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is the killer game impossible without ruin?

i was trying to make the pig quest ( lvl 5 pig) no perks really, again another swf team opponent cause i only get those(hopeful they fix matchmaking asap) ,i'm rank 10 i had opponents 2 x rank 4 ,1 rank 6 and 1 rank 11 opponents.Game started after litterally 2 minutes 4 gens were made .i was able to spot 1 survivor and got looper for 1 more minute....door open game over ,0 hooks ,0 chance of make the quest .How is possible the game currently is so easy for survivors...and why spirit and nurse are so extremle better than all other killers?.

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  • Member Posts: 955

    Impossible, no. Difficult, yes.

    Recently however, Ruin has been getting outclassed by other perks. Pop Goes is much more viable now with a duration increase for example, and its buff alone has made Clown a highly recommended Killer to get - but not play - because all three of his perks are actually decent.

  • Member Posts: 943

    It's very stressful without it any mistake on your part could be gg when you start the game and aren't a killer with high mobility. I'd say on certain killers against good survivors on there best maps at red ranks it probably is close to impossible.

  • Member Posts: 998
    edited August 2019

    It is possible to win if survivors are below certain level. There you don't need much.

    If you go against gen rushing team that knows how to loop and the map is full of safe loops you're borked but then again, ruin won't do much against them in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 36

    i understand but again survivors would have to be forced to have some more interactions with the killer for win a only gen rushing in 2 minutes they cant win the game.i tried to put pressure but sometime you are unable to spot a survivor in time they all had the cat perk and urban evasion..i had litterally no perks...i would like 3 things in this game for killers.

    1)fixing survivor premade team and specially exploit allowing em to have a low rank killer opponent by opening the room witha smurf

    2) killer need nerf nurse and spirit just boost a lot all killers unable to perform decently..clown,pig and other

    3)high limitations to swf perks ,they can have max 1 perk per person and killers get double BP for challenging em (challenging high rank opponents with voice communication when you are a low rank kilelr is just impossible)

  • Member Posts: 16,669
    edited August 2019

    I dont think the problem was the SWF. Even if two of them are Rank 4, being at Rank 4 at this time after Rank Reset means that they are not that good, because they struggle with Red Ranks. Of course they are better than green Ranks, but still... When I faced a SWF with Ranks all over the place, I noticed that even the High Ranks are not really that good. When you constantly go vs low Rank Killers, you may pip, but you will not improve. So a Red Rank Survivor who is pairing up with low Rank Survivors to get easier Killers, will most likely not be as good as a Red Rank Survivor who paires up with other Red Ranks or plays solo.

    Problem more was the Pig here - I mean, do you expect to win a game with a Killer you barely play without any useful Perks? And I am not talking about Ruin, but Stuff like Pop Goes The Weasel (way better than Ruin) or Spirit Fury/Enduring, Brutal Strength... And while Pig is not a bad Killer, she is not amazing and can deal playing without useful Perks.

    When it comes to your question - no, Ruin is not needed. It is a little bit more stressful, even tho for me it is less stressful, because I do not have to bother for any Totem to protect. I run PGTW, way better, when you get your Hooks, you do not have to rely on the sometimes ######### Totem Spots and in higher Ranks, 25% Regression hurts more than Ruin, because people can actually hit those Skill Checks.

    So I dont consider a Ruin necessary (except for some Killers like Trapper and Hag maybe), so it is not impossible to play Killer without Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    I play every killer without Ruin and when Ruin goes out within 5 seconds your already playing it without Ruin. You really don't need Ruin at all chaining yourself to an RNG mechanic is far worse for you in the long run because you become dependent on it and can't play or adjust normally without it. Playing without Ruin forces you to rely on your own skill, map knowledge, and ability to play doing so has worked out pretty good for me

    Yes, you will be gen rushed in quite a few matches, but that's simply out of your control like if you go against a 4 man with toolboxes and commit to generators hard. Unless you are using a top tier killer and all the slowdown perks in the world you'll likely not pull off a victory but you can make em hard if you use Franklins and such

    Running Pop Goes The Weasel, Over-Charge, and even corrupt intervention (Especially on Trapper, Ghostface, and maybe even Myers) works out for you in the long run, Ruin is a crutch plain and simple. Do not use it Thanatophobia is more useful then Ruin but most importantly reliable and consistent, and consistency is the name of the game here. It's why situational perks such as Beast Of Prey are frowned upon

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2019

    Sadly on high ranks you need Ruin and pop and even then you can get gen rushed because ruin if they see you totem then this perk was for nothing and pop if you aren't a Mobility killer they can do the gens before you could reached the generator.

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    I am also playing without ruin but using pgtw plus sloppy butcher and thanatophobia to slow down the game, this is with legion.

    Despite this setup, even in matches where I keep the whole team injured for the majority of the match, I still struggle to win,unless i tunnel.

    Most matches are 25/28k with 1/2 kills and most f the time 7/8 hooks

    This is green/purple ranks on ps4

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    Well if the doors are opend and you don't have a hook yet. And if you get a hook you could camp them so at least you have a 1k might even get a 2nd hook:) But plz only do this if you don't have a hook yet:( cause either way you will still get salt from them:)

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Depending on the killer you play and especially survivors skill level. But if you play against good survivors, even Ruin doesn't do much.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    I get what you're saying, but I REALLY doubt it was a 3 minute game. Youd have to be blind for it to go that fast....

    Very quickly yeah, I've seen it in under 5. But 3 minutes flat? Ehhhh.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Going for Thana and Butcher isn't necessary. If survivors are group healing each other that's only going to cut off a few seconds and generally if they are using self care you actually want them to be healing continually as that's 30 seconds they could be doing gens

    If you apply too much of a debuff, competent survivors are just going to do gens and wait for someone to heal them. In regards to pressure Your goal should be to have one person hooked as much as you can, if you simply keep them all injured that's not enough to keep them from doing generators, competent and average survivors are comfortable being injured and will just keep committing to gen repair. Now it's good to have everyone injured and I try to myself but devoting two perks just to that is a bad idea

    Run Save The Best For Last

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes the last perk was stfl, and I don't think my survivors were that smart to consistently do group healing. I think the issue is that when you double hook everyone with a bad killer like legion you waste a lot of precious time

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited August 2019

    Not impossible

    But helps some killers more, example Trapper, Clown, Leatherface, and quite a few others, that don't have the greatest map/generator pressure.

    Unlike Nurse, Billy, and Spirit, who can all do well off without ruin because mobility.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    The one thing you should do is never underestimate the opponent, now I don't play very much of Legion due to the fact I hate his design and find his power boring

    But if your playing Legion then Thana is enough as Legion's power is designed to keep everyone injured

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    I suggest you to try the new Legion, I think it's really underwhelming

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    It's not impossible, but competent survivors are the power role in this game unless it's a Nurse. Your only means of slowing the game as a killer against good survivors is to hook survivors as quickly as possible. Everything else is fake pressure.

  • Member Posts: 178

    I played leatherface and huntress to P3 and never got past rank 11.

    Bought hag and used ruin .... instantly went to rank 6, almost 5 now....

    It matters.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Absolutely not, I know how he is I've played a few games with him both before and after his rework and seen streamers play him

    The character has never interested me after the novetly of being able to vault over pallets wore off, similar situation with Ghostface come to think of it

    I'll stick with the others plus they have way cooler designs then some dummies with a hunting knife

  • Member Posts: 968

    Ruin isn't required to win but the majority of killers that don't need it are the ones that are stronger cause they can apply pressure such as Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirit, Hag, Freddy, and possibly Pig due to her traps don't require it.

    Otherwise ruin is a safe bet onthe rest of them.

  • Member Posts: 1

    That's the problem if your going up against rank 1 people their all gen rushers and know what to do ruin is definitely not essential just are you using the correct killer of your choosing or how much have you played killer ...i don't run ruin I know it's annoying and every match as a survivor they have it I don't know to be that average killer that has ruin

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited December 2019

    Well to start you are green rank and are against 2 reds and a purple so the odds are sort of skewed in their favour already. If survivors don't see ruin they will hammer out gens like nothing unless you can get early game pressure going (for Pig you need to get people trapped and create pressure like that).

    Another tip is to go to the opposite side of the map as soon as you start the match because survivors will always be there.

    And, Spirit and nurse are better than every other killer because their powers are better than every other killer. Spirit with her mInDgAmEs and nurse being the noclip queen.

  • Member Posts: 924

    Absolutely not. Check Otz videos, most killers actually benefit from not using Ruin

  • Member Posts: 693

    Mostly depends on the mobility of a killer. If you can quickly find a survivor, then down him, things will likely be OK. If you give them 40 seconds on a gen, then another minute in the chase, you might as well quit, because you're going to lose.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Not impossible, but fundamentally harder. You don't have the initial slowdown that Ruin (or Corrupt Intervention) has. That's why most run it. If they don't, they usually have a plan in mind in order to force survivors to slow down (Dying Light/Devour Hope).

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