Temporarily remove the SWF's option until a better compromise is found

I know this sounds extreme, but so is SWF's power on the game. I know you want people to play with friends, but killers can do NOTHING about it. I know every community has a toxic side, a few more toxic than this game! But i never seen a game so divided between their fanbase as much this community. I do not want this game to be killer sided (actually kind of but I will talk about this later in another post) I want this game to be as equal sided as it CAN be (this game is ASYMMETRICAL for a reason).
Survivors are too easily strong, and everybody knows it, especially SWF's. That is why (i'm super confident in saying this) MOST SWF's are toxic. I'm tired of hearing that word in this community, toxic, toxic, toxic, and i'm pretty sure all of you guys are feeling the same, but that is the only word to describe both this game and this community...toxic.
SWF's need to be fixed, at least BEFORE dedicated servers arrive, because i'm sure nobody wants to be stuck in a miserable game.
The game and community is currently going through a snowball effect. Game enables toxic behavior, people abuse it, People get mad to the point of retaliation, and it goes on from there.
A post I will make somewhat soon will go into more detail about everything.
Some, if not most people will not agree with me, some people will maybe even hate my guts with a passion and try everything to find a contradiction or tell me the various ways i'm wrong, tell me how dramatic i'm being, or that this is just a game.
First of all, if you use a "it's just a game" excuse, than that means you do not care about video games and there impact, and secondly, despite this, we can all agree...Something needs to be done.
EDIT 1: After reading some comments, some people think that restricting SWF's would kill the game, and...Yea you're right, that is why I said temporarily so we can find a solution! I do not want the devs to get rid of SWF's entirely, that is silly, but the game will ALSO die if it continues down this road, It may still keep long-time players, but it will be REALLY hard to get new players being threatened by being forced to play a certain way to have a chance at this game, the long-time players will eventually get bored and move on, killing the game slowly, but surely.
That's not going to happen, no matter how much any of us want it.
I don't like facing an SWF anymore than the next guy, but it's here to stay and won't be removed.
All we can do is encourage the devs to continue the current path they've chosen - to continue to give the solo player the same level of info an SWF has so they can be free to buff killers later.
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This /\ ..... they wont ever disable SWF even for a time frame simply because it's far to popular.... the only hope is for them to prioritize buffing solo so they can give what is neccessary to the killers in need..
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I seriously don't know why they don't just add an unranked lobby where you can swf and the ranked lobby you must solo que, a 15 minute ban if you repeatedly DC in lobbies would solve people dcing to try get friends in a lobby. Could even make casual lobbies same as kyf with full access to perks and add one to it gives killers a place to try builds out so casual lobbies have good killer traffic.
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Only on these forums would you actually see a post advocating for removing SWF option from the game.
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You see all sorts of crazy half-baked ideas here.
Given the complaints I see from both sides of the game now, I'm starting to think we might be reaching equilibrium on balance now.
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Will never happen lol
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You want the Dev's to turn off SWF? Lol okay
Also just don't play the game if its upsetting you that much
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This is why I'm glad I get like 7hours to read through posts like these at work. Its honestly hilarious
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I like the idea of separating swf and solo personally.
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You mean punish people for leaving a lobby to try to end up with friends?
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I think it wil hardly become a thing, not if killer players keep avoiding it. Many times I have seen the proposition about a totem counter on survivor HUD, including ones from myself. Yet, there are always people advocating against it. And that's just ONE of the SWF info a solo survivor would need.
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So just remove MOST of the players from the game?
What ever could go wrong.
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How to kill the game with one easy step (for dummies)... LOL
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Imagine asking to remove SWF After the topic has been beaten to death, and has been addressed countless times.
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This. Removing the option would definitely cause a huge drop in the player base (on the survivor side at least) and could possibly kill the game. The game is rather stale on both sides in my opinion and the only reason I still play survivor is because I can mess around with my friends.
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SWF makes this game too much money. The devs will never hit SWF, they're actually buffing them indirectly in the next upcoming patches.I'd rather have them buff solo survivor or at least look into what solo's can get.
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So you want to make everyone quit the game I see. I play as a solo most the time unless friends are on. And even I would quit playing survivor just to protest something like this. Killers would quit because of que times. Survivors would quit because they want to play with their friends. Here's the thing: A 4 man SWF is OP, a 4 man Solo game is underpowered. So the logical thing to do would be to bring the Solo survivors to the level of swf and balance killers accordingly not this...
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Wow that sounds like a horrible idea.
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How are they indirectly buffing survivors?
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They aren't. Just more paranoia and hysteria like how they all went crazy about a Nurse nerf when they mentioned they would be touching mainly her add ons
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Well yeah, I assumed. I just hoped theyd give the actual changes they consider to be "buffs".
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Maybe make there an option to go against SWFs, a casual que, and then the ranked que... because going against SWFs is like the unexpected hard mode to this game.
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Yes let's punish the playerbase for wanting to play with their friends.
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Exactly! That is what we want! What would ever go wrong?
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@GrootDude Maybe the OP secretly works for Epic Games (Fortnite) and season 10 isn't selling real well. They need more players and cool skins bought.
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You’ve cracked the code! Darn that fortnite!
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Epic Games Strikes Again! Fortnite shall rise again!!!
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The thing is the devs are reluctant to buff solos and close the gap. They have said on stream that adding a totem counter and base kindred would be too strong... even though SWF groups get those and much more for free already. So according to their own logic SWF are too strong but still they won't touch them.
Sometimes I have no idea what the devs are doing balance wise. In the meantime solos and killers get screwed over by the dominance of SWF.
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I blame Jake Park for it. 😜
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I blame Arthur whats his face!
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Arthur MORGAN!!!!! He is a wonderful virtual human!
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Nope! Arthur Morgan ain’t hot!
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I lold'
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That is why (i'm super confident in saying this) MOST SWF's are toxic.
Bold assumption, where's the evidence?
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remove SWF and kill this game!
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Fucknite is crap. DBD more more better. DBD problem is small team to be work on it.
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This content has been removed.
Def doesn't need removing just moving from ranked play, so simple. And I see so many people saying the game would be dead without swf, so just have a bloody swf mode that isn't ranked! Apparently no one cares about rank anymore anyway so if you want to swf there you go, casual lobbies. Ranked lobbies solo only. Problem solved
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@slipttees Can we please stop with it is a small team excuse. They constantly say they have a team just for cosmetics if they were so over worked and under staffed maybe they shouldn't have a full time team for cosmetics?
That 3rd anniversary celebration looked pretty big too.
Post edited by fcc2014 on0 -
Not after his run in with the Tibs.....
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Yep, and even if you dont get out, theres less pressure and expectation when playing with friends. It's not a "save me or you're a pos, great this game is ######### now", it's more of "dude, did you REALLY just try that? Lolololo". So much less stress. A bad game with SWF is less stressful than a game of 4 pro solos.
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