What do we think about camping killers?

I mean we all here about how survivors dc and such... but what about killers? I've been playing for awhile now and three out of four games I've either been camped or the killer simply dcs becuase their hex totem aka hex ruin gets taken down. So what about camping killers or killers who dc? I see survivors get alot of crap for dcing but how come no one ever stops and think " oh maybe they are being camped or tunneled and camped". I mean it is only fair to call out killers as well because when they do this it doesnt make the game fun for anyone to play. So i wanna talk about it and hear what other people have to say. Even if you do camp. I want to have a good discussion. All i ask is dont be mean and just talk and debate respectfully. Thank you.


  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Upstanding pillars of the community that make a point of thanking the bus driver.

    Survivors never thank the bus driver. That's why they get camped.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    He can be saved unless it's Bubba. Only Bubba can hit more than one person with one swing.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Good. That's what they are supposed to do. People must be allowed to camp. Survivors can get 6 gens done in the time a Killer camps one Survivor. That's an EASY de pip for the Killer.

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    I play as survivor only. I hate dcing. On both ends but i can't count how many times I've been camped by killers just because or say for exmaple I'll play against the hag and she will mark up the ground and just stand there and watch me until i die. Then what's the point of trapping the hook if you're just gonna stand there? Its things like that. I understand the devs try there best to work around it but camping has gotten so bad to the point that i lose a whole team to it. Again thank you to the ones who are willing to talk about it.

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    Again thank you to everyone who was and willing to talk to me. I love hearing your opinions. Thanks for willing to talk and share. Also i appreciate all of you who didn't get mad or pick a fight. I would love to hear more from what others think! 👍

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is. It punishes Killers who aren't smart enough to not face camp. It punishes overly altruistic survivors.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    It's part of the game. Mechanics allow it. Game designers left room for it, so it's possible. They thought some kind of gameplay should revolve around hooks, or else survivors would respawn or die instantly.

    All this, only to say it's game. Whether people like it or not. Like looping. Like NOED. Like swf. Like moris. And so and so.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540
  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Camping killers really have no heart. They only care for having fun for themselves and not others. There is no way to get a safe pip being camped, and face it, even with gen rushing, the hooked survivor will get the consequences thanks to the camper.

  • Daniel101773
    Daniel101773 Member Posts: 277

    Non-issue. BT, DS, Body blocking, go ‘gen rush’ to punish the camp, etc. plenty of solutions. If the killer is willing to throw away the match and give your team a free win to stare at one dude for 120 seconds, take the win instead of suiciding into him. Also keep in mind that while it’s true camping sucks for the victim & there ARE people who do it just to be d!cks, the killer might of gone against a super sweaty SWF team last match and is using this to get their frustration out, idk just a thought, I always try to think of it from both ends.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    @Wednesday666 I feel like you're the same person I camped ealier and got rage mail from, but alas prolly not. I dont see an issue with camping, the only reason it's so effective is because of altruistic survivors that feed the killer as opposed to getting the objective done. At most a camping killer should only get two kills, however entitles survivors often go for the save then complain that they all didn't escape because you were camping one person (you being me in this case I guess) It's not hard either to spot somebody camping either, even in basement an attentive surv can easily spot a killer, from that point it is on the survivor as to wether or not they die. You cant blame the killer for getting several kills with an inefective strategy. Honestly I'm on the verge of starting a lil' YT series in which I post the games in which I camp, followed by the rage mail I get from them. Infact that raises another point, many killers who camp dont do it to win, they do it to get reactions out of salty survs who are mad the killer didnt follow their made up rule book of what makes you have fun. Remember, the killers are other people to you, who have an opposing objective, hence why should you be allowed to have fun, when often times your fun is in conflict with the killers fun, you may enjoy looping, however the killer may not. In most cases you can boil camping down to abusing altruistic survivors, or securing a kill of a failing round; people looking for reactions; or an issue incured by double standards.

    appolagies if this post isnt the most coherent, I type as I go, and dont really plan my post, but rather express my views as they are in my head.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Disconnecting should always be treated the same regardless of role or reason. Camping is also part of the game and the only way you address it is introducing a new mechanic and not penalizing any side for playing the game with how BHVR left it. I'm not even going to consider the emblem penalty BHVR added a fix because it's such an awful fix it only punishes legitimate players in niche situations.

    For example here are some ways BHVR could address camping

    • Create a 3 life system where 1 hook is a death
    • Create a new objective that can be used to break a hook the survivors are on
    • Give killer crows when they've been in one spot for too long similar to when survivors AFK and let survivors see the crows

    Also not saying any of these are good the point I'm making is if BHVR wanted to address camping they probably would have done so by now. Instead they constantly introduce perks that revolve around focusing survivors who unhook.

    tl;dr - Disconnecting is bad / Camping is part of the game

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I'll camp. I don't give a damn. Most if the time it's not even personal but survivors like to think it is and I have no inclination to change their opinion of me. Their job is to make mine harder and vice versa. We're NOT on the same team. If I get gen rushed, I'll camp. The likelihood is directly proportional to the rush and survivor altruism which borders on disrespect at times. I've turned 1K or 2K into 4Ks that way and there's no reason to not pull the tactic out if it's highly effective. I usually don't do it with high mobility killers unless someone is actively toxic. Then you've had enough "fun" at my expense. The pip system for killers is broken anyway which is why I don't care much for it as you don't get any rewards ranking up anyway but more BS.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Yes indeed.

    And until there's any kind of penalty, loads of people will keep doing it.

  • Scorp721
    Scorp721 Member Posts: 47

    When the killer camps no one gets to play the game. Even if I'm not the one being camped I'm forced to sit on a gen for what 80 seconds w/o a toolbox then go sit on another gen and another then just leave. Where is the fun in that for anyone. No one gets to make saves and no one gets chased you only get a 3rd of the gameplay when someone camps.

    For me the fun in this game is in being chased and trying to evade the killer not sit in one spot holding m1 then go sit in another spot and hold m1. And it doesn't matter what kind of punishment bhvr can come up with for camping because most cases the people that do it are doing it to grief or because they had a bad game and they're gonna take it out on some random person who had nothing to do with it. They don't care about bps, emblems, or rank and if anything the current "punishment" just helps them stay in the low ranks where people are easier to catch.

    The only time I would consider camping being ok is if the gates are powered but when you have perks/offerings/addons that encourage camping what can you do.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    As a killer main who's been playing since 2017, I find camping hooks to be a noob move, and if they're not a noob, then it's a troll move. Many will say it's a "strategy" in order to justify it, but I don't buy that at all. How any killer player sees benefit of hook camping is beyond me. You're wasting your time that you could be spending getting more points by hooking other survivors, damaging gens, breaking pallets, chasing survivors, getting hits, etc. Meanwhile, while you're camping a hook, everyone's repairing gens with little issue due to the lack of your presence. Just my thoughts, and again, this is coming from a long time killer main, NOT a survivor.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Fair in the sense that it's a mechanic, ridiculous and boring people to play against when a chance isn't given to survive any longer than your first hook, very damaging.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • LawrenceGordon
    LawrenceGordon Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2019

    IMO camping is only fine if it's done against SWF smurfs.

    And besides, camping is the only way to survive the hell that is rank 20.

    Post edited by LawrenceGordon on
  • FixThisGamePLS
    FixThisGamePLS Member Posts: 59

    As a survivor main, camping sucks dude. If you’re not the one being camped then it’s just finish gens and get out and it’s no fun. If you are the one being camped then it’s frustrating because you’re guaranteed dead on your first hook and you don’t get to participate in normal game play at all. I don’t see how you can say it’s a strategy either with the penalties for staying close to the hook and the blood points you don’t get because you only hook one survivor the entire game.

    DCing is bad on both parts. The amount of times someone has disconnected the first time they’re downed is ridiculous. Same for killers DC-ing when survivors get close to escaping or when their totem gets destroyed.

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    Killers kill. If you get camped it's two minutes and you play again.

  • Nescau_Fernando
    Nescau_Fernando Member Posts: 44

    Camping is not against the rules and more often than not benefits the Survivor side by giving the other players either a free escape or tremendous gen progress. From a balance perspective, I would say there's a good relation between risk and reward.

    That said, the hooked Survivor should totally get bloodpoints when camped, as reward for keeping the Killer occupied.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2019

    Personally, it's boring. Devs need to actually do something that prevents it for those players that desparetly want it gone.

    Waiting 7 minutes to get in a match only to have maybe 3 of it wasted cause some guy was either meming or being mad over previous matches is a waste of my time.

    I'm supposed to play a game right? Not spectate in one.

  • HiDeTHeB0dies
    HiDeTHeB0dies Member Posts: 18

    Camping is lazy and poor game play. Period. Extremely boring for all survivors in match and low bp. Boooooo

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    Killers that camp are just bad or do it to piss people off I get it if it's endgame and you wanna secure a kill but why sit there be unproductive. It's not fun starring at a killer thats litterally looking into your soul. Even if the devs can do something about it what can they do block of the hook from the killer if the killer has been in the radius for too long there is nothing they can do to stop camping. Except coming out with perks to perks to counter it

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Camping is fine. Killers are not your teammates, they're your opponents. You can complain about your opponents not making the game fun for you until you go blue in the face, but at the end of the day, your loss is their win. That's how PvP games work.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Sadly camping will be legit until every survivor punishes the camper to the point where camping is no longer a valid "tactic". I feel like there should be an intro in the tutorial where the killer is camping a hooked person and you're told to just do gens.

  • michaelkhj
    michaelkhj Member Posts: 77

    for me, camping is okay, I understand when the killer has to camp, e.g. when all doors are open, or when 1~2 gen is left, or when the survivor teabagged, when killer is playing against SWF, when that survivor is overpowering the killer or when you see or hear someone running near the hook,

    I think no one is that fool to say "okay I saw you behind the hook but save your teammate I will go away and count to 100 in the corner then come back so you both can heal and hide again" and of course there are more reasons that I did not mention.

    but I disagree when the killer just camps just to make the survivor depip, a few months ago, a killer said in the lobby "at least 1 depiped with me" hahaha, first I felt not good, I was the camped one and no survivor came to rescue me, after that in another match a killer camped me just because I was not from his country, plus I had experiences about not being saved because I am not from the other survivors country. (I play solo)

    but know what? just camp, do it, make all depip, make everyone salty, if everyone camps why do you not? even Asian Streammers highly request to camp to win as killer in rank 1, do it! it is the best strategy!

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    Im sorry but i don't think you have the right person. Usually im pretty cool about things like this. I just wanted to hear what others think that's all. Also do you play on ps4?

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    Also i guess from a survivor point i get alot of hate msges too. I can't count how many times that a survivor is camped and i hide to see if the killer leaves only for them to die then in comes the go ######### ######### bs. One thing i truly agree with is there are some extremely toxic survivors. I actually still have the msg on my ps4.

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    I actually did see this so thank you. Again just a discussion. For me i am against camping but others aren't and thats okay! I again just like talking about these kind of things. Hopefully this doesn't come across as rude.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    "What do we think about camping killers?"

    Man, you've stumped me. You've picked one of the least-controversial and rarely discussed issues in the game here, to be honest. There's not a single thread about this anywhere, that I can find.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    I will respond with a question: what do we think about survivors who make camping work?

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    Honestly that'sa really good question! Hmm. Can you give me an example?

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2019

    @Wednesday666 Every single instance of not doing a gen. It takes 4 minutes to close the game. It takes 2 minutes to die on a hook, including first chase and still not fixed maps its guaranteed escape for 3 other survivors.

    Trying to kobe, killing yourself on a hook - helping killer.

    Waiting for killer to leave even tho he is clearly not leaving - helping him

    Tbagging and pointing at camping killer - oh I have one person that soon dies on hook and you guys show yourself and let me know that you're not doing anything... I am totally leaving now...

    Edit: This game is about time menagement, when will you learn this?

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    So i think you would be talking about toxic survivors right? Correct me if i am wrong. I can't stand that to be honest. I don't like when survivors tease the crap out of the killer. No need to piss them off ya know? Sadly those are usually the ones who escape too.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2019

    @Wednesday666 well by your definition 80% of survivors are toxic... Its just lack of common sense on their part i guess.

    Funny thing, the ones that try to be toxic are most helpful to camping killers because they show themselves. If killer sees them doing nothing he takes considerebly smaller risk camping. I actually made a list of things that stupid survivors do if you are interested: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/68499/what-not-to-do-as-survivor-from-killers-pov

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    Yes they are! Even to other survivors. It really sucks. I can't count how many msgs i got of some other survivor telling me to go commit non-alive and actually yeah! I would love to take a look! Also toxic survivors love to rat out other survivors. Now that's one that really grinds my gears lol.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @Wednesday666 its actually the main reason i play less and less. Its not killers that kill survivors, its other survivors in way too many cases and its just sad.

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    @HazeHound I agree. I don't play as much because of toxic survivors. There has been times when i delt with toxic survivors to the point that i just let the killer kill me. I may not agree with camping but at the same time reading your post gave me a good insight as to why some do! I understand now that its apart of the game. To be honest because of my experiences with a certain toxic survivor that's actually why i made this whole post thing. So it got me thinking and wondering how other people felt. Even the ones who do camp. When i usually deal with camping killers i just move on to the next game and try again.

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    @Skarkio thank you! And to be honest i was a little worried that it did come off as rude. I try to be. I try to have an open mind and pick others brains to see what they think. I believe in healthy debates and discussions. I believe that everyone can have an opinion and its their right. So yes i may not agree but i still try to be understanding because i genuinely wanna understand.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    "facecamping with LF is fine, but please devs nerf survivors tbagging and FL clicking"

    U can see some double standards of some people on daily bases on this forum

  • Wednesday666
    Wednesday666 Member Posts: 15

    No double standards here. I agree that being toxic isnt fun for the killer and the comes from someone who only plays survivor well mainly because i suck at being killer.

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    Honestly it's fine in my opinion. I've been camped and I have camped and my mind hasn't changed at all since playing the game.