The Ranking System is Broken

lynelmane Member Posts: 549
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Assuming that most of these arent SWF, the ranking system is definitely broken.

Playing killer, it's frustrating to see survivors who are much higher rank than me playing against me. I don't know how these people get matched to me but I really think it should be fixed.

This was one of my games (I was killer, aka the rank 14). That rank 20 shouldn't be playing with me, but i'm more concerned about the 6. How did they get there? It's terrible.


  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549
    edited August 2019

    *I can add more photos later on if I get more

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    Yea I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about this on social media as well. I haven’t experienced myself but I haven’t played today. Could somehow be from the update this morning

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    Even when I was rank 20, I was getting rank 10 or higher survivors

  • LawrenceGordon
    LawrenceGordon Member Posts: 77

    SWFs playing with their low ranked (usually smurf) friends. One of the main reasons I hate playing killer. I have never pipped as a killer because of these #########.

  • michaelkhj
    michaelkhj Member Posts: 77

    for me, in SWF, the rank of the killer should be the same or greater to the highest rank in the SWF group

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2019

    Dude i've seen rank 14/16 killers wipe out entire teams of rank 9 to 6 survivors. No offence but probably you're not doing your job correctly. You just need to refine your hunter instinct and you'll see they fall like flyes regardless their rank. I'm rank 8 survivor and i still fall miserably with rank 18 killers as well, and i play a lot of SWF, but we get rekt anyway if the killer is really good. It's not everything about rank, but also about hunting instinct and intuition. There are killers you can't escape because, somehow, they already know where and when you're going somewhere. They're simply good at it.

  • xnes_galax
    xnes_galax Member Posts: 149

    This happen also in the other way. Rank 1 killer, almost always face purple/green ranks survivor. The problem is that most people like to derank since there arent rewards for getting at higher ranks, only longer queue and stronger opponents ( for me is the only reason i stay up here, but a lot of people seem to prefer easy wins at lower ranks)

    Derank is a huge problem. If you go down to rank 10 or more, is fine. Problems comes when you derank all the way to rank 15. This is an offense to other players in my opinion. People who do this negate the fun and the chance to learn how to play for newer players. i have a smurf with some friends that we made to teach the game to another friend and have some fun, but all we get are ebony mori, p3 billy with endfury ruin and bbq, great spirits and other deranked killers with 4 techable level 3 perks. This is also true for survivors.

    Btw, for deranked i mean rank 15 (since you can't go lower than it) with good perks and addons that clearly know what thay are doing.

    That being said, the problem is not that bad. I mean, in the past this was even worse. Rank 20 against rank 1 without swf. When i first started to play, there was a super abused exploit to match as a rank 20 no matter your rank. I started playing against 4 man swf rank 1. Is hard, and most of the time is unfun, but this will make you play better. This will help you in the long run. I decided to become a good killer to teach them a lesson, and thats what i have done.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    This is actually kind of offensive considering it's not like i've been playing for a long time. I've literally owned the game for no more than 2 weeks and i'm not the best. Somehow I rank up faster than I get better so I get matched with people who are much better than me. It should be harder to rank up IMO, but that's another discussion.

    The ranking system should match players with killers based on the swf's highest ranked player of that group, not the lowest. It's not exactly about skill compared to rank, it's about similarity in rank.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2019

    I couldn't know you are playing it only from about 2 weeks, you haven't specified it in your post, and considering that ranks reset at the end of every season, to me you could have easily been a more experienced player. This type of games need the SWF option. It's the main reason that people buy the game, but you cannot force friends to be at the same rank to play together, otherwise SWF would lose meaning. You'll be a better killer with more time and practice and high rank players than yours will be fine. Consider that most of high rank players has from 600 to 4000 hours of experience, and this is a kind of game that need a lot of experience.

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    Honestly swf is ruining the killer experience when your ranked with 3 reds and a green as a rank 10 killer.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I agree with you that the matchmaking system is not good and needs improvement (although if I had to guess I'd say that was probably a SWF team hosted by the rank 14).

    However, and I hope this doesn't come across harsh, but @aurum_exe was honestly doing you a favour by pointing that stuff out, and it would be in your best interests to accept the advice without getting offended by the implication that you're not good at the game. Of course you're not good, you've only been playing two weeks. And that's okay. But their advice is good - ranks don't matter that much. Work on improving your skills as a killer and being matched against high-ranked survivors won't end up bothering you as much. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

    Yes, the system sucks. But as long as it sucks, we have to learn to work around it. And honestly, even if it's hard at first, you'll get better much faster by playing against people that are better than you.

  • Dacre
    Dacre Member Posts: 1

    I am rank 14 and am consistently going against red rank and purple it is so broken and I just get destroyed by flashlight spamming Nea's who teabag and are SWF.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I honesty think at this point the Dead by Daylight needs to just remove Ranks and replace it with something else completely because the ranking system is complete trash. Especially after the last update where everyone's ranks became a game of Russian Roulette. I have found it to now be extremely harder to Rank up now than before because I remember being told on the Leaderboard if you make 13k -15k you Safety Pip if you hit 16k-19k you Pip and if you make 20k-30k you Double Pip now in games where I make 16k-20k I Safety instead of Pipping up sometimes I do get a pip but just seems to be at random when they want to give it to me but for the most part, I never do I still have fun with the game but every time I do an SWF and they get hype about Pipping I end up getting a bit upset not at my SWF Team but just at the game because of how broken it is. If I am just wrong about something or if they changed something and I just didn't notice is the patch notes that they changed something please let me know.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2021

    Aah I remember those days not that long ago couple of months, be happy it is in your benefit and averages out when you hit green ranks that is when the real fun starts... the system will flip and you are wondering why you are dealing with red and purple ranks only.

    Just focus on your gameplay, eventually you will hit rank 1.

  • Deadlyrose1617
    Deadlyrose1617 Member Posts: 2

    It’s most definitely broken, especially right now. Im a low rank survivor and 3 Times in a row my match was against 3 red rank killers! It’s ABSURD. High disadvantage, stupid really.