Freddy Krueger Rework Idea/Suggestions

DeathSpark Member Posts: 41
edited May 2018 in General Discussions

-Freddy Should be able to keep the dream state as normal, with every killer the chase changes the tier in witch he's placed.The fact that the bringing survivors in the dream world takes time hurts the killer(every second is important).I SUGGEST that Freddy should be able to walk through walls,with a small slow as he enters and leaves a wall,but still stunned by a pallet if dropped on him,but after still able to move through it(with the same slow),that would give and advantage late game as all pallets have been dropped and fire up adding speed.As for dream world,survivors should be spawinng in the dream world first,to be detected easely first(requiring them to fail a skill check and then start the game).
-I think that this whould be a life changeing update that stays loyal to the movies (Him beeing a dream deamon and that he knows where the survivors are)
-This idea would be easy to tweak with numbers of speed of movement.
-I know that this idea would be a hard to make for developers(That's why i ask you to come with better ideas,i feel bad for such a great killer to be stomped so easely).


  • Cat
    Cat Member Posts: 43

    Its pretty sad the devs ditched the work on freddy, I hope they will indeed give him a rework one day

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    Freddy is so situational. If you have a team working together or a swf stack hes impossible to play and so easy to beat. If the survivors are selfish or not working as a team/too timid then he can win. Everytime i get a 3-4 stack swf i get like 1 kill and ive yet to die to him in swf out of about 30 games against him

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2018

    I think a small buff that would have a great impact on Freddy's Global Kill Rate would be to make it so when Freddy sleeps someone, as Freddy reappears, disappears and reappears he should be able to attack the survivor in those small reappearances during the Dream transition It would fit a lot greater with the movie that he is based on. This change would make a good Freddy a more skill-based thing, meaning you have to attack in the right moment or attack when the survivor is fully in the Dream.

    Please spread my idea around, I think it would really work.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Saint_Judas
    Saint_Judas Member Posts: 43

    I also think it would be handy if they went back to something they were doing pre-nerf, which is that when someone is in the dream world it does not show in the icon at the bottom for survivors. Perhaps keep this mechanic for Freddy himself, perhaps not, but unless you are with a full swf group this should make it a bit harder for survivors to predict where Freddy is/when to do something about him, as I find from a survivor standpoint, when I see someone sleeping I either deduce a chase is going on, or make sure to find them quick if they aren't in a chase to wake their ass up. I don't think this will make Freddy as good as he needs to be at all, but small buffs, small buffs