens than a long chase.
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@SnakeSound222 There are two occasions in which I consider tunneling applies.
One is where a survivor has been chased for a fair amount of time, they get an escape (pallet/flashlight/DS saved) and the killer still continues to chase them. Another is when the killer goes immediately back after the person gets unhooked.
Either way, he didn't even bother to check around that pallet to make sure someone else wasn't there. He had time to do it.
Another thing is he shocks that Laurie, and his shock misses her..... this, when he knew he didnt have any add ons and knew he had to get much closer before attempting to shock. Even he acknowledges how bad the shock without add ons is.
I don't expect him to go for the healthy survivor instead of the full health one with DS but at some point he needed to have broken chase and check other gens possibly being done.
Which brings me to my main point and one that I have already pointed out before. Do you really expect survivors to not do anything aside from the objective which grants them an escape? A secondary objective is only going to give bad killers more time that they wouldn't otherwise need if they were actually not wasting it.
Imagine if you had survivors asking for you to assemble your own hooks... all those times they made mistakes and it resulting into a snowball that costed all of them to get hooked in one chase.
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You got Haddonfield as a map is the first thing you did wrong. I also don't like the build. Are you running chase to chase (bbq) or hovering around hooks (make your choice)? Your build doesn't have much mid / late game gen pressure; really need to fit pop goes in there if you can. You missed plenty of bottles during those chases. That's also from 2018 and had the old DS rob you of hooks.
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This is a bad example, bc True spent way to much time chasing Laurie at the beginning of the game. She looped him for two full gens. Could've been more. As a killer, sometime you just have to break off loops early to patrol gens.