Handicap / Special Tasks for DBD Gameplay

Member Posts: 4,105
Hello guys
I wanna sweet up my gameplay a bit, so i thought about making my own "Spin the Wheel" with all the random Stuff i could do (as a killer or Survivor)
Here i am, asking you for some crazy, funny, interesting or just difficult Missions in DBD.
These are some examples:
- Unbinding W Key (Surv)
- Have to clease all 5 totems before doing anything else (Surv)
- During every chase i need at least jump into a locker one time (Surv)
- Facecamping one survivor (Killer)
- No Perks, no Addons (Killer)
- Special Sneaky Build (Surv)
- Burgerking Myers
etc :)
Thanks for you help and
Kind regards
Random perk wheel
2 -
• Play with no audio (all killers are now stealth killers!)
• Invert your controls (W goes backwards, S goes forward, M2 is repairing, etc)
• Inverted colors (if your monitor has a setting to do so - neon DBD is weird but fun!)
• Do an MLG 360 no-scope before throwing a hatchet (Huntress)
2 -
The Broken Survivor:
The brightest cosmetics possible,
Self Care, No Mither, Pharmacy, Left Behind