New Item: Bell Piece
Item Description: A piece of the wraith's bell that came off during an angry bout of de-cloaking, as a survivor you can use this piece to go temporarily into the spirit realm.
Use: One time use, smash it on the ground and jump into the spirit realm for 3 seconds. becoming slightly invisible.
Looks like a piece of rusted metal.
This is pretty cool. Seems like an extra dead hard though.
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That would be interesting, but very situational. As a kind of last ditch attempt to lose the killer in a chase.
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If it has a sound cue like the fireworks it could work. We need to determine what "slightly invisible" exactly means tho. Yet, lore wise, I don't know if survivors are allowed to use entity's power, since the bell is the an object crafted from entity herself.
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Well it's more of an "itself" but suit yourself...