######### sick of keys

There are too many keys. Too many easy escapes with gens barely done.
I don't think rare/ultra rare keys should be lootable in chests. It's kind of weird to be able to stumble upon such a powerful item.
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They are fine objects to be looted from chests. However, I do think their drop rate is too high.
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I'm sick of moris.
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In no way comparable, you can't randomly get them during the match, you can easily tell when a killer has it, you don't keep them, you can't use offerings to increase the uses and also: unrelated to the discussion
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I love it when I get "outplayed" by a key. You play well, everyone is on death hook, and multiple people suddenly escape because they either brought a key or found one. Not frustrating at all.
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Totally fair to give the survivor a free win because the hatch spawned.
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Keys are an essential catch up mechanic that will stay in the game.
FFS, they're such an outlier and affect so few games.
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Not unrelated to the discussion.
Moris circumvent important processes of the match.
Just like keys.
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yeah but are they really? i mean theres a lot of requirements for a key to be usable for at least 2 survivors
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I love it when i get "outplayed" by a mori. You play well, Noone is on death hook, and multiple people disconnect because they brought a mori not found one. Not frustrating at all.
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For 4 survivors to escape with the hatch, it requires 5 gens to be done.
Don't get me wrong, there are times where it can feel you've been robbed, but chances are the survivors played around the key.
And as for their appearance rate in chests; they don't appear often, at all. Unless one is running plunderers, of course.
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This is not a valid argument for keeping something unfair in the game. Both mori's and keys delete gameplay and completely change the direction of a game.
The mid to endgame is a time in most trials where the most amount of action occurs and often decides the outcome of a match, yet by me using a single item I can completely turn around the game by getting a free escape for not only myself but my other teammates without requiring any skill to use whatsoever.
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I vote for mori's and insta down add ons to be removed. With insta heals and keys being removed in tandem.
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Actually, it is.
Have you heard of the n00b tube? the blue shell?
Low-skill high reward mechanics that keep the lesser skilled player in the game are an essential part of healthy game design.
If it isn't Moris or Keys, it'll be something else that people will be cursing as unfair while the skilled players ignored them in favor of something else more rewarding but requiring more work from them.
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the only time I hate keys and scream internally is whenever I get “outplayed” by a claudette who did nothing to help out her team staying away from anything the entire game only to get lucky with finding a key and the hatch. Then get a fat “ggez lmao” at the end. 🙂
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Keys are rare as hell to find, even WITH Plunderer's Instinct (inb4 threads about nerfing Plunderer's #PlunderersOP)
Conditions have to be met for keys to even come into play.
To escape with a key:
All 4 survivors would have to complete all 5 gens (which arguably at that point, you were going to lose that match anyway)
1 survivor dead and the other 3 would have to have completed 4 gens and found hatch and all get there without the killer noticing
2 survivors dead, other two completed 3 gens and same conditions as above
or 3 survivors dead, and killer found hatch first and closed it.
In any case, keys are rare and don't affect your average game. I would argue Mori's are used a lot more than keys if your big complaint is that you feel robbed. Let's talk about those XD
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While I see where you're going with your argument, I still have to disagree.
Mechanics geared towards rewarding lower skilled players do not work out well with a game like this. The old legion was a strong example of this on the killer side of things while decisive strike and Mettle of Man were another two strong examples on the survivor side of things, both got reworked to be healthier for the game.
Instead, the focus should be put at removing these gameplay deleting items and in return help with the grind for new players and provide more in-depth tutorials to help new players catch up to the years of experience that older players have with the game. This would be a better solution to not only keep lower skilled players but also remove frustrating moments on both sides where all the effort put into your match ended up being for nothing.
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Hex: Devour Hope being a good example of something that requires more work but is more rewarding <3
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Actually I would argue that they are comparable because Killers have an offering AND 2 add-on slots. Survivors don't have an unbalanced ultra rare offering so when will they get one? They are very much comparable.
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Dull and Skeleton Keys are 100% broken. They have the ability to give a Survivors a free escape without needing any skill. Imagine getting ready to finish off the last couple of Survivors when the Hatch suddenly opens and they escape, robbing you of your kills. My proposed nerfs would be:
- Keys now require a channel to open the Hatch. Your location will be visible to the Killer and you can be grabbed. Progress will not be saved.
- The channel will be long enough to where you will need to have the Killer distracted or have other Survivors as protection.
- There is a cooldown between Survivors jumping in.
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I agree, idk why the devs haven’t nerfed the broken key item, super broken!
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Broken keys are so BROKEN! 😏
Jokes aside, keys are annoying because they they grant survivors the ability to leave early.
This also applies to mori because they do the same thing by granting survivors to the ability leave early (1 hook then down), but it's a lot more annoying than keys are.
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Not gonna lie. I used Plunder's today with a rare luck offering...... Found a Skeleton key off the jump already. XD
But seriously whenever I see key's or toolboxes in my lobby, I just bring Franklin's and a Mori.
If they're trying to rush gens or escape early, I'll end the game quick myself and I'll be swiping those items as well.
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Killers in here crying for more nerfs.. LOOOOOOOOOOOL
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Moris have to be earned through your actions (hooking at least once). Keys can be found with luck.
However, I do think Ebony moris have to have two hooks before a kill. Since that would be more fair to survivors.
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Is not that easy to get a key. I often find a broken key but not a dull key nor skeleton key. I don't know if while EGC is active the drop rate is increased.
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i'm sick for baby killers crying
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I'm sick of these threads.
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reading all this sounds like killer just want easy win someone used the words robbing you of your kills like were playing to just get killed.🤣
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And it's fine to give the killer free DC's and kills off of an easily obtainable offering?
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To DC is the survivors choice.
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I don't see why keys would not be lootable in chests. They are not that common, matter of fact, I've seen more key posts than actual keys in purple and green ranks. Lots of noise over a small number of instances.
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Honestly, I started running Plunderer's just to build up a few spare items on my main survivor, and it's legitimately disgusting how many keys you get. I was averaging at least one key per match the other night for about 5 or 6 games.
They really overdid it with the chance to loot them these days.
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They should rework the key or remove it.
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Not really true at all, Had 8 red rank games in a row where someone or multiple people escaped with key.
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Don't all gens have to be done if all 4 a survivors are alive
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I definitely see either purple/pink keys or insta-heals being the next survivor facet they completely gut soon.
Don't get me wrong, keys are bullshit. You get to skip part of the objective because you brought an item, but moris are essentially the same thing, you get to skip most of the hook states. If you complain about keys but use moris whenever you feel like it you're probably going to hell.
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I just tunnel anyone holding a key :)
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I have to be honest here. I don't really bring keys into game, and avoid them on the bloodweb if possible, mostly because murphy's law dictates that when i bring a key into a trial, I never get a whiff of the hatch, or i die early due to being unlucky or my own stupidity.
However, with just plunderers alone, I've found more than one pink key in chests in a single trial. At one point I found 3 of the damn things.
Honestly i don't mind if other people use them, though I can understand why killers find them as frustrating as a survivor might find a Mori. However when you are getting more than one pink key out of chests in a single trial....maybe that needs looking into.
I've always maintained people should be allowed to use addons and items as they see fit in a game, even if i choose not to use them myself, because they are a game mechanic. But the drop rate in chests can get a little silly.
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It wouldn't be so bad if we had a separate casual mode.
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I think survivor's should just spawn on hooks, this should fix balance issue.
Edit: survivor's op, pls nerf
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Sometimes, people are just lucky. (Looking at you Monto!) I find keys fair, whenever I get keys, I usually die or lose it to Franklin's Demise. But I don't find it fair when a toxic survivor tbag you and uses it in front of you.
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It feels so unfair at times. You have a winning endgame position, played very well just to see that trap door open and 2 or 3 unfair escapes. You feel robbed, its like a Survivor Mori
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Keys do not impact the killer performance that much tho.
If the killer has been genrushed ,you lost anyway,doesn't matter if all survs escape through exit gates or hatch.
If you played well and killed at least a guy and everyone is on death hook,even if all survs escape through the hatch,you probably still pipped.
If you didnt,then you didnt deserve the 4k anyway.
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Yeah, I think keys spawn too often. I am rank 4 killer right now and I see a lot of survivors with keys. I will usually dodge the lobby because it is very frustrating.
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The way hatch spawns now i dont see the reason people should still be able to use keys the way they still can, moris,besides the yellow one, would also need to change probably only useable when the survivor is on death hook so we can still see the animations besides using perks.
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See, with how the old system worked people rarely brought keys. Most have stock piles of keys that they were forced to grab in the blood web. So I would say most of the reason you are seeing key after key is almost like backlogged storage. Now, I still agree with my post above the drop rate in chests for keys even with plunder's is too high. Probably 1 out of every 3/4 games so I get a key out of at least one of the chests.
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Every time I get a good three gen strat they have a key.... I’m tired of keys and moris.
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I have a sneaking suspicion the game knows the killer is being a dick at this point and increases the chance of a key, but that is just suspicion.