DbD Community Survey

This is a fan made survey I made to gather the communities thought on the game's current state. If there are any issues please tell me.
Also, can y'all see the results screen? I'm worried if it's just on my end.
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Yes, I can! :)
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Ok great, thanks
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I could see the results but some of them weren't what I'd chosen (ie showing 0 in the category for bubba being the weakest despite me picking etc) might be bugged idk
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I can see one vote for Bubba on my end. Probably just lag.
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well, I've given my thoughts on your survey.
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Hide or Die LOOKS cool, but a 16 person game like this is never going to be able to maintain that.
Also not sure if it changed since the beta, but the method of being killer was ######### terrible.
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Okay, I am worried. Everything looks right and I agree with majorities, but do people really think Adrenaline needs a nerf? O.o
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Only people who usually is unable to kill a single survivor before they pop the last gen and see all 4 getting healed by adrenaline xD
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Okay, that's good to know. :/
Glad that most people agree that Nurse addon changes were needed, but we are worried about WHAT will be changed about the basekit.
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I have a HUGE problem with Adrenaline. I play Spirit a lot and I usually get 7 or 8 hooks before the last gen pops. I usually have everyone injured too. Adrenaline comes in and heals everyone to full, plus gives them a MASSIVE speed boost. Take away one of those affects, or lessen it, and I'd be happy.
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Also glad everyone agrees that Legion and Bubba are now the Freddy tiers.
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Poor Bubba and Legion
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But it basically just rewards survivors for surviving the endgame, so I think it is perfect. It can be easily be countered by the almost balanced NOED andother exposing perks or powers.
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You lost me with the hide or die Q.. There is no competition between the two.
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I would lessen the time on the speed boost. Adrenaline is the whole reason I run NOED. Also, if gens were hard to complete, I'd say yeah, seems fair to me, lots of effort lots of reward. But they aren't. It takes a good SWF team 5 minutes to go through gens. They shouldn't get such a huge reward for doing something SO easy.
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@My_Farewell the issue with adrenaline is that it is both an extended speed boost and insta heal, at this point, I play mostly SWF and more often that not am the one who loops the killer. When I'm told that they are about to pop last gen I get to safely say that I can A. loop the killer longer until the gates are open and B. escape from them with the HUGE speed boost that I get. Which is completely unfair to the killer, it should be a case of one or the other, not borh for the single perk slot.
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It is NOT unfair since it's a reward for completing your main objective and a punishment to the killer for failing at completing their main objective.
You know what's funny? I still remember when people used to complain about the old DS saying that rewarded survivors for losing the chase, meaning that rewarded failure.
Apparently now they don't like rewards for being succesful either...
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Except, the objective is so easy to do. That's the problem. If it were harder to get the gates powered, I don't think anyone would have a problem.
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Believe me, it is only easy when the killer is bad. I've seen "low tier" killers performing like a god tier killer.
I'm not saying game is perfectly balanced, but it's much better than some people think.
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So apparently this website can only take 25 responses in without me having to pay $12 a month to use a quiz making site.
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Pay 12 bucks dude!
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Looks like the site was made by EA then.
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"How satisfied are you with the developers treatment and balance of the game?" 0/5.
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That's an oof. I gave them 4/5, they really do care, especially with proof of Freddy rework and listening to us wanting to change Nurse addons (and hopefully not basekit too much. Cooldown is a no no)
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Freddy nerf came few weeks after his release because survivor cried and obtained his complete annihilation. After 1 year and a half, we got a decent killer with other killers' power mix.
The devs don't even know how to play their game, people with legacy that play worse than your average urban evader claudette. Maybe you don't remember how Cote literally insulted a person just for being critic.
The only people I respect are queen and peanits.
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Hold up. When did Freddy get a nerf? The devs said they weren't thinking of changing Freddy at the moment, a good thing.
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Old Freddy.
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Ohhh right.
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Im talking about patch 1.8.1., that was released the 9th of November 2017, in this patch Freddy was heavily nerfed (which is the state we had until a couple weeks ago), only 2 weeks after he was released (26th of October).
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Darn, really thought ppl would agree with clown being the worst killer in the game. Guess we all have our opinions ;)
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Clown is far from being the worst killer, tf are u talking about?
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Jeez dude, calm down.
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He is bad killer, I think both Bubba and legion are worst at the moment. And they need far more work then clown does, with just some number changes could be very good
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Lol i'm calmed, it was just a way to show how surprised i was.
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Ah. Hard to tell through text, sorry!
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No problem 😘😘
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Honestly I have no problem chasing survivors as legion it’s by a is the work killer bc he can be palsy looped to oblivion has no map pressure s
what so ever
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Adrenaline could be addressed a little bit. Maybe so that it only heals you up a health state when your downed? Decreased the speed boost a little bit. And have it only proc while not in chase.
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Don't forget...
-Easy to lose survivors
-Power punishes you for using it
-Slow speed and vault distance
-lasts such a short while
-Power on means survivors can relax and keep on opening exit gates or do gens, no way of downing
-Mending is way too weak
-Exhaustion perks and Spine chills ruins Legion. I survived a Legion match with Spine Chill, Empathy, Botany Knowledge, and We'll Make It, not even a meta build.
-Pallet looped to oblivion
-And millions of other things this "reworked" caused the demise of Legion.
Arguably, Bubba is stronger than Legion.
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But what if you were in a chase injured distracting the killer? This perk is balanced to me, no change needed.
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How’s buba stronger the only thing nina can do better is camping survivors he sucks at chasing them
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He can mindgame loops and when he catch survivors off guard, he can easily take down them. He also shuts downs cocky swf teams. And not all Bubba mains are campers ;-; All Bubba mains that are non-campers to me are nice people.
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Thing is, he is really bad.
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No he is not, you just don't know how to play him probably.
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Only camp as bubba when i get my ass kicked end game. Now if im walking away from hook and someone rescues, then that's their fault when i go back and chainsaw both of them
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haha. okay bud. guess all his bugs and shortcomings don't exist. gottcha
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Bugs are a different topic.
When talking about how viable is something people always assume the way it is intended, bugs aren't included in the equation since they are just that, bugs, and they are expected to be fixed asap.
If it's taking ages for BHVR to get it fixed, that's also a different topic.
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i mean, if its taking ages for BHVR to fix bugs, some present since/since not longer after his release, then surely as they arent being addressed they need to be factored as part of the killer itself.
Theres no point saying "thats not the way the killer was intended to play" when in reality thats HOW they play because of it. Also, bugs aside, i feel he has some aspects which hinder him greatly. slowing down when throwing/reloading bottles, not slowing over pallet vaults etc. etc.
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They don't UNDERSTAND what are they doing. It's more different the situation from the devs, that' the key.