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General Discussions

So by the facebook feed back the new PTB is a total failure!

Member Posts: 160

the last post did by the Dead By Daylight on Facebook everyone thinks the nerfs are too much and are saying the game is being killed I agree!

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  • Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @strain said:
    the last post did by the Dead By Daylight on Facebook everyone thinks the nerfs are too much and are saying the game is being killed I agree!

    Facebook is not the only place to gather feedback, infact you would be missing out on these forums, the dead by daylight discord, reddit and any other platform DbD uses. Generally the people complaining are survivors that are too used to having their wins fed to them by spoon and then the general idea with the general exhaustion nerf is 50/50 depending on the person and how they look at it.

    If you paid any attention however, you would realize there were more buffs handed out than nerfs for both sides as an effort to make more things in the game viable. The game is not being killed and infact people were the same way about the emblems, but infact on July 2nd of this year (14 days ago) DbD achieved a new peak of 46,000 players on PC alone according to the steam charts.

    If you actually took a look at the changelog you would see that they nerfed "machine gun hatchets" by making it so the wind-up time add-ons are not as good. If you look at the survivors they had the exhaustion nerf, literally everything else in the changelog is either an adjustment or a buff on both sides. Read up on it, infact here is the link if you missed it!
    I personally welcome a number of these changes as it will bring one of the big things I'm looking for : variety

    But they are nerfing sprant bust GaM is DED

    The same way it supposibly died when they got ride of infinite, or when they annonced bloodlust or when freddy got released or when the world was supposed to end in 2012 etc...

    Like from memory I'm pretty sure that literally every two patches their are people crawling out of the woodwork to prophesize the game death.
    Both survivor and killer

    But let face it, until a viable alternative get released, DbD won't die, even the op that is ranting and raving about the game while keep playing if the PTB change get released or at worst he will take a month break and comeback hoping people forget that he said he was leaving the game.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    The negative feedback is from whichever sides main and fav perks got nerfed and or othe sides got buffed same as always.

  • Member Posts: 175

    They announce anything on any social platform and most responses are purely negative, I'll take it with a grain of salt. I'll try out the changes that are implemented and see how it works, no point in freaking out about it now.

  • Member Posts: 697

    @Kevvie said:
    They announce anything on any social platform and most responses are purely negative, I'll take it with a grain of salt. I'll try out the changes that are implemented and see how it works, no point in freaking out about it now.

    dont worry OP is a known Troll

  • Member Posts: 539
    May I recommend other games to you:

     identity V
     soul at stake
     hide or die
     last year
    white noise 2
  • Member Posts: 13,671
    The only people complaining about the PTB being bad are the rank 20 survivors that have never played killer at any meaningful level so they have no idea what’s balanced. This game has been extremely survivor sided for over 2 years and still will be even after these changes go through. 
  • Member Posts: 175

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Kevvie said:
    They announce anything on any social platform and most responses are purely negative, I'll take it with a grain of salt. I'll try out the changes that are implemented and see how it works, no point in freaking out about it now.

    dont worry OP is a known Troll

    I've had the pleasure of being in OP's threads before, I'll still try to be objective to the topic, until proven the conversation is a complete waste of time :)

  • Member Posts: 10,200
    strain said:

    the last post did by the Dead By Daylight on Facebook everyone thinks the nerfs are too much and are saying the game is being killed I agree!

    So what? Survivors ß don't like big nerds,  what a surprise :wink:
  • Member Posts: 2,428
    May I recommend other games to you:

     identity V
     soul at stake
     hide or die
     last year
    white noise 2
    Dont forget Saturday the 14th.
  • Member Posts: 2,015

    These changes certainly won't kill the game but you're free to believe whatever you want.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    @Mr_Jay_Stark said:
    May I recommend other games to you:

     identity V
     soul at stake
     hide or die
     last year
    white noise 2

    You forgot civilization! XD

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @strain said:
    @vampire_toothy no one really cares for this official forum as it's full of trolling kids FACT! ;)

    Then why do you keep posting whiny troll threads on here?

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @strain said:
    @powerbats because I can... now you gonna keep wasting peoples time or contribute???? or you just got way to much time in your hands and need attention no matter the cost?

    So because you can make whiny posts doe shtat mean you should also go rob a bank just because you can? Also how is making whiny troll threads actually not waste peoples time or contribute to making things better? The only one with way to much time on their hands here is you since you have enough time to do nothing but complain.

    As far as attention goes I could care less and I definitely don't need your attention since there's enough whiny crybabies on here. Now I can't believe I'm going to use this but as

    @Lowbei says.


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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @strain said:
    @powerbats now that you have posted yet another post not on the subject you can return to your kiddie table ok …. stop wasting my time child! ;)

    Says the person who does nothing but insult those that disagree with him or try and give advice.

    As far as the subject of the post goes the patch and the ptb have been fine. The small amount of negative feedback posts from certain posters that can only whine about anything negative that affects them. Most posts from actual testers have been positive.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited July 2018
    strain said:

    @powerbats now that you have posted yet another post not on the subject you can return to your kiddie table ok …. stop wasting my time child! ;)

    Again, arent you that guy who Not Queen said had a tiny penis for whining at her on stream? You are not a part of our community.

    you can go now
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  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @strain said:
    the last post did by the Dead By Daylight on Facebook everyone thinks the nerfs are too much and are saying the game is being killed I agree!

    "Everyone", aka spoiled survivors that have been spoonfed since day 1, and always rewarded for complaining (lol Freddy Nerf.)

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited July 2018
    strain said:


    somebody went full caps rage. “no reaction” lol

    i speak on behalf of our community when i say “you are unwelcome here. The disrespectful words you threw at Not Queen were not acceptable. you can go now.”

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @strain said:

    Wait this is a killer based community since there's more survivors than killers playing at any one time. You've obviously taken way to much of the alternative facts koolaid.

  • Member Posts: 2,771
    powerbats said:

    @strain said:

    Wait this is a killer based community since there's more survivors than killers playing at any one time. You've obviously taken way to much of the alternative facts koolaid.

    If i was you i'd just laugh him off. When @Lowbei can unironically call someone disrespectful, you know that someone has issues.
  • Member Posts: 4,104
    strain said:


    You're in the "Killer Subforum" of course you will see lots of killers here. 
  • Member Posts: 1,259

    nice to see this fuckwit on here again. You complain about people repeating themselves but you have multiple posts whining about the same thing and using the same childish insults on people trying to give you advice. Sad how some people have reached new levels of pathetic that most didn't know where possible

  • Member Posts: 41

    -The only thing i have to complain is about the rage quitters and the tinkerer bug,in rest ,for now i thing they did a PRETTY GOOD it was asymmetrical game, mb, it dosent allow me to edit that comment

  • Member Posts: 381

    @strain said:
    @vampire_toothy no one really cares for this official forum as it's full of trolling kids FACT! ;)

    It took you 9 days, 7 out of those 9 days of which your post was dead just to say this. Nice, really goes to show how you have no argument against anybody who provide sources, statistics and a perspective you can't handle. Also, when you mean "trolling kids", I assume you mean yourself as at this post at this point is now just bait and your response proves that.

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